Norcal Open State Teams Representatives


Sports Fanatic
Jan 7, 2014
Why it that only one D1 team has represented Girl Baskeball Norcal Open State Playoffs. This tell me that D1 is not the strongest divisions in Northern Ca and that is was easy to get to the Championship for SMS. SMS has been in the open playoffs since it started but hasn't won Norcal yet but this might be there year. There has been a D3 team BOD who won the first ever Open State Champion 2013 and D4 team Salesian lost last year to LBP Socal team. What is that tell me that SMS had an easy way to State every year in D1 because it is one of the weaker Divisions in Northern Ca.

D1 teams that represented in the Open Norcal 2013 and 2014

2013 SMS(SJS) 2014 SMS(SJS)

D2 teams that represented in the Open Norcal 2013 and 2014

2013 Carondelet(NCS), Sac High(SJS), Mitty(CCS)
2014 Carondelet(NCS)

D3 teams that represented in the Open Norcal 2013 and 2014

2013 BOD(NCS), MM(NCS)

D4 teams that represented in the Open Norcal 2013 and 2014

2013 SMB(NCS)
2014 SMB(NCS), Salesian(NCS), SHC(CCS)

D5 teams that represented in the Open Norcal 2013 and 2014

2013 Brookside(SJS)

How will it be the year in to Represent in the Norcal Open
What is that tell me that SMS had an easy way to State every year in D1 because it is one of the weaker Divisions in Northern Ca.

SI was d2 in 2014.
SHC was d3 in 2014
Brookside did not represent open in 2014. They played in d5 and could not even make it to the finals. Pinewood cut through that press like warm butter with no adjustments being made. That is what I read as I was not there because it was at a high school in Napa somewhere.

I don't get the comment above. What do you mean by "easy way" to state? SMS always has an "easy way" to state because they are very good and, in most cases far superior to their competition until the open division where they get competition.

D1 is comprised of mainly public schools, which tend not to be open caliber. I think only Miramonte has represented the public sector in the open division. Piedmont is eligible and could surprise some people in d4.

Consider who started the post. In the words of Mo Green:

Well it looks like English but I'm not sure....
OH I see that I hit a nerve with someone feelings but just telling like it was and is, Their was no Mater Dei in D1 but they was always rank high in the nation. How far do u want me to go back and tell about the State championship Teams?????????????????????

Like they Say don't Hate the truth Just Live with it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This post was edited on 2/25 10:22 PM by ballersdreams
Like they said study English not the game of basketball that you don't know nothing about????????????????
This post was edited on 2/25 10:25 PM by ballersdreams


YOU ARE A PIECE OF WORK :)))))))))))))))))) ?!
Don't hate? Nice try hater!

The truth? That SMS has a weak path to state? SMS would win SJS in any division year in and year out. They might put 150 on McClatchey. Will you show up for that one Hater?

Like they said study English not the game of basketball that you don't know nothing about????????????????
This post was edited on 2/25 10:25 PM by ballersdreams

This post was edited on 2/25 10:38 PM by norcalprepfan
When the last time SMS been rank high the a SOCALteam at the year after state championship? ??? Call you tell Mr. English majorand give the year, ????

I dont just dont understand why you are so angry when I said SMS had an easier way to the state championship before the open??????? But you wanted to get into so i will dig deep for you!!!!!!
This post was edited on 2/26 6:29 AM by ballersdreams
I do not know what aSocak means so my apologies in advance on that one mr ballersdreamer guy. Dig deep all you want. The last crap regarding the open teams you posted was filled with inaccurate information.You clearly went to max preps and looked up the divisions but those are not correct. If you rely on others research or information you ought to, at a minimum double check said information. Don't be a complete moron in every post. You are a hater, it is very clear where your agenda lies in the matters of girls basketball.

Before you try to rip me, I am a former Piedmont parent, current Piedmont fan and loyal Piedmont booster with no axe to grind except for those that spew negative rhetoric and claim to know what they are talking about when if fact they are incredible idiots. My friend that is what you are, a mean spirited idiot that hates on kids, teams and programs and you need to stay off this board. You offer nothing of substance. If you are going to spend your waking hours posting on a message board you should really learn some basic components of the english language. I know Clay likes to cut you slack but that was a year ago. You ARE A COMPLETE moron. Start using spell check and proof your crap before hitting the post button.
BD don't let these guys get to you ....
if Brookside makes the Open let's meet in Stockton
and chop it up...
I am a personal trainer at the In-Shape at March and
Pershing... stop by and let's talk
Your sentence got me thinking Norcal, why wouldn't anyone use the spell check? I have to believe the more I read ballers posts, his writing style is intentional. You know to throw us off and make it seem like someone else. I have a hard time believing that someone has unlimited time to start mess unless they have hatred to who everyone thinks he is. I myself thought it was Que, but now I'm starting to think different.

Doesnt spell check have a red line under misspelled words? Why wouldn't ballers use it? I'm starting to believe ballers is a parent or coach that wants us to think the obvious. In time the truth will come out, it always does.
have thought all along that BD was a poseur, adopting an online persona purposely. makes sense that he and jazz would be allied in their views. the same person? if so, he's the guy at in shape in stockton sitting there talking to himself...

This post was edited on 2/26 10:13 AM by mkbgdns
I think spell check only works if it is an actual word. I have no desire to know who this person is or what they are all about because it would be a sad dark story for certain.
That's all you people want to talk about on here is my spell sometimes but don't want to talk about subject in hand at all. this is ok because I know its hitting you in your face and your not like it at all. All I want to know is why only 1 D1 school represented in the Open and why no other school in D1 is in the open is because D1 is weaker then other Divisions?????
Then after that all this stuff started saying I was talking about SMS and I did why I was called out when I didn't know what I was talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, baller's last post just confirmed my theory.

This post was edited on 2/26 11:11 AM by Garcia2
SMS is not a true D1. Divisions traditionally are formed based on student population of a school. SJS has a dumb rule of bumping repeat winners to next division automatically. All schools listed except Miramonte and Sac are private, and Sac is a charter with no boundary limitations. This topic doesnt make sense. Its not a secret that private schools do a ton of recruiting which is why a majority of the Norcal open teams are not D1, which is mainly your larger public schools. Private schools are smaller so no coincidence D2-D4 has a strong presence in NorCal Open, while D1 is not repped. Head scratching topic, I fail to understand your logic
I'm not saying SMS isn't good at all and are one of the best teams in Norcal. I'm just saying D1 as a whole in Norcal hasn't been the best division in girls basketball since the CIF went to the enrollment division. Before the switch to enrollment BOD, SMB, ST. Elizabeth, Carondelet and many others school was D1. That when D1 was at its best in Playoffs for Norcal. Now that CIF knows they made a mistake they are correctied it by starting the Open Division so all the teams have a chance to be label the best in Norcal.
This post was edited on 2/26 12:09 PM by ballersdreams
Garcia, those of us who have been around a while and have had conversations with certain folks know who people are. If you let them talk, or in this case type, scribble, ramble eventually the same vernacular, thoughts and impressions surface. It is not really a mystery.

BD does not have an axe to grind with Piedmont although he used under another ID and outside of one shot at us about Brookside beating our injury riddled team in December he has stayed out of the fray. Why? Because we are not a threat to him and his group.

SMS, MM, Pinewood they are all threats to him and he will speak negatively about any of those immediately and of course show flashes of bravado on how he speaks the truth. Notice how did not even conjure up an excuse when he had all that open information wrong. He is an idiot and while his writing is somewhat fabricated, it is still written by a tiny ignorant person.
Originally posted by ballersdreams:

That's all you people want to talk about on here is my spell sometimes but don't want to talk about subject in hand at all. this is ok because I know its hitting you in your face and your not like it at all. All I want to know is why only 1 D1 school represented in the Open and why no other school in D1 is in the open is because D1 is weaker then other Divisions?????
Then after that all this stuff started saying I was talking about SMS and I did why I was called out when I didn't know what I was talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Spelling. Sentence fragments. The inability to construct a cohesive argument. Take your pick.
Let's not forget that St. Mary's was not always a D1 team. They have played in many divisions. Their history of success in these divisions is no mute issue.
Realized months ago ballersdreams was not Que. I was sitting in the gym watching him train my kid and others, and ballersdreams was responding to posts. Kid you not, almost every time my kid is training with Que, ballersdreams Is on here.
It started with complaints about the West Coast Jamboree and it continues with certain schools, clubs, players and coaches. There is also a political undertone to the comments. Follow that path and you will hath discovered the villain. It is really not that difficult. Sometimes it is not in the one he attacks or praises but rather the absence of comment or conjecture that reveals the true identity.
I for one will not respond directly to any entity that does not exist. Neither should anyone else. It only gives it credibility. Will speak more on agenda's later.

Just for any other posters who are not aware of history. Until they started the Open playoffs SMS was never in D1. Before that it competed twice in D2 and won the State once being upset by Mitty in the NorCals the other year. For a number of years SMS was in D3 which for a period of time was the toughest division in Nor Cal, Those were the years when SHC dominated the bay area and competed with Sac High ( Vicky Baugh years) and SMS with Gray and Afure Jem. The Sac High team that followed VB was very good as well, just not as good as SMS. They beat a very good BoD team that was the best in the bay area to face SMS in the 2010 NorCal finals. While it was true in the past that D! was not as good in NorCal or the SJS that as has been pointed out by multiple posters was because teams used to be placed into divisions based on enrollment and the better schools were smaller private schools who usually were in D2,D3 and then later D4. It is really absurd for posters to attempt to make statements about things they have no clue about. Of course that does not stop with the history of Girls basketball but certain posters continue to make comments about games that haven't seen.

Oh for a time Berkeley High also was very good. They were in D1 but were not challenged by any other team in that division til they got into the State playoff' where they were usually beaten by LBP.
KKross22------ The time of a post means relatively little. Hootsuite is just one program that allows you to post anything you previously written at any time of the day or night. You just program it to post at the time you chose. .
Hoot suite works if you know what you're going to type. It's just too obvious how hard someone is trying to "disfigure" words and sentences. My guess, and I'm sure i'm right, is ballers is a parent that played ball and coaches on the side. Think about it, if you're from another country, being in America for over 20 years, you will write better. My 5 year old writes better. Believe me, ballers is a made up persona.
Oakridge is a public school division
I who won the state championship not long ago.

Since the open is a recent development, Piedmont would have won it when the Paris girls were there and they are public and Division IV.
Oh, and don't forget Oakland Tech won it back to back years in division I with Gray-Lawson and Hampton. They were also public.
Nor Cal Scout---is this the Norcalpreps online detective school? I mean, if you know who this belligerent and unpleasant person is, why not out him?

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