End of the Trail

Streak One

Hall of Famer
Nov 11, 2003
NorCal teams in the Final Four of their brackets in the top division:

Cal Stars Nike EYBL (Pacific)
Orinda Magic Black (Columbia), but they lost earlier today
San Jose Cagers Blue (Multnomah)
NorCal teams in the Final Four of their brackets in the top division:

Cal Stars Nike EYBL (Pacific)
Orinda Magic Black (Columbia), but they lost earlier today
San Jose Cagers Blue (Multnomah)
Cagers lost in the bracket championship to Spokane Stars and Cal Stars EYBL won their bracket beating Alaska Hoops Gold.
The EOT was a great tournament years but congratulations to the teams that made to the championship. The tournament this year had less quality teams and teams. The tournament didn't even fill up like it use too. Team that belong in the D2 were playing in the top bracket. Next year probably even leso teams and less scouts. The game at the big gym didn't full like it use to be too. Who want to play games where refs are in training ??? Especially on the main floor. It's great that norcal teams can do well in this tournament.
Good job NorCal teams!!!!!!!!!!!
NorCal teams in the Final Four of their brackets in the top division:

Cal Stars Nike EYBL (Pacific)
Orinda Magic Black (Columbia), but they lost earlier today
San Jose Cagers Blue (Multnomah)

The Calstar's Elite team are not a local AAU team. Most of their players are not from the bay area. Is there a shortage of high end players in the BA or is it because of more AAU teams up north. Just saw Calstorm has a team here in the norcal. I guess with Nike money they can still draw the talent.
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