Commercial Break......
I want to thank my local concrete ready mix supplier for sending the 2nd truck load of wet mud. Because you didn't quality control your loading of the 2nd load I am able to sit on the job and do this presentation. While the dispatcher is sitting in his warm home, eating dinner in a few hours my self and crew will be sitting in a cold warehouse, on a wet slab waiting to lay down the final finish on the floor. Mucho grassy azz
Now back to Game....
I want to thank my local concrete ready mix supplier for sending the 2nd truck load of wet mud. Because you didn't quality control your loading of the 2nd load I am able to sit on the job and do this presentation. While the dispatcher is sitting in his warm home, eating dinner in a few hours my self and crew will be sitting in a cold warehouse, on a wet slab waiting to lay down the final finish on the floor. Mucho grassy azz
Now back to Game....