What’s happening in the Delta League? The teams from Elk Grove?


Sep 23, 2011
So far the only teams in this league that have played a football game are Jesuit and Davis High Schools . And the local newspaper sport page has yet to publish any new sport stories online, since Jan 31, 2021.
I’ve search many social media outlets, and get crumbs of info. And searching many of the newspapers in the section, requires annual fees (don’t want to do, especially on links).
NorCalPreps has been helpful and also MaxPreps (need more scoretracker scorers)
I’m sure there are other schools out there that have yet to play a football game, and their fans would want to know what’s going on. So any info on Elk Grove, Sheldon, Franklin, Pleasant Grove, and Cosumnes Oaks High Schools, or others would be great.
It’s getting into week 3 of football and I’m still in need of a High School Football Fix, Thanks.
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Well, I can attest to the fact that Pleasant Grove is practicing. I drive past the school almost every day of the week. I can't say for sure that they have practiced uninterrupted, but they have been out there quite a bit.

Monterey Trail isn't in the Delta anymore, but they are the one Elk Grove U.S.D. football program that has played a game at all three levels. They are cleared to play again tomorrow at Clayton Valley Charter in Concord.

I can say that it has taken a Herculean effort by their coaching staff, administration, and supporting families to make it happen. It has been incredibly difficult to schedule games and then they spend the whole week hoping that all the players from both teams can stay Covid-free. These are not easy times.
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Probably the most difficult pick for me this week is Monterey Trail and CVC. I chose CVC but they have been squeeking by every game. Speaking of Monterey Trail, my son played ball with and was also a roommate of MT alum/legend Trey Nahhas at Cal Poly. Word on the street is that Trey was a total stud at MT. I got to know Trey's dad Kevin in the stands, what a great dad and son combo.
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Probably the most difficult pick for me this week is Monterey Trail and CVC. I chose CVC but they have been squeeking by every game. Speaking of Monterey Trail, my son played ball with and was also a roommate of MT alum/legend Trey Nahhas at Cal Poly. Word on the street is that Trey was a total stud at MT. I got to know Trey's dad Kevin in the stands, what a great dad and son combo.
I have said many times that Trey was better in the classroom than he was on the high school football field. He is a better person than he ever was at playing high school football. And, man he was a great high school football player. His parents are quality people, as well.

It's too bad knee injuries curtailed his playing time at Cal Poly.
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My son thinks Trey is one of the smartest people he knows and I hear the knee injury really affected him at the collegiate level. I know my own son tore his MCL and PCL in between his junior and senior year of high school and managed to play 6 more years of football without surgery.
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I found out that the Davis vs Elk Grove football game at EG is canceled, and that Davis will play Pleasant Grove at EG instead.
Don’t have any info why it was canceled, but I do know that other Elk Grove teams are playing, Baseball, Cross Country, and Softball.
“If” COVID-19 is the reason for the football game to be canceled, why are they playing the at the school, and how are the other teams able to play their games?
If anyone has the 411 on this, it could or might explain this type of thinking.
You would think that SJS office would keep the public informed on what the section schools are doing , and update at least bi-weekly on what is happening. They are in charge of the sports that go on in the Sac Joaquin Section, and have done little (IMO) to keep us informed.
Hopefully the “local newspaper” and people in charge of this section will get their act together and do a better job of informing the public. If I’m wrong, I do apologize.
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I found out that the Davis vs Elk Grove football game at EG is canceled, and that Davis will play Pleasant Grove at EG instead.
Don’t have any info why it was canceled, but I do know that other Elk Grove teams are playing, Baseball, Cross Country, and Softball.
“If” COVID-19 is the reason for the football game to be canceled, why are they playing the at the school, and how are the other teams able to play their games?
If anyone has the 411 on this, it could or might explain this type of thinking.
You would think that SJS office would keep the public informed on what the section schools are doing , and update at least bi-weekly on what is happening. They are in charge of the sports that go on in the Sac Joaquin Section, and have done little (IMO) to keep us informed.
Hopefully the “local newspaper” and people in charge of this section will get their act together and do a better job of informing the public. If I’m wrong, I do apologize.
It's happening so fast, no one can keep up. There isn't enough time to centralize the decision making at the Section level. Coaches are literally asking for replacement teams on Twitter less than 48 hrs. before the scheduled kickoff. It's the Wild West out there.
I'm curious how game scout works for these games scheduled on Wednesday to play Friday. Is it like a school yard (you cover the tall kid, I'll get the short, fast one)?
Yeah, that sounds about right.

In reality, it's probably a lot like scrimmaging in a jamboree format. You just run your scheme on offense and defense, then adjust to their play makers as the game progresses. Anyone who has a few trick plays on special teams could really swing a game.
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Well at least Elk Grove JV team is playing Davis right now. Someone is streaming it on YouTube from the stands. Video is good and you can here the announcer, but who ever is doing the broadcast should minimize their comments, a little distracting. They are trying to do commentary and it’s a work in progress, I’ve got give them credit to put this production together and it will only get better.
This is one way to keep safe and healthy for social distancing. Hey at least the students get to play.
Thanks Love League Productions.
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Monterey Trail may be streaming tonight with a very low-budget set up. Search "vox" mustangs" on You Tube. JV at 5 pm, Varsity at 7 pm-ish. If it's like previous posts, it will be low resolution and probably from the top of the press box without much zoom.
Live Elk Grove scrimmage against Burbank is on YouTube. Look up Love League Production, Senior Night. The bad, is that it is only shown live, and then it is no longer on YouTube.
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