fair. but he was set. he was standing there for a full second before the guy, out of control, fell on him. he didn't have to be set, but he was set. and if he's set, he's legal, and the offensive player... who was out of control, barrelled into the set guy. the refs would say the defender was moving (maybe falling backward, maybe got there too late, maybe turned a little)... i strongly disagree with that interpretation.
i'm arguing, he was clear of the offensive player, as the offensive player tried to go around him, he engaged with his elbow to hook him, because he couldn't beat him otherwise. the hook was the first contact. the refs will say the defender engaged illegally... i strongly disagree with that interpretation.
it wasn't a push. as bryce was being boxed out, he fell backwards, and pulled the defender with him... they called foul on the defender, because they say he fell on him uncontrollably. I strongly disagree with that interpretation.