Djokovic is Showing the Way


Sports Fanatic
Gold Member
Dec 5, 2005
Recently tennis player Novak Djokovic hosted several tennis tournaments in Europe. Afterward he and others were diagnosed with Covid 19 and he was lambasted in the media. I think they are getting it wrong. For us to beat this crisis we need leaders like Djokovic to show us people can take risks and survive for the greater good of the community. His example is too rare right now and it will likely lead to the cancellation of high school football and many of the joys of life that we live for.

The problem is the righteous politicians and media keep equating catching COVID-19 With a death sentence. All the data/science to date show dying from it is not a significant risk for young healthy people and athletes in particular. It is more risky to drive in your car yet we do not shutdown the highway. Those over 65 and sick must isolate but that should not stop the young and the healthy from living life.

Yes Djokovic caught Covid but he had no symptoms which is the case for most young Healthy people who catch it. These shutdowns have accomplished nothing but delay the problem. Given the uncertainty and time requirements to develop a vaccine, the best solution (many silenced Drs. agree) is herd immunity and young healthy people should be the ones to lead the way. Of course the old and sick should isolate as well as those who are scared.

We need our pro athletes to be leaders just like Djokovic. People need to be trusted to make their own life decisions on what risks they are willing to take and not take. The “error” of superiority that looks down on others and demands them to one size fits all solutions has led to these unnecessary shutdowns that are ruining people’s lives and perhaps putting them at greater mental health risks from financial strain and social isolation. As Djokovic has shown by catching covid and surviving, "the Cure of shutdowns is worse than the Disease". I applaud Djokovic. We need more athletes and pro sports in particular to follow his lead.

Along with pro sports starting this summer all schools and high school athletics in California should start in the Fall. Again if someone has a need to isolate or is scared they do not have to participate and can be provided a remote learning option for school.

Once we open the schools and HS athletics we know people will catch covid. When they do the sick individual should be isolated until they recover. Everyone else should keep going. If too many athletes on a single team are isolated the games should be suspended and then resume when enough players are healthy. After a month or two the problem will be behind us and herd immunity will be achieved. We will only defeat Covid 19 by individuals being allowed to lead the way and take risks they are comfortable taking.

Thank you Djokovic for showing us the way!
Stop thinking about yourself and think and your kids. It’s high school sports it’s really not that important for the majority that play it.

What happened?
Social media. It used to be that as a reporter you just wrote stories with little to no interaction with your readers. Sondheimer has been writing that there will be no high school sports this Fall. The majority of his readers would like to see a solution to play. The you are selfish argument is filled with irony as people head out to public without masks, or have dinner with friends or let their kids play/hang with their friends. You can see examples every day and if you are honest with yourself you could probably cite a few examples of were you broke mask and social distancing protocol. However, when it comes to playing high school sports for some people that is the real potential threat of this virus. But here’s the catch. High school sports hasn’t been played in four months and people are still catching the virus. Don’t point out an extremely small subset and say they are being selfish because every adult out there is being selfish or they are not being honest with themselves.
I do believe people need to have more of a choice in how much they are comfortable exposing themselves.

I also believe that there needs to be more concrete standards (mask use, social distancing, what can be open, etc) on a county level.

My issue is those two things go hand in hand and I don't think we can trust enough of society to follow the standards.
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...and lots of luck trying to enforce those standards...can't be done with any degree of consistency or law enforcement vigor...the cops are busy with other stuff...this thing really boils down to personal responsibility and a commitment to the society at large...frankly, there's an awful lot of "it's all about me" out there...we will get through this...just be glad you're not a public school teacher, union rep, administrator or trustee...

You asked me to, "Think about your kids"?

That is what I think I am doing. Note I have coached basketball 20+ years in a range of communities from the Southside of Chicago to Presidio Heights in SF and like all coaches I know sports are an integral part of young people's education. I have repeatedly seen Sports involvement change young men's lives for the better and in many cases save young men's lives from going down the wrong path and early death. In the Spring shutdown we saw over 30% of the students in public schools go AWOL when the teaching went on-line. If school and sports continue to be shutdown in the Fall, the drop out rate will increase dramatically. To me the risk of kids losing interest in school and dropping out of school has a greater cost than the risk of dying from Covid 19. To date there have been zero fatalities in CA from Covid for kids 20 and under. Nationally the death rates of young healthy kids and adults is negligible. We know the cost of kids dropping out of school is high.

When the shutdowns started they were sold as just, "flattening the curve". This has proved to be "a bait and switch" to shutting down in perpetuity until a vaccine is found. Like I pointed out in my first post the shutdowns have not solved the problem but just delayed it which is why we still are where we are now. We should not be putting all our eggs in the vaccine basket given the uncertainty of finding one is great. We should also be moving towards herd immunity with the young and healthy students, pro athletes and workers leading the way. Of course we will still try to minimize risks with masks, social distancing and no or limited spectators at sports games.

We have already lost our 2020 Spring school and sports season and are now likely to lose the Fall and then the Winter seasons too (I agree with Sondheimer that we are headed that way given how our local "leaders" are looking at this problem).

Those who want to follow the path towards herd immunity showcased by Djokovic and which I am advocating for need to speak up, defend our views and present them to our Governor, Mayors and school administrators.

Living life in fear is no way to live life, especially if you are young and healthy. I would like to see the individuals and their families be allowed to choose how they live their life including whether they play sports or not. We all see the same data and can make our own decisions.
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Medical school where? Oh that’s right you coached some ball congrats. I coached at the high school level for 10 years and coached men and women in the military for another 15. I spent 6 years scouting and now I’m a teacher. Not sure why we need to put are athletic resumes in the discussion but we did. I know this if students get infected, parents, grandparents and the vulnerable have more of a chance of being infected by the student. Not only family members but how about teachers. I just don’t think we have control of the virus and missing out on a year of ball will not hurt. The school administration has to worry about the whole student body and staff, not just the student athlete.

You asked me to, "Think about your kids"?

That is what I think I am doing. Note I have coached basketball 20+ years in a range of communities from the Southside of Chicago to Presidio Heights in SF and like all coaches I know sports are an integral part of young people's education. I have repeatedly seen Sports involvement change young men's lives for the better and in many cases save young men's lives from going down the wrong path and early death. In the Spring shutdown we saw over 30% of the students in public schools go AWOL when the teaching went on-line. If school and sports continue to be shutdown in the Fall, the drop out rate will increase dramatically. To me the risk of kids losing interest in school and dropping out of school has a greater cost than the risk of dying from Covid 19. To date there have been zero fatalities in CA from Covid for kids 20 and under. Nationally the death rates of young healthy kids and adults is negligible. We know the cost of kids dropping out of school is high.

When the shutdowns started they were sold as just, "flattening the curve". This has proved to be "a bait and switch" to shutting down in perpetuity until a vaccine is found. Like I pointed out in my first post the shutdowns have not solved the problem but just delayed it which is why we still are where we are now. We should not be putting all our eggs in the vaccine basket given the uncertainty of finding one is great. We should also be moving towards herd immunity with the young and healthy students, pro athletes and workers leading the way. Of course we will still try to minimize risks with masks, social distancing and no or limited spectators at sports games.

We have already lost our 2020 Spring school and sports season and are now likely to lose the Fall and then the Winter seasons too (I agree with Sondheimer that we are headed that way given how our local "leaders" are looking at this problem).

Those who want to follow the path towards herd immunity showcased by Djokovic and which I am advocating for need to speak up, defend our views and present them to our Governor, Mayors and school administrators.

Living life in fear is no way to live life, especially if you are young and healthy. I would like to see the individuals and their families be allowed to choose how they live their life including whether they play sports or not. We all see the same data and can make our own decisions.

Hi Coach, you are misrepresenting Djokovic to some extent. He was not happy with the end result of the tournament, ( Covid ) and he said so.
I also am very involved in High School Sports, and I also want it to take place.
I want our society to put so much more time and energy into our kids, in and out of school.
I don't have an answer to our predicament. I do know some people are almost arrogant and hostile about having to wear a mask, even when convenient to do so.

Here's wishing you great football
Herd immunity ignorance.
HI is ONLY gained if being infected gives one immunity.
That is unproven with SARS-CoV-2.

...but I guess some people don’t believe the Mayo Clinic experts.
Herd immunity ignorance.
HI is ONLY gained if being infected gives one immunity.
That is unproven with SARS-CoV-2.

...but I guess some people don’t believe the Mayo Clinic experts.
So how do vaccines work?
Herd immunity ignorance.
HI is ONLY gained if being infected gives one immunity.
That is unproven with SARS-CoV-2.

...but I guess some people don’t believe the Mayo Clinic experts.
From the Mayo Clinic website. “A vaccine for the virus that causes COVID-19 would be an ideal approach to achieving herd immunity”
“Research suggests that after infection with some coronaviruses, reinfection with the same virus — though usually mild and only happening in a fraction of people — is possible after a period of months or years.“
@11,12- This could be biased. Indeed, that is an accurate quote diced from a Mayo Clinic article (btw thanks for doing that as many wouldn’t have even taken that step.) However, a cut and pasted snippet which seems to support a specific position. This is spin and disingenuous.

Ponder what the experts say about herd immunity with CoV-2. In that same article, in fact the NEXT paragraph, is this:

“Even if infection with the COVID-19 virus creates long-lasting immunity, a large number of people would have to become infected to reach the herd immunity threshold. Experts estimate that in the U.S., 70% of the population — more than 200 million people — would have to recover from COVID-19 to halt the epidemic.”

What was not presented and must be made clear to the general public is with that statistic AND the fact that vaccine immunity is the ONLY other course, SARS-CoV-2 is around for many months, if not a year.

nbfb- I feel your pain. With a 2021 it must be tough, especially if he’s power5 ready. But then again you will have the chance to see him play, still. In fact, some of the most fun viewing pleasures can be had are higher up with intimate venues! It’s simply uncharted territory for families like yours. He will get more chances and also get to hug his 70’s gparents, if “bubbled.” HS sports IS the pinnacle for many, and that makes it even tougher when it hangs in the balance. Rest assured, the horizon is bright without it!
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and I don't think we can trust enough of society to follow the standards.

This is a big key for me. Not only are large factions not following protocols, even when many attempt to, they aren't doing it correctly. So what's the point?

I know that sounds negative, but it's basically true. A great deal of those wearing masks aren't wearing them all the time. They're constantly taking them off for periods of time (I've seen TV clips with officers and others wearing them around their neck) and not fitting properly when they do.

Even then, I contend that the masses are touching their faces a helluva lot more wearing these damn masks because they aren't used to them, it's hot, and people are typically fidgety as it is. Whatever they've expelled while wearing the mask can then be easily transferred onto whatever they touch. Cause, let's be real, most people don't disinfect their hands all that often. Even ones that do won't do it every single time they touch their face and mask.

And what about the masks? A lot of folks are wearing homemade masks that fit more comfortably than a disposable procedure mask and likely aren't cleaning them regularly. Then touching it each and every time they need to take it with them and put it on or take it off. Rinse, repeat.

Then there's this from studies done in India, where they've been dealing with masks for a lot longer than this current pandemic due to air pollution.

While ill-fitting masks let in pollutants, mask that fit too tightly can also be problematic. A person wearing any kind of mask faces breathing resistance as air filters through the device, making the wearer work harder to inhale than he would without the mask. This can have several adverse physiological effects when the mask is worn for long periods of time. Moreover, carbon dioxide that is exhaled can get trapped in the chamber of the mask the re-enter the body each time the mask user inhales. This delivers less oxygen into the body than when the person is not wearing a mask.

“It can lead to oxygen shortage, suffocation, respiration trouble, and heart attacks,” said Dr D Saha, scientist and additional director at the Central Pollution Control Board.

He pointed out that masks are a potential source of bacteria and viruses. “The moisture from exhalation inside the mask, when in constant contact with the 37 degrees Celsius warm human body, becomes ideal place for virus and bacteria to thrive,” he said. This could result in the growth of microbes on masks and aid the spread of airborne diseases like influenza

Then, lastly, I follow a Placer County Supervisor from the 4th district who has been posting video updates on Facebook where he discusses local data on the effects of mask wearing. As of 2 weeks ago, he posted statistics comparing 5 NorCal Counties with mask requirements and 5 without mask requirements. The populations and persons per square mile, etc. of the two different groups were all fairly identical. So far there has been no significant difference in the amount of positive cases.

Needless to say, I remain skeptical of the whole mask thing. I won't wear one. However, I also haven't been going anywhere. Other than a doctor appt, where I did have to wear a mask to enter the building, I've been strictly staying at home. My wife does all the traveling for supplies.

Still, I kinda subscribe to the idea that we're all gonna get infected with this virus at some point. Might be 6 months from now, might be a year from now, but eventually it's gonna happen. This thing isn't being eradicated any time soon. And unlike influenza, it doesn't seem to be seasonal given it's spiking heavily during the dog days of Summer.

Perhaps we'll buy enough time for a vaccine. But I remain skeptical of that, too, considering that other forms of coronavirus have been known about for upwards of 20 years or more and there are no vaccines for those. Perhaps the added focus of this particular strain will lead to a breakthrough discovery.

Until then, are we going to continue to try to hide in our caves and let our economy plummet or are we gonna get busy living?

That's the great controversial question we'll likely never get a consensus on. But the extreme left will try to legislate whatever they think is right regardless (sorry, I couldn't resist the dig). :)
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@11,12- This could be biased. Indeed, that is an accurate quote diced from a Mayo Clinic article (btw thanks for doing that as many wouldn’t have even taken that step.) However, a cut and pasted snippet which seems to support a specific position. This is spin and disingenuous.

Ponder what the experts say about herd immunity with CoV-2. In that same article, in fact the NEXT paragraph, is this:

“Even if infection with the COVID-19 virus creates long-lasting immunity, a large number of people would have to become infected to reach the herd immunity threshold. Experts estimate that in the U.S., 70% of the population — more than 200 million people — would have to recover from COVID-19 to halt the epidemic.”

What was not presented and must be made clear to the general public is with that statistic AND the fact that vaccine immunity is the ONLY other course, SARA-CoV-2 is around for many months, if not a year.

nbfb- I feel your pain. With a 2021 it must be tough, especially if he’s power5 ready. But then again you will have the chance to see him play, still. In fact, some of the most fun viewing pleasures can be had are higher up with intimate venues! It’s simply uncharted territory for families like yours. He will get more chances and also get to hug his 70’s gparents, if “bubbled.” HS sports IS the pinnacle for many, and that makes it even tougher when it hangs in the balance. Rest assured, the horizon is bright without it!
Nothing disingenuous about quoting the website. Your words - vaccines don’t work. Mayo Clinic- The only known immunity for corona viruses is through infection. So keeping the kids in mind. Is it better that they get it now while they are in the best age range for their immune system to handle the virus or when they are of age where their bodies become more susceptible to death from the disease? For that matter you and I will be more susceptible to death with time.
As for my kid being P5. Never said or implied that. I already have one kid playing college football. Frankly it would be easier to support just one. We as a society are wrapping our heads around the false pretense that we are currently in a “bubble”. You don’t have to look very far to see that “bubble” break down. Unlike ThunderRam I wear a mask every time I go out. Is it effective? I don’t know but I’m willing to do it. Do I think it might just be a little ineffective if I wear it in to a restaurant while we all take off our masks to eat and drink? That’s a sacrifice we are all willing to make for a sense of normalcy. Do we HAVE to go out? Is it essential? No. But we justify it with statements like I’m supporting our community. Does it put in to jeopardy the “hug your grandparents “ in the future? Sure any additional unnecessary exposure does. Is it more essential that these kids get back to school? I believe so. And if it’s not essential then let’s defund the teachers and schools and go all online education. That we can insure equal instruction.
@15. I’m not sure where you deduced I don’t think a vaccine would be effective. In fact, I said exactly that they are! And I also cited the same Mayo article nbfb did about why herd immunity from Covid19 is just not going to happen. Ever wonder why there was a measles outbreak last fall?

As far as masks being effective (“face coverings” less so?) It’s a RESPIRATORY contagion. Period.

But seriously; “defund the teachers and schools” for online education? That’s like people thinking “defund the police” is equivalent to abandoning police services. “Defund the police” was meant to focus on allocating SOME funds earmarked for policing to other community based programs. But some simply take the words out of context to support some inane fringe ideas. Agreed, kids need to be in school this fall. HS sports? It’s a huge conundrum...So I hope I’m not assuming you meant close down our public school systems? Because if so, How can parents who work (two?!) jobs leaving their second grader in front of the laptop at home this fall...alone?!

I’m with you that HS sports was a very enjoyable time. And some families will miss out on thAtLife changing experiences due to the pandemic all around. Was just in LA. Streak is right. Saw tons of non-compliance.

Nbfb I could be wrong but didn’t you write you were contemplating moving OOS for HSFB?


They’re not. You’ve heard of “phased openings?”
@15. I’m not sure where you deduced I don’t think a vaccine would be effective. In fact, I said exactly that they are! And I also cited the same Mayo article nbfb did about why herd immunity from Covid19 is just not going to happen. Ever wonder why there was a measles outbreak last fall?

As far as masks being effective (“face coverings” less so?) It’s a RESPIRATORY contagion. Period.

But seriously; “defund the teachers and schools” for online education? That’s like people thinking “defund the police” is equivalent to abandoning police services. “Defund the police” was meant to focus on allocating SOME funds earmarked for policing to other community based programs. But some simply take the words out of context to support some inane fringe ideas. Agreed, kids need to be in school this fall. HS sports? It’s a huge conundrum...So I hope I’m not assuming you meant close down our public school systems? Because if so, How can parents who work (two?!) jobs leaving their second grader in front of the laptop at home this fall...alone?!

I’m with you that HS sports was a very enjoyable time. And some families will miss out on thAtLife changing experiences due to the pandemic all around. Was just in LA. Streak is right. Saw tons of non-compliance.

Nbfb I could be wrong but didn’t you write you were contemplating moving OOS for HSFB?

They’re not. You’ve heard of “phased openings?”
No, not serious about defunding the schools just pointing out that they should have been determined “essential” from the outset for the very reason you point out.

About moving out of state, you are partially correct. I said if my son wanted, I would make it happen for him to play out of state. We have family in football states of Georgia and Tennessee so it wouldn’t be a reach.
When it comes to figuring out what is next with COVID, I think decision makers are in a situation where it is a bad choice or a worse choice.

For all the speculation, there isn't a simple right choice out there. So when left with less than ideal options, there will be events and/or people that are on the short of the stick.
When it comes to figuring out what is next with COVID, I think decision makers are in a situation where it is a bad choice or a worse choice.

For all the speculation, there isn't a simple right choice out there. So when left with less than ideal options, there will be events and/or people that are on the short of the stick.
djokovic was outright negligent and arrogant.

the op's post applauds jokeavic's negligence and arrogance, and the OPs comments reflect his potential actions... with what looks like little regard for the safety of the youth he is charged with overseeing, and their families. A coach has an implied duty to keep his players safe. I see nothing in his comments that reflect that.

I'll just leave this here, from his OP
the best solution (many silenced Drs. agree) is herd immunity and young healthy people should be the ones to lead the way.

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Sal- I concur. “We can all make our own decisions.” That’s what 130,000 caskets give you. smh.

As far as “making choices,” there was a choice, a very simple one at that, for decision makers to say “you must wear a face covering.” But another decision maker saying July 1st, “It’s just going to go away.” Exactly what was said 50,000 caskets ago.
My post wasn't a support of Djokovic. It was meant as a summation of where I see things going forward.

In terms of masks, I think that is part of a baseline that needs to happen. I hope the vast majority of people can agree to a few things (masks, not engaging with people if you are feeling sick, things like this).
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Thanks for all of your comments and criticisms. Here are a couple responses and comments.

Mark Twain famously said, "Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics". We can look at the same statistics and reach different conclusions. The numbers I focus on keep telling me Covid19 is not significantly dangerous to young and healthy people. Students need to be back in school in the Fall. Since we have started to open CA the number of overall cases of Covid19 has gone up but not the fatalities to young and healthy people in particular. I look at this as good news since it confirms the young are not at significant risk. The cost of falling behind in learning and risk of dropping out are greater negatives for students. I still have not heard a good reason why young people going to school and playing sports stops older and sick people from isolating. By definition if they are isolating they should not be effected by others taking the risk of going to school/sports. If an old/sick person has a young person in their household that young person should isolate too. Other people taking risk and achieving herd immunity actually is saving the old and sick from taking the risk themselves and may reduce the time they need to isolate.

Likewise the "experts" have different opinions and certain respected experts have changed their minds about whether we should wear masks or not and were grossly wrong with their initial projections of 2.3 million deaths. Should we blindly trust the experts? Many of the experts seem to be ignoring the cost of the shutdown to our economy and mental health. Suicides, drug overdoses and crime are all rising as a result of the shutdown and should be taken more into account by our Governor, Mayors and School Boards. Small business owners are getting crushed financially and emotionally. I just read an article about depression diagnosis in teenagers rising 20% in WI. This will directly lead to teen suicides rising.

130,000 deaths to date is tragic but note most of them have happened while we were shutdown. Did the shutdown work? Would it be significantly worse if we did not shut down? Perhaps, but now that we are opening up CA the cases are going up anyway so what did we accomplish by shutting down in the first place? We seem to be just delaying the problem, all while causing and worsening other residual problems that can also be fatal.

Early on several doctors, professors and scientists questioned the draconian shutdowns advocating for opening with masks and social distancing. Eight of our 50 states did not shut down. Many other countries, most notably Sweden, did not shut down. I heard the Health director for Sweden advocating for and defending their approach just the other night on TV. It is interesting to compare their outcome to their neighbor Norway. Norway initially had significantly lower cases and fatalities than Sweden. On the flip side Sweden did less damage to its economy, the mental health of its people and its students did not miss any school. Most significantly they put the worst of crisis behind them. Norway just delayed it and still has to face Covid19 and their cases and fatalities are catching up to Sweden. Hard to say who made the right decision but opening up in the face of Covid19 is a serious alternative that needs serious consideration and not merely dismissed as "negligence, arrogance, ignorance, dangerous". Those who are advocating to stay shutdown or re-shutdown need to be more open minded about the residual damages of shutdowns in particular and less fearful. We should continue to incrementally re-open more in CA and schools and sports are a relatively safe place to go as a next step.

Yes, Djokovic is not the best spokesman, but he challenged conventional thinking and I used him as an example to help us think differently. We need open and respectful discussion and thus I appreciate all of your comments regardless.

Soccer leagues are playing games in England and other countries in Europe. Baseball is being played in Korea. Basketball is being played in Germany. Women's soccer is being played in the United States. Hopefully MLB, Colleges, NBA and the NFL will have the courage to stay on course this summer and fall. We can do it in CA too in the Fall with opening schools and HS sports if we have the courage to let people take the risks they are willing to take. Most of all I advocate for trusting the people and giving them the freedom to choose their own response to this crisis and how they live their lives whether that is taking risk playing sports or isolating.
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Thanks for all of your comments and criticisms. Here are a couple responses and comments.

Mark Twain famously said, "Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics". We can look at the same statistics and reach different conclusions. The numbers I focus on keep telling me Covid19 is not significantly dangerous to young and healthy people. Students need to be back in school in the Fall. Since we have started to open CA the number of overall cases of Covid19 has gone up but not the fatalities to young and healthy people in particular. I look at this as good news since it confirms the young are not at significant risk. The cost of falling behind in learning and risk of dropping out are greater negatives for students. I still have not heard a good reason why young people going to school and playing sports stops older and sick people from isolating. By definition if they are isolating they should not be effected by others taking the risk of going to school/sports. If an old/sick person has a young person in their household that young person should isolate too. Other people taking risk and achieving herd immunity actually is saving the old and sick from taking the risk themselves and may reduce the time they need to isolate.

Likewise the "experts" have different opinions and certain respected experts have changed their minds about whether we should wear masks or not and were grossly wrong with their initial projections of 2.3 million deaths. Should we blindly trust the experts? Many of the experts seem to be ignoring the cost of the shutdown to our economy and mental health. Suicides, drug overdoses and crime are all rising as a result of the shutdown and should be taken more into account by our Governor, Mayors and School Boards. Small business owners are getting crushed financially and emotionally. I just read an article about depression diagnosis in teenagers rising 20% in WI. This will directly lead to teen suicides rising.

130,000 deaths to date is tragic but note most of them have happened while we were shutdown. Did the shutdown work? Would it be significantly worse if we did not shut down? Perhaps, but now that we are opening up CA the cases are going up anyway so what did we accomplish by shutting down in the first place? We seem to be just delaying the problem, all while causing and worsening other residual problems that can also be fatal.

Early on several doctors, professors and scientists questioned the draconian shutdowns advocating for opening with masks and social distancing. Eight of our 50 states did not shut down. Many other countries, most notably Sweden, did not shut down. I heard the Health director for Sweden advocating for and defending their approach just the other night on TV. It is interesting to compare their outcome to their neighbor Norway. Norway initially had significantly lower cases and fatalities than Sweden. On the flip side Sweden did less damage to its economy, the mental health of its people and its students did not miss any school. Most significantly they put the worst of crisis behind them. Norway just delayed it and still has to face Covid19 and their cases and fatalities are catching up to Sweden. Hard to say who made the right decision but opening up in the face of Covid19 is a serious alternative that needs serious consideration and not merely dismissed as "negligence, arrogance, ignorance, dangerous". Those who are advocating to stay shutdown or re-shutdown need to be more open minded about the residual damages of shutdowns in particular and less fearful. We should continue to incrementally re-open more in CA and schools and sports are a relatively safe place to go as a next step.

Yes, Djokovic is not the best spokesman, but he challenged conventional thinking and I used him as an example to help us think differently. We need open and respectful discussion and thus I appreciate all of your comments regardless.

Soccer leagues are playing games in England and other countries in Europe. Baseball is being played in Korea. Basketball is being played in Germany. Women's soccer is being played in the United States. Hopefully MLB, Colleges, NBA and the NFL will have the courage to stay on course this summer and fall. We can do it in CA too in the Fall with opening schools and HS sports if we have the courage to let people take the risks they are willing to take. Most of all I advocate for trusting the people and giving them the freedom to choose their own response to this crisis and how they live their lives whether that is taking risk playing sports or isolating.

Coach, that is the second time you have used Djokovic as a resource to make your point. The first time glorifying his doing the tourney ( He later disavowed his choice )
And now you are using that same action to glorify it as an act of heroism.
What was that comment you made about Lies, Dam Lies, and Statistics?

Here's wishing you great football and clear thinking.
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True Sal. I’d written a dissection of it but realize it’s a waste of energy. But here’s a very simple question for “Coach” Randal:

Do you think the Secret Service is yucking it up right now having coffee and donuts with Donnie JR’s girlfriend?
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This isn't directly to this post, but as a reminder to posts regarding COVID-19. We usually have a strict no politics/news rule on the boards.

In these times, I have weakened that rule because it has a tie into high school sports. While I will continue to allow posts regarding COVID-19 whether it be news updates, opinions, etc, I will delete posts and/or lock threads that I feel have veered off from its HS sports connection.

Any questions about this, please email me at

Thanks for your help on this.