Current state of DLS-Folsom

As a Folsom fan (only because I lived there from 2012 to 2019), I have become quite disappointed in their scheduling, even in years that they supposedly are expected to be so great. The fact that they can't beat Serra shows me that they either are over-hyped going into the season and/or they assume that they will be able to skate by and get to the Open. The only way that they could ever hope to compete in some small way with Cent10, MD, SJB, etc. is to schedule them. If Pitt and SM can do that, so can Folsom. DO and Grant used to do it when HS football was a lot less commercial. Maybe their main focus is really just to get the players scholarships, which is great, but then they should be honest about that rather than say they will play anyone, only to change.

I do hope they get to the Open so to at least get a real measuring stick of who they are. I am now under the belief that there has only been two true great Folsom teams since their "dominant" run - 2010 and 2014.

Streak, so you know anything about why Folsom seems to "duck" these big name schools?

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