Will this happen in NorCal?

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I’ll also add mRNA drugs were seen as purposeless for many of the years after it was created because they couldn’t figure out how to prevent it from being destroyed by our immune system. leading to it being understudied and underfunded.
Covid is here to stay that seems to be the reality. Working on therapeutics is obviously the call here And there are many that have shown promise. Problem is they don’t cost as much and certainly don’t line the grifters pockets.
Do you need a peer review to think for yourself? Booster every three months sounds rational to you? Do you need a peer review to look at again a country like India with it less than 30% vaccination rate and over 1 billion population and a lower death rate than the US to understand the vaccination ability isn’t what‘s being sold? Do you need a peer review to understand covid is sars 2.0 enhanced to spread faster than original, which those who contracted original still to this day carry antibodies over a decade later? Look you’re are to decide your health care however you want. But this division between Vax/Unvaxed is unhealthy for a society and unwarranted considering the science and date. Again very low death rate that is the fact, no peer review needed.

Most posters don’t need NCP pissing contests for self gratification. But have at it.
Cal and Sal are in the know. That doesn’t mean we are know-it-all’s. Just that we listen to and respect the knowledge of others WHOSE CAREERS ARE STEEPED IN GREATER KNOWLEDGE.
Something not being peer reviewed doesn’t automatically make it irrelevant just has to be taken into account. Also the study you linked and quoted is reference to a nationwide study of all ages and demos supported by surprise, surprise, Pfizer... I stand by what I believe. There is to much uncertainty with the side effects of males 16-24 Which is the dominant demographic of High school/college football players. I simply support choice and am against mandates especially in the age range below 16. You can continue to act like I’m ignorant or living off “sound-bites” (showing your age there bud kids these days watch clips on Twitter) but looking at the case rates of highly vaccinated countries indicates the vaccines fade over time and don’t prevent transmission.
I can’t “act” like you’re ignorant. Only you can accomplish that.
I can simply respond to what is posted and refute it if: a. It’s wrong and/or b. misleading.

You were unequivocal is stating there’s a BIG problem with myocarditis in boys in the Israeli study and your position-the thread topic- of why you are AGAINST the Vaxx mandate for them. I read your citation, directly quoted from it that states there’s a BIGGER problem with myocarditis in that age range when they get Covid-19. When you get cross-examined, unfortunately, such is life.

“Sham affidavit” alert. (He can look it up. LOL)

13-O: Weird you are saying my citation was Pfizer backed and nationwide as it is specific to WA state. So show the world where Pfizer is sourcing the study I linked. Here it is again:

Most posters don’t need NCP pissing contests for self gratification. But have at it.
Cal and Sal are in the know. That doesn’t mean we are know-it-all’s. Just that we listen to and respect the knowledge of others WHOSE CAREERS ARE STEEPED IN GREATER KNOWLEDGE.

I can’t “act” like you’re ignorant. Only you can accomplish that.
I can simply respond to what is posted and refute it if: a. It’s wrong and/or b. misleading.

You were unequivocal is stating there’s a BIG problem with myocarditis in boys in the Israeli study and your position-the thread topic- of why you are AGAINST the Vaxx mandate for them. I read your citation, directly quoted from it that states there’s a BIGGER problem with myocarditis in that age range when they get Covid-19. When you get cross-examined, unfortunately, such is life.

“Sham affidavit” alert. (He can look it up. LOL)

13-O: Weird you are saying my citation was Pfizer backed and nationwide as it is specific to WA state. So show the world where Pfizer is sourcing the study I linked. Here it is again:

Lol that’s not the same study bud... that’s not even a study you just linked case/hospitalization/death rates for covid 19 in the state of WA. In your first reply you directly quoted a single sentence from the article I posted that reinforced your opinion. In that sentence it had a link to another article (it’s reference for the statement it was making) that pretty clearly cites a nationwide study posted to the New England medical journal that was supported by NIH and Pfizer amongst others. Myocarditis is a big problem for boys getting vaccinated as well as other possible side effects. The study you were quoting was supported by the company that makes the vaccine so it’s not a reliable source in my opinion. I see you though with your next level trolling
Most posters don’t need NCP pissing contests for self gratification. But have at it.
Yet here you are. You’re a tool, period. Your type hides behind some BS academic degree that falsely gives them a complex of superiority while simply being nothing more than a lemming. People like you lack basic common sense which in the end is more essential than some degree from institutions that long ago taught people to stop thinking and start following.
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