Do the athletes pay tuition? Thats wild.There are some rumors out there.
Some say the rotation/lineup changed right before that beautiful gym was completed. Read between the lines on that one. I doubt it’s that.
I believe it’s a combination of a few things.
Mellis is a Bay Area legend and Knight has built a great program at Moreau. This pulls players from both sides of BOD. St. Mary’s quick turnaround is another option now.
Tuition continues to rise at all private schools and perhaps admissions is playing a part as well. Oakland Tech is free with good academics.
Talent thinning out as folks continue to move to Sac, Stockton, Fairfield, and out of state.
It’s just a cycle and BOD will be back. St. Joe’s is down too (not to mention the WCAL outside of Riordan).
Another school that just went to back-to-back D1 ‘ships a few years ago and down is Logan (more than a few Oakland kids on that BART train getting off at Union City station in the mornings for years). San Leandro High was decent a few years ago too. Might just be an odd slump in the Bay?
Nothing wrong at all with Lou Ritchie BTW. Gets everything out of his players and is loved by the students/BOD community.
BOD - i cant read the lines. help me out. what changed? My thoughts, they just didnt have anyone that great this year. undersized 1, non athletic 2, and nothing inside at the 4 or 5. The fact is, the parents with kids who can play and still live in oakland BOD is their choice. But there are far less of those parents around.
St. Joes, Logan, Newark all had coaches who were successful, who left and the new guy cant get the players to play. Also, talent is lacking at Logan and Newark. Those teams now look WAYYYY different than they did 7 years ago.