
IrishCheers and RIkfran are the last two believers on moron island. The uncomfortable fact is the hype that followed the new coaching regime change three years ago has resulted in three years of no league wins and extended the seven year streak of losses to non San Francisco WCAL teams. There is not the abundance of talent at the lower levels that will change things. With so many Catholic schools to choose Fromm of who in their right mind would send their football talented sons to SHC. The archaic offensive formations and philosophy have resulted in what will be 21 straight league losses. They are the most boring team in the league to watch too.

You are the joke dude. Why do you get your pants so wet over SHC? Couldn't get in there? No SH girls would date you. Got your behind kicked by some SH dudes? Probably all of the above.

I think we send our kids first to get the best education they can get. Unfortunately, Riordan is the bottom feeder on that end. That's why when kids can't handle SI or SHC they transfer to Riordan.
This is not a "cycle". Blah, Blah, Blah....

Now that has to be the most moronic thing I've ever seen Fool-bo say, hands-down. I'll bring some salt for his crow. (Or play John Lennon for some Instant Karma).
I think we send our kids first to get the best education they can get. Unfortunately, Riordan is the bottom feeder on that end. That's why when kids can't handle SI or SHC they transfer to Riordan.
I thought we agreed to stick to sports barbs?
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You are the joke dude. Why do you get your pants so wet over SHC? Couldn't get in there? No SH girls would date you. Got your behind kicked by some SH dudes? Probably all of the above.

I think we send our kids first to get the best education they can get. Unfortunately, Riordan is the bottom feeder on that end. That's why when kids can't handle SI or SHC they transfer to Riordan.

At the end of the day, SHC/SI football seasons will end next week and the whole city can cheer Riordan on through CCS and other potential recognition.

It is fun to stir it up pre-post game as the cornation of the "Kings of Kezar" is crowned. But one is no better than your nemesis FUBU with your post.
Tell your Riordan buddies to stop bad mouthing SHC then. But here's my football barb. One and done. Lower level Riordan 1 - 17. Didn't see the SHC - Riordan freshman. But heard Riordan freshman looked horrific.

Riordan's frosh were the worst team I've ever seen. The snapper threw the ball over the quarterback's head at least three times. QB got sacked twice to start their first drive, the second being in the end zone for a safety. Coach Kruger had the second stringers in by the second quarter. We could have scored 80. Also, I counted 32 players when 46 or so were on their roster. Who wouldn't want to quit a team that loses 60-point games on average?

For that matter, who would consider playing there after seeing games like this?
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Maybe the Irish should consider practicing at the Polo Fields like the 60s and 70s.Never mind.

The 60's teams won more games than in any other decade (48) with the 90's a close second (47). The 70's was one of the worst. Depression-era 30's were the worst.
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Not to pick apart SHC's Varsity results with Peralta at the helm the past three seasons, but losing by the scores of 34-6, 41-6, 55-0, 48-0, 33-0 and 42-7 is supposed to be the culmination of a successful football program? From the Varsity highlights, there were several missed tackles, players taking bad angles, and total whiffs on attempted tackles. Isn't that coaching, not neccessarily talent? Pretty sad to see at the top level. Frosh and JV scores results are good to know, but it's how the players develop through the different levels. Varsity is the key indicator. Does the B-M Trophy or Stanfel Cup include frosh and jv results? Do you see frosh or jv games on Cal-Hi Sports Bay Area or Get Sports Focus? Does Cal-Hi/Max-Preps rank of frosh and jv teams? Stop deflecting and stick with Varsity results. Peralta was extremely successful at his 2 previous stints and terrible at SHC. The scoring is on Maxpreps, SF Chronicle, SJ Mercury....
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I can't believe you are STILL talking about JV and FRESHMAN results @irishcheers, nobody cares about them. These players will be just fine going forward with this young, smart, dynamic coaching staff we have here at Riordan High School.
It is everything you thought you had with Peralta, but much much more.
Not to pick apart SHC's Varsity results

Don't worry. I know about the Varsity. If I don't see improvement the next three seasons, then there has to be big-time changes on the Admin end.

And rabbit5, I'm mentioning the lower levels because they've been successful and I think they will translate into varsity success. Why not? Outside of SHC, watch for Serra and Valley Christian to have strong varsity teams coming up the next three years. SI & Riordan will battle for last and we'll hear from Ted again.

If lower-level success has no bearing on the varsity, then bet me that Serra, Bellarmine and Valley Christian will battle for the cellar the next five seasons.

As for "the whole city cheering on Riordan", dream on. I'll believe that when the Irish are in the playoffs for the foreseeable future and the whole City roots for SHC.
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@irish cocktails.....

Your program is not Serra or VC. Having complete shut outs or single scores at the Varsity level eliminates SHC from ever being stated in the same sentence.

It is not like this is made up information. This season alone provided confirmation at each match that SHC played.

It might not be advisable to mention success at lower levels, if the Varsity does so poorly. That would indicate players actually get worse within the SHC program.
It might not be advisable to mention success at lower levels, if the Varsity does so poorly. That would indicate players actually get worse within the SHC program.

Project for me how you think Riordan will do the coming three seasons or so?
I feel Riordan will run the Season baseline average of >.500, thus qualifying for CCS. The difference is Coaching...

Just as we both observed last night, SHC could not game plan .Riordan cause the coaching staff is creative and inventive.-
The fear is that 2015 is going to be one and done for Riordan. The cupboard is pretty bare going forward. And then there is the question of whether the head coach will remain there. Head coaching continuity is critical for football success.
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Let me share a thought that Riordan's leadership seem to figure out...

The difenition of Insanity is doing the same thing over, over and over. And expecting different results...

A SHC patent told me this last night....
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The fear is that 2015 is going to be one and done for Riordan. The cupboard is pretty bare going forward. And then there is the question of whether the head coach will remain there. Head coaching continuity is critical for football success.

How is continuity working for you at SHC? (lol)
How is continuity working for you at SHC? (lol)

It's working it's way UP. You can "lol" all you want. I'll save you some salt for your crow too.

Tell me who was telling Riordan to drop out of the league from 2008-2014?
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Jeannie Dixon: Predictions: Unsatisfied Parents and Players

Does this create Self-Evaluation on the part of SHC?

All I hear is...."We have wining Frosh and Soph teams....Let's keep doing the same thing"? So we can have only 30 players on Varsity?
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. And then there is the question of whether the head coach will remain there. Head coaching continuity is critical for football success.
The Riordan Administration/AD understands what it takes to build a competitive sustainable program in FINALLY hiring most of its coaches on as full-time faculty and staff. Coach Fordon was at Riordan 1 year before he was named DC last season. Teaching young men is his greatest passion, much like his mentor, Bob Ladouceur.
It's working it's way UP. You can "lol" all you want.

Tell me who was telling Riordan to drop out of the league from 2008-2014?

The difference is SHC left the WCAL to hide from losses in their FB program. So let's not act like SHC doesn't have a history....(LOL)
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The difference is SHC left the WCAL to hide from losses in their FB program. So let's not act like SHC doesn't have a history....

They left to re-build the program, didn't "hide" anything from anybody, beat Riordan 6 times during that span, beat St. Francis for the first time ever and won a CCS title when they came back in 2008.
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At the end of the day, SHC/SI football seasons will end next week and the whole city can cheer Riordan on through CCS and other potential recognition.

It is fun to stir it up pre-post game as the cornation of the "Kings of Kezar" is crowned. But one is no better than your nemesis FUBU with your post.
They left to re-build the program, didn't "hide" anything from anybody and beat Riordan 6 times during that span.

You jack rabbit fans are so full of it, go back on these threads from the last three years and you will find all of the Riordan fans kept talking up this senior class, how they were thumpers, they were going to win, great football athletes blah blah...and you know what they are with the new coach. I am happy for the Riordan program. Irish Cheers and some other SHC fans are just doing exactly what you guys did in the older posts, hoping and wanting a better future, nothing wrong with that. So now, we are delusional to expect better from the program when the current frosh have been very good? Why can't we expect better? You guys are bipolar if we can't think higher of the program when we have no where to go but up.
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SH sucks. Any more need to be said LOL As for Riordan's future, I'm in the wait and see process, BUT enjoying EVERY SINGLE SECOND of this season! Heard all the same hype when the aforementioned "terrible" coach Peralta took the Crusaders to new heights in Y2K. Then heard the same when the new "King of Camelot", Langridge, did the same in 2007. Both left for greener pasterurs, so it seemed. Don't get me wrong, I think what Fordon has done is PHENOMENAL and getting to know him last year as a coach and teacher he is genuine, enthusiastic, and a great fit. He has players around him this year. What will be telling for me and alot of my alumni friends is how he and his staff reacts when they don't have the superior athletes. Can they coach up that kid from the City who has never played tackle football. Can the program sustain? Will they sustain? Its easy when you are rolling like this team, but what happens when adversity hits. J², JXXIV, Rabbitt, PHaze all seem to think its a new era, as there is a new administration in place and I want to believe that. I hope they are right. My family's been part of this school for over 5 decades, my oldest went there and I have 2 more to go. Would love to see them go through those hallowed halls in Phelan, is not haunted halls of Phelan! Go Rabbits! '...Hail, all Hail to you!"
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SH sucks... As for Riordan's future, I'm in the wait and see process

What have you got against Stuart Hall?

As for the "wait and see process", it will be more like "wait and laugh" when Riordan and SI battle for last place and the players in the green uniforms get in the playoffs.

I guess you missed the 2010 beat down: SHC 55 Riordan 6. The 2011 beat down: SHC 35-7 and the 2012 beat down : SHC 35-14.

Tell me who called for Riordan to be "removed" from the league after going 11-54-1 from 2008 to 2014 and having 5 winless league seasons during that same span.
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I get ur frustration...a 42-7 beat down does not compare to anything in the past.

I find it uniquely strange that while your complaining about the Jack Rabbit fans. The SHC fans are trying to drum up shame on SI. I didn't see SI posting about the shut out SHC received from Serra.

Delusional, bi-Polar, or just excited that our administration was bold enough to step outside the Good old boy club and seek a vision for young men in SF in regards to building self esteem with FB.

I don't know if you were visited Tiger Stadium Saturday, but the SHC players came off the field beaten and rejected. How can a fan of a program find that acceptable for young men to go through every week?

I get school loyalty, but C'mon Man
What have you got against Stuart Hall?

Let's not Re-direct this "Call to Order". SHC is on the carpet for being Sub-par in regards to providing a developmental HS prep FB program. It is not the first time, you would think quitting the league before to develop a program should have been where lessons were learned. "If you don't remember the past, your doomed to repeat it"

Now shut outs, single digit scores to 6-7 times opponent scores and complete parent and most fans disinterest. This is not a Jack Rabbitt fan, this is a HS prep enthusiast that wants young men to have a positive's not personal. It just my opinion...I could be wrong g?
I get ur frustration...a 42-7 beat down does not compare to anything in the past.

I find it uniquely strange that while your complaining about the Jack Rabbit fans. The SHC fans are trying to drum up shame on SI. I didn't see SI posting about the shut out SHC received from Serra.

Delusional, bi-Polar, or just excited that our administration was bold enough to step outside the Good old boy club and seek a vision for young men in SF in regards to building self esteem with FB.

I don't know if you were visited Tiger Stadium Saturday, but the SHC players came off the field beaten and rejected. How can a fan of a program find that acceptable for young men to go through every week?

I get school loyalty, but C'mon Man

RiordanGael, Colhenry is not a SHC fan, and he started the thread, I think he is definitely more a Riordan fan....Irish Cheers was just replying to that. Im pretty sure anyone would be dejected after being beat 42-7. It happened at Riordan too in the years past, although not this year, don't try to pretend SHC never beaten Riordan with such a score. It shouldn't be acceptable anywhere but in the end it is just high school football. You should be glad you are on the winning end today. In the end, we can only worry about ourselves and control what we can.
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That is news to me...Colhenry is usually more less impartial, I don't see him posting hate and I never said he was a Reardan grad. You weren't even on the board until 2015, so you wouldn't know all the threads I am talking about. Matter of fact, you are just a bandwagon guy, were you posting when Reardan was losing???. My posts are basically saying SHC is not very good in football but I don't kick the young men that are representing the school now. They give it all they can. I think SHC needs to change more than the coach if they are serious about football. Like investing in a better practice field to start, so the young men can dream bigger.
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But you stated he was a Riordan Grad with such conviction and based your whole post off that.

It seems there is a disconnect in per-planning & execution. Is this the reason FB at SHC is the state it is now????
SHC posters,

I am moving my focus onto SF. It is given that Bellarmine has captured the WCAL. But I feel the Crusaders want to challenge themselves and strive for success.

That is the approach with the new direction that was installed this year...

We Are One...We R Riordan
Don't worry. I know about the Varsity. If I don't see improvement the next three seasons, then there has to be big-time changes on the Admin end.

I don't think the SHC admin should wait another 3 years?! to see if they should keep going with Peralta. As I said on this board in years past with Riordan and their crap coaches they needed to cut their losses and move on, not double down on a bad investment. If he truly wants the best for his alma mater he should resign and maybe take over the Frosh team as I know he is liked by the administration and staff. His stubbornness and refusal to adapt to his personnel season after season has been a great disservice to his players and the alums/parents.

With the new CCS playoff format and how the points and seeding are determined (the WCAL is no longer given A+ league designation) it may be best for SHC to remove itself from the league for Football and go to Independent status once again. Hopefully they can petition the CCS to allow them to still be eligible for the A league "Open" division playoffs. I say this for the following reasons:

1. There is precedent. SHC left the WCAL in the 1980's after years of being non-competitive in the sport. They were gone for nearly 20 years and returned with some success the first season back in 2008 (went 4-3 in league). That year only 3 teams had a positive point differentials indicating a down year in the WCAL. SH had a -47 point differential that season. This year 5 teams have a positive point differential indicating a strong year for the league. In fact, this season is the highest rating the WCAL has had in 13 years of CalPreps league ratings.

They haven't beaten a non-SF league team since 2008. Irish Cheers I'm sure can say if they were more competitive before leaving in the 80's than they are now. I don't quite remember but I feel as if they were actually a bit more competitive then they are now.

2. The alumni and school moral were greater during the Independent years. Irish Cheers himself touts the undefeated teams during that era as a source of pride and accomplishment. Seeing the mostly empty stands the past 3 seasons hasn't been a welcomed sight.

3. A maximum of 6 teams per league can qualify for the CCS open playoffs (4 automatic and 2 at large bids based on power points) and thus are eligible for regional and state games. This makes it extremely difficult for SHC to ever make the playoffs if they are to stay in the WCAL. Not only would they have to come in 6th place but they would have to get enough wins throughout the season to qualify for an at large bid based on points. For example 2 league wins and a 6th place finish might not be enough to qualify.

4. Removing SHC from the league would allow for better seeding for the WCAL schools. An extra game to schedule against another A league opponent who potentially could become a league champion would add CCS points and boost seeding rather than playing SHC.

In 20 WCAL games as Head Coach at SHC Peralta's teams have averaged 9 PPG and given up 34 PPG. It is time to move on. Enough is enough.
SHC tried many times to get into the CCS playoffs as an independent but for some reason were rebuffed.

Where was all this talk when Riordan had floormats named after them? When they were giving-up 55 ppg, all the talk was "Oh no! Riordan should be competitive in the WCAL; it's good for the league". "Woe is us!" But the Irish are ready to improve and we get naysayers, Fool-bo's clownish comments, laughter from SICityFan and Miss-Direct's idiotic comments. "Remove" Riordan so it "helps" the league.

Sacred Heart Cathedral is a West Catholic Athletic League team, and is here to stay whether anybody likes it or not. Deal with it.

Update: Dec. 11, 2021. SHC 4A California State Champions.
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Where was all this talk when Riordan had floormats named after them? When they were giving-up 55 ppg, all the talk was "Oh no! Riordan should be competitive in the WCAL; it's good for the league". "Woe is us!" But the Irish are ready to improve and we get naysayers, Fool-bo's clownish comments and laughter from SICityFan.


It was not conversation cause Riordan never left the WCAL to revamp their program previously. How many free drops of a golfball do you give yourself on Harding? The reality is Mr. Direct was very articulate in his points and the benefit to other WCAL programs is a strong case in point for the WCAL commissioner to take action.

One from SHC can argue that your program is developing...allow me to go Janet Jackson on them and ask," what. have you done for me lately".

Turn the page....Sellar Dwellars hurt the League.
Mr. D makes some good points though...for the betterment of the League. But I digress, as Irish Cheers and Scott have noted that Riordan was in this predicament not too long ago. They've made the changes and only time will tell if the program sustains or like in 2000 and 2007 it was a just a flash. Posters here think because its a new regime (not just because of the coaches, but more importantly the administration) this time is different. Only time will tell. But like J² its time to focus on the Lancers and Senior Day. It's their last "home game", at least its on Phelan lol Hopefully they give those in attendance a memorable sendoff prior to CCS.
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Turn the page....Sellar Dwellars hurt the League.

Does Valley Christian "hurt the league" by finishing dead last every year in hoops or Riordan's soccer team that loses 18 games a year? Try baseball where Riordan finished dead last or that lacrosse team that folded mid-season.

I'll save some salt for you for your crow when Riordan finishes dead last from here on in unless they drop football altogether. You "turn the page" and join the AAA or the 8-man Mission Trail League. That is if the school doesn't close first.

UPDATE: Dec. 11, 2021. Sacred Heart is CCS D-III, Norcal D-III and State 4-A Champs.
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CCS Hoops format differs greatly from the CCS Football format. I think thats what he was referring to.
Mr. D makes some good points though...for the betterment of the League. But I digress, as Irish Cheers and Scott have noted that Riordan was in this predicament not too long ago. They've made the changes and only time will tell if the program sustains or like in 2000 and 2007 it was a just a flash. Posters here think because its a new regime (not just because of the coaches, but more importantly the administration) this time is different. Only time will tell. But like J² its time to focus on the Lancers and Senior Day. It's their last "home game", at least its on Phelan lol Hopefully they give those in attendance a memorable sendoff prior to CCS.

I hope it is not a flash in the pan. San Francisco can use some upbeat sports news.
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