You feel sorry for the Seniors? hmmm; I just looked at there 16 player roster and only 5 are listed as Seniors. I am guessing only 1 Senior plays any amount of time. It appears this is an underclass lead roster the Seniors are not "The Leaders". That's why someone said the played young.

Isn't that like only 3-4 players? So if I bring in any team with heart, 1 big man, another guy that will help with rebounds, a guy that drives the lane and 2 good ball handlers that can shoot I would beat this team all day every day [Dublin, DLS]. Another thing between those 2 programs there is only one D1 player signed and possibly another D1 caliber player. It's called team ball, good coaching, good team leaders and play with heart. Del Oro had a lot to play for they were suppose to lose. This is why there are more upsets to come.

Maybe they weren't an Open worthy team this year, but I think you are selling them short saying that you can just "bring in any team with heart, 1 big man, another guy that will help with rebounds, a guy that drives the lane and 2 good ball handlers that can shoot I would beat this team all day every day". There are many good teams that would love to have some of BOD's talent. Much was expected of this team, as is always the case with this storied program, and I'm sure most people were anticipating they had a good shot at winning NCS and would certainly win at least a game in NorCal especially since they did not go Open. They do look like they will play better next year, at least I hope so, but they certainly did not exceed anyone's expectations for this season.

They have

one of the better shooters in the area who also will defend

a point guard who can get by anyone, pull up in mid range or shoot 3's, and is vastly underrated for his court vision

A slasher who can finish at the rim and is great from 15 and in

A big who, when engaged, is better than any in the Bay Area

A second shooter who came on in January

A big man who subs in who is not going to win anyone over with style but would start at most schools

Two wings that sub in that play as good, if not better, defense than most other teams starting defenders

A state champion in their coach.

I couldn't begin to understand why they didn't perform. Something clearly wasn't right. With all due respect to the other teams you mentioned, no one has 1-8 as that combines size, athleticism, and IQ like O'Dowd.
Gotta be chemistry. Most of us sell that short on a HS team. It matters big time. Kids that are self less who buy into programs can perform very well even against elite comp. I mean look at DO. Hell they were an average team in their league for god sake. (4-8). This has to be one of the bigger upsets that I can recall....

Always 2 sides to the coin. You look at Newman and Whitney who don't have a fraction of at the athletes as ODOWD and those kids compete and buy into the system 100%. They played there hearts out last night. Just a great HS game.

Only thing I can think of is a team not on the same page. It will kill you.
Hmmmmm again; go back to O'Dowd vs Moreau didn't someone drop 29 points on them? And shooting 63%? Do these future All Americans play defense?
O' Dowd also loss to Salesian twice in close games, and to San Leandro. So all this greatest hasn't been all that great this season. Next just because we say a player is good won't make him crap on the next level until he plays well there. For right now they need to prove themself on the high school level.
Hey some of you guys are stuck on player rankings, D1 propects, etc. Remember all we are doing is talking smack and smack ain't never won a game. There are a bunch of high school players that could care less about everything list above by @youseechief; only 5 players on the court at a time. If you ask any good program if they want to play Woodcreek, Sheldon or Chino Hills they would say heck yeah in a heartbeat because they want to know how good they are. This group of so called All Americans did not scare one opponent this season every team said "let's play Mr. Super Star". Lastly you keep naming the talent but you never name "The Team Leader".
THIS IS CRAZY I'm just saying if Moreau had lost 1st round with the talent that BOD had to a 13 seed EVERYONE would be KILLING the kids AND the coach, BUT BOD gets beat and UNDER achieves all year with the talent they have 4-5 possible division 1 players, and larry lengend33 of ALL people says "Only thing I can think of is a team not on the same page" "Got to be chemistry", if that had been moreau catholic he would of had a FIELD day talking about how bad, undisciplined, non coached team they are, but the board has been quiet when BOD lost, things that make you go ummmmmm
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Hey I'm going to close with this thought about (1) talent (2) Division 1 player (3) athletic (4) prospect; before AAU and where we are today the best athlete might had been the 3 Sports Star player; Football, Basketball, Baseball [Mr. Jack Del Rio]. This athlete did not play basketball 365 days a year. He gets rest away from the one sport and he had peak seasons. Can someone tell the board when is peak season for Mr. 365 days of Basketball? Is it during NorCal finals run to State? Is it the Nike tournament in May? Or the Adidas tournament in July? What about the High School Summer leagues? Or the open gyms in fall? Then there is the opening winter high school season Kickoff event, Thanksgiving tournaments, Christmas to New Years tournaments, regular league play, Section play before you are right back 365 days later at Nor-Cal Regional. Where was the rest for these D1 talented players? Even the Mental rest, because right now during NorCal the AAU programs have been holding tryouts for the last 2 weekends and one more tryout this weekend while the boys are trying to make it to High School State. The College Coaches are at the games, the Sponsors are at the games, the agents are at the games, etc. Well what is Mr. D1 talented player focus on, his shoe contract or High School basketball? It takes a delicate balance my friend and a well managed life style. These are still 15, 16, 17 year old student boys that should have other things in their life besides 365 days of basketball. Try asking the question in March is Mr. Super Star focus on the North Cal Regional opening or second round of State or is he thinking about what AAU Sponsor Team he is going to play for? Because remember he is a Division 1 player with all the talent on a High School basketball team.

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