I was there, had a perfect view from several rows above the scorer's table for the main incident in question.
Just before the half, MC had about an 18-point lead, and Monterey Trail had the ball. MC's coach went up to a ref (I assume the head ref) and instructed him that they were going to use at least some of the "take fouls" they had at their disposal.
Everything seemed fine up to this point, but as soon as an MC player put two hands on the ball handler (not even close to a hard foul), the ref (a different one, btw) called an intentional foul tech.
As one might guess, MC's coach was livid.
MT takes its free throws, gets ball again, again MC player makes a two-hand foul, once again, nowhere near a "hard foul".
MC's coach was FUMING. I mean, REALLY fuming... I could see a coach pulling his team if it had been one of those June scrimmages, he was THAT pissed.
MT took more FT's, tried to get off a shot at the buzzer, but missed. I think this whole mess gave MT 3 or 4 "free points".
Interestingly, as I came back from the bathroom, I passed by Brice, who knows me (No way I would have talked to him if we didn't know each other). I said something like, "What were those refs thinking?", Brice agreed with that...
But I did comment (with a smile), "But then, why the take fouls with a 20-point lead?" Brice smiled and said, "Well, you have a point..."
The game is on NFHS, a GREAT feed... I'm gonna look again.
There were announcers, I wonder what they thought...