Great story on one of Sheldon finest

Great article H.E.A.T! Thanks for sharing. This gives all of us, fans, players, parents, and coaches alike, perspective on what it's really supposed to be about. It also provides a counter narrative to al the Sheldon shade that gets thrown. I wonder if this thread will have as many comments as much of the other "stuff" that we often see? The Husky family should be proud of this young man, as well as the others who are doing well, with less fanfare.
Great article - thanks for posting and sharing with the forum!

Watching D’Erryl compete and literally play on one leg after rolling an ankle early in the game against Salesian in the 2013 Open semis at St Mary's was EPIC! I walked away from that game with the UTMOST respect for him - he is one strong willed / tough minded hombre!

Great to see him exceed off the court as well - great role model. Need to share the article with my son who was with me at the game and remembers it as well.
Great article. Should be required reading for all incoming college students. In most cases, there won't be an NBA career or even a starting spot in college, but there will be life after the balls stop bouncing and the sooner you prepare yourself for that eventuality, the better off you will be.
Awesome read. I always knew this kid was special. I have even more respect for this young man; carrying a bigger class load, studying late, sleeping less, and basketball....he is making his parents proud!
Very proud of nephew and gus hard work. Like I always tell him he will make more than alot of people bout time he turns 40. On another note if the headline said Sheldon player committs a crime it would have been 40 posts about it and my guys Larry and Folsom bulldog would have had 32 of them. Just shows the negative world we live in now.
@Heat, thank you for sharing the article. It's a great story of a kid I have known since his junior high days. D'erryl is an outstanding young man who was one of my favorite high school players to watch. He willed his teams to win even when it didn't seem possible. I have never seen a point guard dominate the game on both ends like he did. Hands down the best rebounding point guard to ever play in Sacramento as well one of the best winners in section history! The 2013 Sheldon team set a standard for every Sacramento area team to follow. All 5 starters playing college basketball. These are the stories that should be celebrated. D'erryl has represented Sheldon, Sacramento, and his family very well and we should all celebrate with him. I hope every parent will share this story with their kids who strive to play at the next level or who have kids playing college basketball currently. I know I am going to share with my son.

Coach J
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