Modesto Christian Holiday Hoops


Hall of Famer
Nov 25, 2012
Just found this on MC's Twitter:

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Honeycutt graduated 2009, when I was living in Oregon.

However, I was at the 2012 tourney when some kid on Sylmar lost his cool and (allegedly) flashed gang signs at a ref after fouling out late in a highly-heated game. That was my first season back in California.

I say (allegedly) cuz I wouldn't know a gang sign if I saw one... And the incident where the kid got tossed was on the other end of the court from where I was.
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Honeycutt graduated 2009, when I was living in Oregon.

However, I was at the 2012 tourney when some kid on Sylmar lost his cool and (allegedly) flashed gang signs at a ref after fouling out late in a highly-heated game. That was my first season back in California.

I say (allegedly) cuz I wouldn't know a gang sign if I saw one... And the incident where the kid got tossed was on the other end of the court from where I was.
you know more than you think you do CUZ
Honeycutt graduated 2009, when I was living in Oregon.

However, I was at the 2012 tourney when some kid on Sylmar lost his cool and (allegedly) flashed gang signs at a ref after fouling out late in a highly-heated game. That was my first season back in California.

I say (allegedly) cuz I wouldn't know a gang sign if I saw one... And the incident where the kid got tossed was on the other end of the court from where I was.

It happened right in front of us. The kid then came out of locker room in civilian clothes and went after ref in the corner of gym. Coach didn’t do shit to diffuse situation. A few of us went over to help prevent a worse situation...