Some serious tanking

Stay tuned...Pinewood vs Mitty the sequel ...
Is the school they were trying to avoid the same
school Blackman which Dangerfield plays for ...the one that beat SMS?
from what I heard Doc has been telling everyone that will listen that he wants to go open...

and Sue Phillips, the USA National Team coach tanking?....I have a hard time believing that.

so I would have to respectively disagree on that statement....

and they are the same Blackman team...from Tennessee.....they are # 10 in the USA Today super 25

This post was edited on 2/24 2:24 PM by northbaybbguru
jazz has consistently pointed out in his posts the advantages of tanking. after all, our kids need to learn how to game the system rather than exhibiting competitive integrity. some of them may grow up to be investment advisors in the cayman Islands. my apologies to any cayman island investment advisors out there.
I am just so glad that a trainer like Jazz never worked with my daughters. Honestly, to accuse coaches such as Phillips and Doc of tanking a game really says much more about who he is and his value system than anything else. I assume that since he constantly suggests this as a viable avenue to "game" the system, he must advocate this type of corner cutting to the players he works with.

I would hope that someone who works with young athletes would be so above reproach that the idea of throwing a game would be inconceivable to him. Guess that isn't the case as he brings up this allegation repeatedly.

The fact that both coaches play very difficult preseason schedules and never duck anyone would suggest that they're not too concerned about whom they play.
- nobody cares if you don't trust anyone, you keep making this kind of allegations, you think it's funny? You obviously destroying people's integrity here

- Mr Benton, is there a way this guy or lady jazz be ban on this site?

- I'm hoping that you'd be gone and work with the Kardashians, you don't belong here!
I wonder if jazz has heard of projection…a cheater will think that everyone else is cheating...
and, in addition to Pinewood and Mitty, Miramonte...

This post was edited on 2/25 2:28 PM by mkbgdns
Northbay you called it that Mitty might lose in the early round in the CCS Open. Now does Mitty still go to the Norcal Open or do the chance to win state in their own division???????????????

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