Agapbliitz Ko'd by someone....please?

Aug 14, 2006
Just a joke. I don't want to seem like I threatened anyone but really shouldn't this board be more about fun talk and the positive exposure of young players in Northern California instead of tearing others down. Why do we buy so much into that negative talk? If someone wants to try and tear down these two very solid programs on a message board shouldn't we realize it's just someone hating that doesn't feel good about their own selves.
We are in the middle of the playoffs and the most viewed posts are about teams getting upset and someone bad mouthing the kids and the coaches. That's not good.
Just my thoughts.
These are definitely not the first programs, kids or coaches torn down on these boards. Its interesting that when the tearing down is of "other" programs the voices of reason are few and far between.

I agree with you though this board should not be used to slander programs, players or coaches.

The chickens always come home to roost (#33)
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If it up to the individual posters on if they want to respond. It takes two to tango.

If no one responds and the behavior continues, then warnings/bans will be handed out (warnings have been handed out already).
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I had the opportunity to coach with Coach Bonfigli while he was at Justin-Siena all 12 years. When he was at Justin we scrimmaged Montgomery and Piner every year and he always would talk about the rivalry between Montgomery and CN. Since he has been back the 2 schools have played 28 times, CN has won 14 and Montgomery 14, so I get this is a great rivalry. I cannot understand why the Montgomery people(Agap is a village - not on this mission solo) are so threatened by Coach Taylor and Coach Bonfigli. I think Coach actually coaches in the Cager organization. You still bad mouth him and question his ability to coach(most likely telling kids he's getting too old and they should come to Montgomery). I am the first to challenge his scheduling and discredit the lakes, valleys and villes but I still believe he does a great job. He continues to scout, he probably still talks too much but ultimately he wants the kids to have success. In the game against Tam, they missed shots and did not defend well. Most teams lose when that happens. To come on this board and say you wanted to get a bunch of views is mind boggling. The agap family has not done a great job promoting Montgomery and the Cagers. You have displayed your true colors, it is too bad.
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Weird thread. If Agap is who he's been claimed to be in that thread, I would find that to be very sad, as that guy was very good to one of my boys. If he is anybody associated in any way with Monty sports, if I was a coach, admin, or AD there I'd disavow this person's behavior and strongly advise them to put a sock in it.
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FWIW, Fentons Cream is spot on. Funny how much mud gets slung at other coaches, players and teams without getting this much attention...
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If it up to the individual posters on if they want to respond. It takes two to tango.

If no one responds and the behavior continues, then warnings/bans will be handed out (warnings have been handed out already).

I remember when that BOD football fan spent 2 months stalking my every post accusing me of being Agap lol
I remember when that BOD football fan spent 2 months stalking my every post accusing me of being Agap lol

I thought it was the DLS fan Son of MtnJohn that the Folsom guy accused of being from Sonora?

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