Scores 9/13

Last night if you were just counting kids and had to pick the top 10 on the field at least 2/3rds of them based on talent alone would come from Folsom side.
I was thinking that last night. Folsom had the kids that definitely looked the part. Who knows if Badger plays on Sunday’s but he stood out among them all. Folsom started having more success when they played “schoolyard” ball. Throw it up and let the best guy on the field make a play. #9 and #40 on Folsom D looked like studs. Hutton has great speed but they seemed to have trouble getting him the ball on time. Folsom salvaged a decent game by battling back but the game was never in danger for DLS
It's the same old song: A DLS opponent has better looking athletes getting off the bus. More guys getting recruited. Better individual stats. Impressive press clippings. Lots of social media hype. Then comes the ballgame. The air goes out of the balloon. DLS, as a focused collective, gets the job done. No fanfare. No bloviating. No bluster. Just another W on a NorCal ledger that shows no signs of wilting as the years roll on. It will end someday. But a lot of us may not be topside when that event occurs.
Folsom was lucky although executed two good onside kicks.

Why does it have to be lucky? They looked like 2 skillful plays to me. Both great kicks, perfectly located and perfectly executed by Folsom's ST's players. Honestly, if Folsom had been able to convert the 2nd opportunity and close to 42-34, I liked their chances of executing another onside. They had DLS's return team rattled and not knowing how to cover it.

Was it lucky when DLS stripped the ball from Elihjah Badger as he fought for yardage, resulting in a huge momentum switch? Or just a great play?? How about when the Folsom defender looked to have an INT on the first 3rd and 21 pass to Grant Daley but fell down?

Things happen and every play counts.
Upset of the night in the Sacto area. Monterey Trail was up 35-17 mid third quarter and got a horrible case of the fumbles one drive after another. Most were unforced. Kind of just gave the game away.

Man, I have to admit -- this result slipped right by me somehow. I attended the Folsom-DLS game and did check online scores from time to time and even watched Fox40's Final quarter once I got back home but I somehow didn't see that MT had lost until tonight.

Holy cow!! I did not see that one coming. I'm still in shock over it. CO got rolled by a Capital Christian team that's not as good as last season.

Hope MT bounces back. Still can't believe they lost.
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Folsom salvaged a decent game by battling back but the game was never in danger for DLS

I would have liked to see what happened had Ngata come down with that 4th down pass on a healthy leg and Folsom somehow scored on that possession to make it 42-34. That next onside kick would have been LOUD! And there was plenty of time remaining.

I thought Folsom had 2 opportunities to make the game seriously entertaining and missed on both.

The first was after closing the score to 28-14 and forcing DLS into the 3rd and 21 situation. They nearly had an INT but the defender fell and Daley then dropped the pass. But they blew it again by allowing the same play to open up. IMO no excuse for allowing a non-pass oriented team to convert on that down and distance. But they did and instead of an opportunity to close to 28-21 and up their momentum, they went down 35-21.

The second was the possession after the 2nd successful onside. They score there and it's a one score game with plenty of time. I felt their situational play calling was a bit suspect that drive. They had the Spartans defense tired and reeling. It looked like Ngata's leg issue kept him from making a play on that 4th down play, but better situational play calling might have prevented them from being in a 4th down situation in the first place.

As others have said, DLS is a great front running team. You can't let them get a lead like they had and realistically hope to come back. Credit to them for the defense they played early on and forcing a couple turnovers.
Good recap TR. Very entertaining game in the 2nd. Very lopsided game in the first. Can Oak Ridge slow down Folsom if they get on that sort of a roll? OR has a couple good size DB's (6"1-6"2) but Badger is a grown man out there. And if you are Folsom why not onside kick? Seems like a high risk/reward for them. They have a great kicker as well. I think OR will pull some tricks out. Why not....
Good recap TR. Very entertaining game in the 2nd. Very lopsided game in the first. Can Oak Ridge slow down Folsom if they get on that sort of a roll? OR has a couple good size DB's (6"1-6"2) but Badger is a grown man out there. And if you are Folsom why not onside kick? Seems like a high risk/reward for them. They have a great kicker as well. I think OR will pull some tricks out. Why not....

I think this might be a better game than many anticipate.

OR has now gone 3 weeks since their last on field game, so they should be well rested. But will they be rusty? Will the extra prep time for Folsom help?

They’ve got a very good QB and a capable defense. If both play well, they’ve got a shot.
I think this might be a better game than many anticipate.

OR has now gone 3 weeks since their last on field game, so they should be well rested. But will they be rusty? Will the extra prep time for Folsom help?

They’ve got a very good QB and a capable defense. If both play well, they’ve got a shot.

I hope you are right. I know they are well coached and will be prepared. They have some really talented HS players. Problem is Folsom has some really talented college players. Its so nice watching good games. Nothing beats a game that goes the distance. I will be out there.
Only 2 WCAL schools (St. Francis and Riordan) have defeated DLS and that was in the early Lad years before the Spartans embarked on their amazing winning streak.
Didn’t know the Crusaders beat DLS in the early years. We almost got em once back then but fell short
Why does it have to be lucky? They looked like 2 skillful plays to me. Both great kicks, perfectly located and perfectly executed by Folsom's ST's players. Honestly, if Folsom had been able to convert the 2nd opportunity and close to 42-34, I liked their chances of executing another onside. They had DLS's return team rattled and not knowing how to cover it.

Was it lucky when DLS stripped the ball from Elihjah Badger as he fought for yardage, resulting in a huge momentum switch? Or just a great play?? How about when the Folsom defender looked to have an INT on the first 3rd and 21 pass to Grant Daley but fell down?

Things happen and every play counts.
Agree that things happen but DLS was in control the whole game and while executed well by Folsom, the Spartan's gave away two plays that made the game a little closer. Yes...turnover happened but two onsides in a row is not very common at all. DLS was coasting at the end and they probably had to run after the game or at practice to make up for it. Folsom no doubt is a very good program, but fact is they are "0 for" against the Spartans and they haven't gotten closer to defeating them. 3 on sides is a stretch .... although it looked like they put their practice in to execute it. The game was not close and it would have been a total collapse by DLS is they let that one go. The DLS team was clearly better than Folsom. Folsom may not be the second best team in norcal this year.