No ouch, Give Folsom Credit!!!ouch
Your best player this year at Jesuit is from the 209 and a transfer from last year. People don’t think before they type sometimes. HahahahaNo shame at all for second place. You guys didn’t do a great job of recruiting in the offseason and Gavin didn’t have enough help. Learn from your mistake and start poaching the best 3-4 players in sac this spring and you guys will get that blue banner back in 26.
The great thing about hitting the road in nor cal is it wakes you. Salesian has to hit the road as well. Riordan in 2002 had to hit the road. For teams that run over the league in can he a give plus. Riordan was a different case as they had to be a league rival 5 times. Win the first two in league, lost a league title, lost the CCS title, then after two tough road games had to win the 5th and then a state title. Teams with great records at times need bad games. So don’t count MC out, they just have to travel which could pay off in the end although I am disappointed nor cal finals are held at the higher seed house. Every nor cal final should be at Golden 1.No ouch, Give Folsom Credit!!!
They played stellar defense and deserved the Crown!!
We get to continue and will see where the road brings us after 4pm on Sunday.
Great venue, but it’s only ever been held there once or twice.Santa Clara best venue For Norcals
Due to March madness Riordans state title year nor cal was at UC Davis. I agree the at home thing is pretty lame and agree that it went from an all day event versus hey I get to watch the best in each division play and make a day out of it.Agree about Golden 1... Homesites for NorCal finals is silly. Even if they can't get Golden 1 for whatever reason, they could certainly find large neutral spots... Say, split the divisions to UOP and Stockton Arena, for example.
However, that is marketing for us few hoop fans who go and see all or most of the games. In marketing, you go after the 99% and let the 1% deal with it.
At the SJS finals, there were a hundred or so who stayed and watched a lot of games, and then the other 99% went for 1 game and left immediately afterward (or 2 if their boys and girls both played). So, there's that...