Folsom--- class or no class

their athletic ability is not being questioned, thier character is. Unfortunately for them, both were shown through clearly with their play in the game. Winning with any sort of humility is certianly not in their play book and a superior performance was diminished accordingly and the RESPECT they so want to claim is still out of their reach.
Good team athletically. Question isn't whether or not they could or would beat DLS this time. They had two previous shots that didn't work out. Question is how they won the state game. They clearly outplayed Oceanside. It was evident for everyone to see. But how they conducted themselves as a team and coaching staff is what is being question. Great, show no no character....get no respect.
Just a reminder that DLS humiliates teams every season. I don't see comments here talking about DLS backing off. Does it matter if you get hammered by the first, second or third team if the final score is 63-0. That was the DLS Jesuit score this year. 70-14 over SRV and 56-0 over Amador. Do you think those players and fans felt humiliated? Perhaps the pain was eased because at least DLS did not hammer the first team at them with 5 minutes to go. But the result is the same. There comes a time in all sports at all levels when enough is enough. At least in MMA you can tap out. Unfortunately, Oceanside did not have that option.
I didn't see Oceanside pulling their starters, and in fact were putting the kitchen sink in the box with mad dog blitzes. Why? so they could get a couple of cheap hits on Browning in the 4th qtr, to vent their coach's frustration? Their embarrassment of getting the worst beating in state bowl history? Ya, maybe Folsom could have taken the high road and put subs in for their reward for a year's hard work. I would have. And maybe Oceanside should have done the same, but they didn't either. They were going hard for the endzone to the very end. They showed equal disrespect for their own backup players. So, I see two coaching staffs deciding to play hard to the end.
Dude- You have never watched a DLS game, have you? When they have the game in hand, they shut down and they put in subs. That's what they do. I don't think some of the people on here ever played or coached anything. The G61 guy is a joke. He has no clue about sports. Pseudo tough guy who probably never been in the arena or just an ignorant guy who never learned any lessons if he did play.

Look, Folsom is outstanding. That said, they should have played their subs earlier. It's high school football!
"Participation trophy"? You mean like thae one Folsom got since they did not play in the true championship OPEN!!!! "THE FOLSOM RULE" was created to get Folsom a "Participation trophy" and they got it. Ha!
Here is my take on Folsom:

You can run your program however you see fit. If people don't like it, they can start beating you or stop scheduling you. I don't agree with some of the stuff Folsom has done in recent years, but it is the call of Richardson/Taylor on how they want to grow their program and develop the young men that come through.Everything about Folsom seems to indicate they are doing something right in the development.

My issue is they don't own it. Say this is how we play, this is how we have built success and we aren't stopping just because we have had a great class come through this year. However, always saying that you don't do it and you pull guys early when that didn't happen on Friday is wrong.
Three years from now when the banner is hanging on the Folsom field that says state champion and notes all the records set this year. No one will remember the controversy. Winning with class is not something that should be taught when when it is convenient but all the time. Even when something such as a prestigious record is in the balance. Improving character is not done when the decision is easy but instead when it is difficult. The coaches had a good opportunity to teach their players something that would of lasted a lifetime. That to me is much more important then the record books. I also realize this is much easier said then done. Records are cool.

For the prognosticators,
The Folsom team had an awesome year. They blew away the competition and that offense is fun to watch. I don't think they would be able to beat DLS only because their level of competition was not as good as years past. The SFL was down this year. Granite Bay, Oak Ridge, and Del Oro were not as good as the previous years. Vacaville was second in the MEL and they beat 2 of the 3. And lost to Oak Ridge by 1 point. .....on a bad call but that is another topics discussed way too much in this board. They did play a couple of decent teams in Cathedral Catholic, who lost to Oceanside in their section championship game and Clovis North a 7-4 team. Not to downplay Folsom only to put it in perspective. This was a good year for them to set records because of a couple of other factors outside of them being a very good football team.
I find it hilarious how I say Folsom can beat DLS and everyone and their mom gets on here and goes ballistic. First, lets compare apples to apples.

DLS beat Folsom twice. That is a fact. The other fact is they beat a Folsom team loaded with sophomores and juniors. If you want to compare apples to apples, they would have to play this year. But, since DLS ducked Folsom, we will never get to see that. We can only speculate.

Also, we are comparing a public school in which all of the kids reside within a 5 miles radius of the school. For them to be this good is downright amazing. If we are comparing apples to apples, DLS is using a mass transit system (BART) to ship in talent from all over the bay area. The fact that a community high school could even compete with DLS is downright amazing. I personally wish this game would have happened this year. Can you imagine if Folsom won? The excuses would be flowing like a old woman's period!

Bottom line is Folsom is a class team. They acted and won with class. Just because they don't win the way YOU want them to or the way DLS wins, does not make them second fiddle whatsoever. Give credit where credit is due.

Oh, and to respond to the person who says I know nothing about sports and am an "internet tough guy," I say LOL. We can compare sports knowledge any time. I welcome it. But, it will end much like the Folsom/Oceanside game last night...The a** whoopin of a century!
That's the point. They did win big......but with no class. It would have been better if they had done both.
G61--- I started this post am neither a Folsom hater or DLS fan. I have coached football in Bay Area for 20 years so I am a big fan of high school sports. When I turned on Folsom/Oceanside game in 4 th qtr... My 1st thought "wow these guys must be pretty good and looks like NorCal sweep tonight". As 4 th qtr unfolded as a coach I thought what the hell is Folsom staff doing.

Congrats to the players and the coaches for a great accomplishment with a great team. They deserve the credit for a fantastic season. Maybe your not a coach but there is a certain etiquette and respect that goes with it. Folsom did not show respect to opponent. Remember these are high school kids, the goal is to build them up in victory and defeat. I take nothing away from the kids
You proved my point right there. You said you caught the end of the game. You did not see the whole game. Folsom was not scoring TD's by throwing bombs all game. It was quite the contrary.

As a coach, what do you do when your 3rd and 27, and the other team gives up 35 yards on an awful screen pass!? What do you do when the other team fumbles with a clear path to the end zone? Those were Folsom's 2 last scores. I mean, c'mon! You are being way to hard on them. I watched the whole game. They did respect the other team. They could have easily put 100 on those guys. Even when they were up big, Folsom players were still helping Oceanside players off the ground. That is class.
Winning a state championship is hard. It is the culmination of years of sacrifice and hard work by the kids involved. Records are simply that...a recording of events that are particularly unique in the sport. When considering the millions upon millions of athletes who have played the sport, fans and historians of the game can look at the records of individuals and teams and divine just how unique and special each record is. Records are rare; they can be fleeting but they are an important testament to the game and the individuals and teams involved.

Last night was the first game I've seen Folsom play and I was curious if Folsom would be pushing for the record books. Oceanside put a scare in them in the first quarter and Folsom responded with some good football. Folsom seemed unconcerned with passing records as they rushed for, I think, three TD's in the first half. They could have easily, if they were concerned about records, been throwing the ball in the endzone.

After halftime I think the mindset changed on the Folsom sideline. The game was in hand but some national records were 'oh so close'. They had an opportunity to cement in the annals of high school football just how special this team is. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity for the school, players and coach to raise the bar of history. The kids deserve the records as much as anyone who played the game and the coach owes it to his players to be given the chance to rewrite the history books.

So Folsom went for it; unfortunately for Oceanside they were in the way. But if your going to get pummeled in a state championship it might as well be by the #1 scoring team in the history of high school football.

I did not see poor sportsmanship in this game. I saw a coaching staff who understood how hard his kids worked and how special the moment was and gave them a chance to make history.
There is no doubt that Troy Taylor and Mike Pawlaski are personal friends. Did anyone question some of the statements that Pawlaski made during last nights broadcast? As the game went on, I found myself beginning to question these coaches and how far they will go to win and win big.

Pawlaski spoke about Troy Taylor and the Passing Academy. He mentioned how Troy started coaching Jake Browning at the age of 10 years old. Was Jake Browning living in the Folsom district at that time? Below is straight from the CIF State Bylaws. Can anyone with knowledge of this rule please clarify? Through this business, Troy Taylor has contact with quarterback and receiver prospects throughout the region prior to these kids enrolling at a high school. I heard that Ernie Cooper is opening a linebacker academy and Casey Taylor is opening a running back academy. Where does it end? Rules are made for a reason.

Q: What may representatives of a senior high school do as

far as contact with junior high/middle school students is concerned?
A: Because a graduate of a junior high/middle school may

enter any high school in California and may be residentially eligible in
accordance with all CIF rules, contact by senior high school representatives is
regulated. Individual coaches cannot visit or initiate contact with junior
high/middle school students, but it would be permissible for the school administrator
or athletic director (not the coach) of a senior high school to visit the
junior high/middle school campus for the purpose of informing students of the
total athletic program at the senior high school. However, it is legal on a
school day for a high school coach to be part of a total open house and/or
school orientation (academics, activities, but not athletics by itself) where a
student is part of a general gathering of students on the high school campus
and such activity has the approval of the high school and junior high/middle or
elementary school principal.

b. 8th graders who have not graduated
from the 8th grade may not participate in any athletic meetings conducted by
any high school coach that is not part of a school-wide high school presentation.
The student may not practice or compete in any contest at any high school, even
if they have registered for classes and/or paid a non-refundable registration
fee, until they have graduated from the 8th grade.

Second, it has been mentioned from people familiar with the Junior football programs that there is a potential disconnect of when certain Folsom players graduated 8th grade and began their playing careers at Folsom. I am hesitant to post this as I do not personally have the facts and do not want to spread rumors. Again, I do not know the facts on this but would appreciate any insight that can be provided. If this is true would the below apply? If in fact kids were home schooled, would
they not be 5th year seniors?
Q: My son was struggling in the 8th grade. After he

completed the 8th grade we decided that he needed some remedial work in order
to enter the 9th grade at his local high school. Following his 8th grade year
of school, we enrolled him in the fall in a (a) Independent Study Program; (b)
home schooling; (c) on-line course work. He only took a few credits of remedial
work. The following school year we enrolled him as an "official" 9th grader.
When does his eight (8) consecutive semesters begin? A: As soon as a student
completes 8th grade as a result of completing their 8th grade course work, or
because they have graduated from 8th grade, all subsequent coursework, no
matter where it is earned (a, b or c above), is considered to be high school
courses. Whether the student is enrolled full-time or part time in any such
coursework, their eight (8) consecutive semesters begin in the semester immediately
subsequent to their completion of 8th grade in the spring. (Typically with a
spring 8th grade completion, this is the next fall semester. This does not
include summer school).

b. Eight (8) consecutive semesters of eligibility, including
and immediately following the first semester as described in (a.) above, are
available to the student whether or not the student is enrolled in school,
participates in or is eligible for, interscholastic participation. (Bylaw 204)
This is not intended to spread rumors, rather than to ensure

all programs are playing within the same rules/playing field.
Finally, someone who saw exactly what I saw. You are spot on. Folsom could have set every record in the book last night. But, they were still RUNNING the football, unconcerned with passing records. Still a great show of sportsmanship.
Oh, god not more conspiracy theories as to why Folsom was a powerhouse this year. This is funny to me considering you have the "best" team in CA shipping people in from all around the bay via BART just to attend football practice.

People always turn a blind eye unless it is something they are unhappy with.

With that being said, Go Folsom!
Well said superslow. Lets not forget this is a 14-0 team they did this against! Im pretty sure they blew teams out on the way to this game.
Why would Oceanside pull their starters? Folsom was beating down their starters so you put in your second string to get pounded even harder...Folsoms starters were staying in that game regardless. I dont know much about folsom or their program. All the info I have on them is from this site. After watching their last 2 games, I like how their players play. They know they are better then their opponent and keep pounding them play after play. Thats football. They dont let the trash talking get to them instead they line up for the next play and punch their opponent in the mouth. Folsoms offense is a pass first offense and if teams defend the pass Folsom runs. So in that 4th quarter when Oceanside is blitzing Browning why run the ball? They were looking to throw the short passes. Sure they threw a couple of deep balls but thats mainly because that was the right read and throw and Browning was just executing the offense the way its suppose to be done. I dont think its classless its just a different style of football. You could tell Folsoms coach knew oceanside coach was going to have some words for him.
G61: Let me guess? You are under educated as a person and have no knowledge of life or sports. Please go away from this board.
I am actually a super educated person, unlike you, obviously. Get off this thread and go watch DLS play another "duck and cover" game! LOL
I don't agree with the way De La Salle became great, but the fact is they are. I watched them for years and I watched last night. I see nothing that would lead me to believe that if Folsom and De La Salle faces each other again that the outcome would be different from the previous two years. DLS ran all over Folsom the last two years and they would do it this year. Last year was probably a better defense for Folsom and this year's DLS run game is probably better this year then last. Folsom got their wish though and avoided DLS to get to state. Congrats on the state title. You are probably the 3rd best D1 team in the state still.
If BART went all the way to the Sacramento area, DLS would be shipping Jake Browning and Co. in to "attend" the school! LOL
Actually Folsom is the best team in the state. DLS ducked Folsom in the preseason because they knew they wouldn't be facing sophomores and juniors this year. Congrats on the open division "duck and cover" state title.

Folsom is the best team in the state. Just watch the tape. The proof is always in the tape :)
I never thought I would see the day where Folsom would be more hated than DLS. I find it comical. I also take it as a huge compliment. We didn't even need BART to subsidize our school transit system
Careful accusing DLS. Should look at your own coach and how he landed Browning and where he lived at the time????
Do your research. Browning has lived in Folsom since he was 5. Since Folsom does not have access to BART, he was forced to ride his bike to school
This isn't about DLS and your obsession with them. It may be tough to live in their shadow, but deal with it. This discussion is about how Folsom represented the North in not only their play, but in their sportsmanship. They did well in the former, but completely missed the target in the latter. Something you seem to be missing about that part of the game.
Originally posted by decoydan:
Careful accusing DLS. Should look at your own coach and how he landed Browning and where he lived at the time????
Originally posted by G61:

Do your research. Browning has lived in Folsom since he was 5. Since Folsom does not have access to BART, he was forced to ride his bike to school
Wow, impressive. Since you know so much about Folsom and their players maybe you can help clarify the following. 1) How does the Troy Taylor run passing academy stay in compliance with CIF Bylaws, specifically contact with youth residing outside the Folsom district prior to enrollment in high school? Are all Folsom bound participants in the passing academy disclosing their contact on the Pre-enrollment disclosure? Next, are you aware of any Folsom players who were home-schooled after their 8th grade year? Was this home school period counted as a year of eligibility? Would love it if you could clarify and put this to rest.
I find it comical that someone has the nerve to get on here and accuse Folsom of some wrong doing with Browning. This is all coming from a school that ships in talent via BART, throughout the bay area. These are all facts. All these "bay area" coaches and parents are all up in arms because there is another team out there challenging their reign. You know what, get over it. Folsom is a public school and can stack right up with you.

As I have said before, give them some credit. Don't blame Folsom's coaches for scoring meaningless touchdowns at the end of the game. Blame Oceanside's coaching staff for coming to a state title game unprepared.
What are you talking about..."Folsom had a better defense last year". So the fact that they are all SENIORS this year and are bigger and faster means nothing? And the fact that they added Jonah Williams (a likely 5 star recruit), and got two studs back this year (incuding one of their DE that destroyed Oceanside) that were injured and unable to play against DLS... apparently all of this means their not any better? Also, add in the fact that Lalogi played almost only on the defensive side unlike last year where he played running back. I guess the fact that Grant and Oceanside (with the San Diego offensive player of the year at running back) could only run for minimal yardage also doesn't mean they would fair better against the DLS run? This team was great everywhere...take off the DLS homer glasses!
If you would like clarification, please contact the SJS. They have been personally contacted by you a few times already. The issue has been put to rest. I know who you are :)
Right on brother. So many bay area "homers" on here. They get so angry when any other team gets any accolades besides their own. Give up the bay area arrogance and just say "great game, great team" and move on.
No one is more angry about Folsom's state title than "decoydan." There is meaning in the name you are hiding behind. Believe me, you are known. How much did you enjoy that game last night, decoydan!?
You're actually very comical "Randy Marsh" Actually it's you who appears to puff his chest out because the team he roots for won the state. This thread has never been about the Folsom PLAYERS, who exhibited class, and sportsman like behavior. It has been the coaches whose actions have been called into question. I have no need to get into an argument about my career in high school and college, but I guarantee I've probably forgotten more football that you will ever know. Having said that, since your ability to pump up your chest, and probably your lower region, depends on your team winning, it had better continue. These things tend to run in cycles and people remember when someone didn't take their foot off the gas. Ironically, it might be the CLASS of the other coach that stops it from occurring.
So what your saying is we can all become Prep Academies and welcome 5th year seniors? Has your section approved this? Maybe your commissioner can call the NCS and other state commissioners so we can all get on the same page. On another note, what if you have a kid who is a linebacker, running back and has played a little quarterback. Should he go to the Ernie Cooper linebacker academy, Casey Taylor running back academy or the Troy Taylor passing academy? (No disrespect to coach Ernie Cooper or CaseyTaylor as I know neither of them would develop an academy).
G61 - Stop Whining and just own it that running up the score the way their coaches do is classless.

Whaaaaaaaaa! whaaaaaaaaaaa! You whine more than my one year old son. Your making your program look worse with your comments. Geez it's pathetic. Again, just own it.

1. Folsom has a great team and won the state D1 championship. Be happy with that, but trying to defend them for running up the score is moronic.
2. The "Folsom rule" was put in place by the CIF, so that Folsom got to avoid the BiG boys and the national power type teams such as DLS and the PAC 5 semi finalist after Folsom got their asses handed to them the last two years. Again, be happy with your consolation championship.
3. It's a bitter sweet win. I always hope the North teams win, but it's hard to route for a team that doesn't respect their opponents.
4. Good players, great QB, great coaches in terms of scheming, but classless.
5. Look, if you want to be the "bad guys" and run up the score, avoid the big boys and celebrate the consolation championship win then that's fine, but don't act like running up the score is not classless. Just own it,such as: we're a bad ass team, we don't give a $h!t about our opponents, we love our stats, and don't give a $h!t about teaching humility. Just win by 50 baby!!!!!!
6. With that said, their players are great, play hard, and don't talk smack. Hopefully they learn humility from their parents because they certainly didn't from their coaches.
7. see point 5 again!