SJS D1…. MC vs Folsom

Alec Day hits a Folsom 3… 15-11.

That ends the 1st q…. verrrrry long Rawlins try at the buzzer nearly goes in.
Scoring has slowed wayyyyyy down, tough, physical D being played…. 36-35 Folsom, make that 39 with a Folsom 3…. 2:56 left 3rd.
WOW, whatta Rawlins move!!

Suddenly scoring goes fast, I can’t keep up….

43-41 Folsom.
Rawlins makes 1 of 2 FT’s, then a Folsom STEAL, they work it to Rawlins for a 3….. Money. 52-46.
4:45 left….

Trade of turnovers…. and another, Folsom ball…

Rawlins layup…. 54-46.

MC score inside…

54-48. 3:04 left now.
Sykes spin for 2…. 54-50.

Jack Shull with a BIG Folsom bucket…. 56-50, 2:17 left.
Folsom rebound, runout…SCORE! 58-50. 1:49 left, MC needs a miracle and a half…
Stkes fouled…. FT’s good.

Folsom spins clock, MC gets it but loses it, new clock for Folsom. They can almost run it out….

Now 31 seconds, time out. 58-52. Folsom is 99.9% in the win column.
Folsom moves the ball VERY well, ends up with a layup. Benches clear..

Rawlins had 24,8 and 7.
Didn’t see Sykes’ totals before he left, but Folsom held him below his average, fer sure.

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