Joe Mixon Video

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Gosh darn Indian you had me until you pulled the Liberal card. Lol

As far as everyone's takes go, this is obviously being looked at through different perspectives. I for one done see some of the things that guys are pointing out from the video. I see two young people abruptly going over to two guys at a table to discuss something. Probably the confrontation with Mixon outside. I see him saying something to them as well as the other way around.

If anyone thinks he was in there just standing there like a mute than you are going to see what you want. But hey, is what it is. Either way OU and Stoops are racking millions!
Yeah, he's always pull the liberal card along with other askew things (lol). That's a part of his deceptive M.O. He's been this way ever since he's been a member of the board. But he was there so he know's exactly what happened. He heard what the girl said to Joe outside the diner as well as inside the diner. So no need of thinking for yourself because Indian was there. He was on the bus with Billy Bush when "Don da Con" said the disrespectful words about our women. But you didn't hear this from me. Indian is the new version of TMZ without the audio.

I'm sure there's a lot of folks like you that don't believe the young man should have the opportunity to enjoy his football career and help his family financially. But if it was your son that went to law school and did the same thing or made a mistake just as big as Joe's you wouldn't want his career and livelyhood taken away from him, right? What parent or family members would.

On the flip side imagine this girl was your daughter? Also, would you want Mixon to be someone your child looked up to in the NFL as a role model? Mixon is an adult and made a decision that reflects poor character. Character reflects the way one is raised. Let's hope Mixon learns from this and the girl heals physically and emotionally.
Yeah, he's always pull the liberal card along with other askew things (lol). That's a part of his deceptive M.O. He's been this way ever since he's been a member of the board. But he was there so he know's exactly what happened. He heard what the girl said to Joe outside the diner as well as inside the diner. So no need of thinking for yourself because Indian was there. He was on the bus with Billy Bush when "Don da Con" said the disrespectful words about our women. But you didn't hear this from me. Indian is the new version of TMZ without the audio.

Again I'm forming my opinion based on reports. Simple fact nobody can verify yours or Mixons claim of racism. In fact it's laughable that it's even being played. Let go over the narrative one more time. High level black athlete decks white women. Women needs to have face rebuilt. Athlete walks without spending so much as 1 day in jail. That's racism in today's America, because had it been equal he would have went to jail! (Rolls eyes)

Anyhow still waiting for another credible person to back yours and joes account here. Heck even his own teammates who were present don't support this stance.
On the flip side imagine this girl was your daughter? Also, would you want Mixon to be someone your child looked up to in the NFL as a role model? Mixon is an adult and made a decision that reflects poor character. Character reflects the way one is raised. Let's hope Mixon learns from this and the girl heals physically and emotionally.
I'm not into stopping our young adults from living out their dreams and careers especially when they both hold some blame. As long as Joe (1) don't make the same mistake twice, (2) serves a penalty of some sort in which he did and (3) pay the person in a civil suit for damages there's no need of kicking him off the team. At this point that would be ridiculous. We all make mistakes and as God children we all fall short of his glory. That includes you and I.

Again I'm forming my opinion based on reports. Simple fact nobody can verify yours or Mixons claim of racism. In fact it's laughable that it's even being played. Let go over the narrative one more time. High level black athlete decks white women. Women needs to have face rebuilt. Athlete walks without spending so much as 1 day in jail. That's racism in today's America, because had it been equal he would have went to jail! (Rolls eyes)

Anyhow still waiting for another credible person to back yours and joes account here. Heck even his own teammates who were present don't support this stance.
Again, you don't get it Mr. TMZ no audio aka board cop. But you and your sources heard everything the girl said to Joe. Gotcha! Btw, can you give us a report from one of Joe's teammate that said she didn't use any racial slurs as Joe said she did? I'm sure you have something of validity and factual about this situation Mr. TMZ. Please share your evidence in regards to his teammates saying she didn't use a racial slur towards Joe. We're waiting.....

I'm not into stopping our young adults from living out their dreams and careers especially when they both hold some blame. As long as Joe (1) don't make the same mistake twice, (2) serves a penalty of some sort in which he did and (3) pay the person in a civil suit for damages there's no need of kicking him off the team. At this point that would be ridiculous. We all make mistakes and as God children we all fall short of his glory. That includes you and I.

Nobody is stopping Joe from living out anything. Simple fact is he may not play at next level because of himself not anybody else. The NFL is a business. And that particular business has taken a hardline on men who beat women and for good reason. There are many women who are fans of football. Teams will weigh the pro's and con's of adding a player with such baggage to their teams. If one determines his play can outweigh the baggage then they will add him. I just don't see this being the case given position played, video, after altercation actions etc........remember we are talking about a privilege not a right. Playing in the NFL is a privilege not a right.
Funny how race gets brought into this. It should never be that way. But the funny thing is I never even heard about this incident until the video was released. Do you think it would have been that way if a white full grown male football player knocked out a black woman? Can you imagine the publicity? It would be on every media outlet within 3 seconds with every media troll like Sharpton and Jackson looking to cash in.

Sad world we live in. Either way it's bad.
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New Funny how race gets brought into this. It should never be that way. But the funny thing is I never even heard about this incident until the video was released. Do you think it would have been that way if a white full grown male football player knocked out a black woman? Can you imagine the publicity? It would be on every media outlet within 3 seconds with every media troll like Sharpton and Jackson looking to cash in.

That's because his "white privilege" would kick in. (SMH)
The whole race card on any sides sickens me. That stuff has no place in society. Unfortunately the media makes but bucks off it so it won't stop anytime soon.

The media, And left in general make bucks on this. They love the divide in the races, sells papers and generates votes......
The media, And left in general make bucks on this. They love the divide in the races, sells papers and generates votes......
The media is bad on both sides no matter where you fall politically. The best thing to do is try to stay as neutral as possible and digest this stuff as it truly is not how either side spins it. The entire media is guilty. Not both sides. All sides.
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The media is bad on both sides no matter where you fall politically. The best thing to do is try to stay as neutral as possible and digest this stuff as it truly is not how either side spins it. The entire media is guilty. Not both sides. All sides.

Agreed, it's why I don't watch. In terms of left and right in politics there is really in my opinion only Left and far left. As far as true conservatives there isn't. They pander to the left for votes money etc......its why we now have a man like trump going into office. He stepped to the mike and said what many think but few say in public. Race baiting is big business and until our elected officials and the media stop this practice there will always be a divide. Just the way I see it, it's also why anytime I see the race card being played I call BS.
Agreed, it's why I don't watch. In terms of left and right in politics there is really in my opinion only Left and far left. As far as true conservatives there isn't. They pander to the left for votes money etc......its why we now have a man like trump going into office. He stepped to the mike and said what many think but few say in public. Race baiting is big business and until our elected officials and the media stop this practice there will always be a divide. Just the way I see it, it's also why anytime I see the race card being played I call BS.
I agree. And picking a side in today's politics and pointing fingers is exactly what the media and bureaucrats want. I'm not biting.
Mixon asked for the tapes to be released himself thinking this would put the event behind him. Dude is clearly clueless to how society acts towards men who deck women. I guess this message never made it to "inner city" kids growing up in the mean streets of Oakley. As for ruin his future? Don't see one at least not in football. Look he plays a position that has been devalued in the NFL, he is a PR nightmare, and clearly has issues with ego and aggression. Who wants that on their team? Hopefully he is taking his studies seriously because they may provide the only real future for this guy.

True, even if he doesn't play in he NFL, he will still have the opportunity to have a successful life. Hopefully some team will give him a chance at an NFL career. A lot of people want to see the young mans dreams ruined. This event happened before he ever even played a down of college football.
It's not that people want to see the young man's dreams ruined, it is more like they are being realistic. Given the current environment in the NFL, it is likely the young man's actions may very well have an adverse impact on his NFL career hopes. I hope he has a long and successful NFL career, but I fear he may have torpedoed his chances with this action as well as the parking lot incident. He'd better be squeaky clean from here on out, but it's hard to overcome the negatives he has put out there for the NFL to evaluate.
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Totally agree BigMann. Joe has to rebuild his image. If Kobe Bryant and Mike Tyson can do it after rape allegations Joe should be able to get it back after this. The big difference is those situations were he say/she say this is caught on video. But like you say, he has to give back to the right organizations such as the battered women's organization/shelters and perhaps the "Kids against bullying' organization. What ever the case I hope he grows from this terrible experience and make better decisions in the future because he has no leeway to screw up moving forward. And when you say you hope this doesn't ruin Mixon's future, I'm with you but we're going against the grain on this board.


Yeah you are right. I'm not impressed with some of the discourse on this subject. The young man made a mistake. The young woman made a mistake. We don't know all of the facts outside of two people guilty of assault. Everyone needs to learn to keep their hands to themselves. Mixon should have been the bigger person and never walked into he restaurant.

That video is horrible, definitely not a good look for Mixon. The university should have settled with this young lady. I would have kept this video sealed at all cost. Maybe he was instructed to do so by the NFL, an agent, or a PR person. But definitely don't want to see the young mans football career ruined over a mistake he made at 18. Some people want him to do a 5 year sentence. At the end of the day both parties are guilty of assault. Mixon just had everything to lose.
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No just shaking my head how someone could be such a fvck up after given what he has been given and throwing it away and not giving a fvck!!
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Funny how race gets brought into this. It should never be that way. But the funny thing is I never even heard about this incident until the video was released. Do you think it would have been that way if a white full grown male football player knocked out a black woman? Can you imagine the publicity? It would be on every media outlet within 3 seconds with every media troll like Sharpton and Jackson looking to cash in.

Sad world we live in. Either way it's bad.[/QUOTE

He wouldn't have to worry about Sharpton, he'd have to worry about fending off all of his black teammates. Dont complain about people like Sharpton. He and groups like black lives matter are funded by whites. Take your grievance up with the people who fund these operations.
New Yep the same chip that just got us our new president.

Sure is. Society is tired of this chip and made a pretty clear statement. The hypocrisy in the use of the chip however some will never get. After all it was Russia that made this happen.
Maybe this video being made public will finally give Mixon the consequence he so desperately deserves.....
It's not that people want to see the young man's dreams ruined, it is more like they are being realistic. Given the current environment in the NFL, it is likely the young man's actions may very well have an adverse impact on his NFL career hopes. I hope he has a long and successful NFL career, but I fear he may have torpedoed his chances with this action as well as the parking lot incident. He'd better be squeaky clean from here on out, but it's hard to overcome the negatives he has put out there for the NFL to evaluate.
I agree with everything you said except for the part highlighted in red. There's a lot of people that don't want Mixon to succeed.

I agree with everything you said except for the part highlighted in red. There's a lot of people that don't want Mixon to succeed. I can guarantee you the average tuition paying student would of been expelled. He would have a second chance at another University, and I do believe in those. He was a 5 Star recruit and a money maker for the University. I truly hope he turns it around.


Let me ask you an honest question. If you had an 18 year old daughter, would you feel comfortable with him dating her? I do so maybe that's why it hits closer to home.
The parking lot/security guard incident is a great point! Forgot about that! But than again that's why the OU lawyers, whoops, Mixon's lawyers released this on Friday and not earlier in the week. Or tomorrow for that matter.

Let me ask you an honest question. If you had an 18 year old daughter, would you feel comfortable with him dating her? I do so maybe that's why it hits closer to home.
No I wouldn't and here's why. First of all, this was his first time hitting a girl and I see that it was just as much her fault as it was Joe's. Secondly, I can see in the video where the girl waves Joe over to the table like something had previously happened outside. Thirdly, I would tell Joe if you hit my daughter you won't hit no one else. And if he gives me his word on that I'm cool as long as my daughter says he's a really nice guy and treats me well. That one incident doesn't mean the young man is a chronic woman beater in my opinion and I know people real close to him. Those people said Joe fvck up but he's not a chronic woman beater. I take their word for that.

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No I wouldn't and here's why. First of all, this was his first time hitting a girl and I see that it was just as much her fault as it was Joe's. Secondly, I can see in the video where the girl waves Joe over to the table like something had previously happened outside. Thirdly, I would tell Joe if you hit my daughter you won't hit no one else. And if he gives me his word on that I'm cool as long as my daughter says he's a really nice guy and treats me well. That one incident doesn't mean the young man is a chronic woman beater in my opinion and I know people real close to him. Those people said Joe fvck up but he's not a chronic woman beater. I take their word for that.

And there you have it folks. We have a winner. This is officially the dumbest post on these boards. Dude could you be more clueless. Wait so if Joe pinky swears with you he can date your daughter? Comical. You know people close to him they say he doesn't beat women! Forget the facts and video his friends say great guy. You think women beaters are out in the open just decking their women at social events? What freaking planet era you on? What do you expect his people to say?
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Do you really beleave that crap? "Aggressively attack him" bwhahahahaha. Dude that push barely even registers on Mixon. Do you really think she would push him if he didn't say something offensive to her friend? Which has been reported by the way, unlike her N word dropping or being a "crack head" or drunk.......
Hey wise ass, Joe didn't get charged for a reason.. his actions were in response to being what is considered assault and no, she slapped his face before he warned her to stop. You can't go around putting your hands on people and expect no repercussions. You shouldn't ever hit women, but his actions were legal. It was in self defense. What if she were a man? How would this conversation change? What if she permanently damaged his eye? Watch the video before commenting.
Hey wise ass, Joe didn't get charged for a reason.. his actions were in response to being what is considered assault and no, she slapped his face before he warned her to stop. You can't go around putting your hands on people and expect no repercussions. You shouldn't ever hit women, but his actions were legal. It was in self defense. What if she were a man? How would this conversation change? What if she permanently damaged his eye? Watch the video before commenting.

He was charged and struck a plea deal for a deferred sentence, along with community service and counseling. And you can bet his status as a athlete, along with his race played a roll in his slap on the wrist. You can bet your last dollar had this been a white male athlete decking a black female the aftermath would have been much different. If he wasn't kicked out of school and off team there would have been protests/riots. Same if he wasn't convicted and charged to the fullest extend of the law. The jacksons and sharptons of the world would be rallying the troops, especially in lite of video evidence.
And there you have it folks. We have a winner. This is officially the dumbest post on these boards. Dude could you be more clueless. Wait so if Joe pinky swears with you he can date your daughter? Comical. You know people close to him they say he doesn't beat women! Forget the facts and video his friends say great guy. You think women beaters are out in the open just decking their women at social events? What freaking planet era you on? What do you expect his people to say?
Once again wise @ss, can you give us a report from one of Joe's teammate that said she didn't use any racial slurs as Joe said she did? I'm sure you have something of validity and factual about this situation Mr. TMZ. Please share your evidence in regards to his teammates saying she didn't use a racial slur towards Joe. Just give us that so we can put this to rest already. And while you're at it give us their names please. We're still waiting.....

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Once again wise @ss, can you give us a report from one of Joe's teammate that said she didn't use any racial slurs as Joe said she did? I'm sure you have something of validity and factual about this situation Mr. TMZ. Please share your evidence in regards to his teammates saying she didn't use a racial slur towards Joe. And while you're at it give us their names please. We're still waiting.....

The burden of proof isn't on me here. I'm not the one using it as a excuse you are. My position is clear. It doesn't matter if she said it or didn't. Because if she did it did warrant him going Mike Tyson on her. Simple as that, it's not a valid excuse to deck a women. Sorry, that said I haven't seen anybody other than you and Joe try to justify his actions because of this. I mean you would have a better chance convincing me it was justified based on the slap than a word. A word I'm sure Joe himself uses on the regular. And before you start on that slap, it didn't warrant the punch, he was never in danger or even threatened.
Once again wise @ss, can you give us a report from one of Joe's teammate that said she didn't use any racial slurs as Joe said she did? I'm sure you have something of validity and factual about this situation Mr. TMZ. Please share your evidence in regards to his teammates saying she didn't use a racial slur towards Joe. Just give us that so we can put this to rest already. And while you're at it give us their names please. We're still waiting.....

CT- I hear your position. But a racial slur cannot be used as an excuse to deck someone. Look at it the other way- If he had called someone a cracker and they used that as an excuse to knock him out, would that be justified? We need to stop using the race card every time there is some type of violent incident. It is being used a a crutch for people to explain away their actions instead of taking responsibility. It is only getting worse and spreading like wildfire through the media. Don't fall for it CT.
CT- I hear your position. But a racial slur cannot be used as an excuse to deck someone. Look at it the other way- If he had called someone a cracker and they used that as an excuse to knock him out, would that be justified? We need to stop using the race card every time there is some type of violent incident. It is being used a a crutch for people to explain away their actions instead of taking responsibility. It is only getting worse and spreading like wildfire through the media. Don't fall for it CT.

He isn't drinking the kool aid he is drunk on it.
The burden of proof isn't on me here. I'm not the one using it as a excuse you are. My position is clear. It doesn't matter if she said it or didn't. Because if she did it did warrant him going Mike Tyson on her. Simple as that, it's not a valid excuse to deck a women. Sorry, that said I haven't seen anybody other than you and Joe try to justify his actions because of this. I mean you would have a better chance convincing me it was justified based on the slap than a word. A word I'm sure Joe himself uses on the regular. And before you start on that slap, it didn't warrant the punch, he was never in danger or even threatened.
Now how convenient is that. The poster that says he knows exactly what Joe's teammates said and heard but says the burden of proof isn't on him to disclose or back his claims. Okay fine. Now I'm going to take the mature route and hope you do the same by putting this to rest now. We've heard it all from you now. Joe should except anything and everything that girl said and did and took it like a man. No need to respond we no where you stand.

Now how convenient is that. The poster that says he knows exactly what Joe's teammates said and heard but says the burden of proof isn't on him to disclose or back his claims. Okay fine. Now I'm going to take the mature route and hope you do the same by putting this to rest now. We've heard it all from you now. Joe should except anything and everything that girl said and did and took it like a man. No need to respond we no where you stand.

I never once said I know what his teammates said. I questioned you that if that's his excuse why have none of his teammates who were present come forward and back his claim? But let's be clear his team, coach, governor, etc, could all come forward and back his claim. It still would justify his action.
Hey wise ass, Joe didn't get charged for a reason.. his actions were in response to being what is considered assault and no, she slapped his face before he warned her to stop. You can't go around putting your hands on people and expect no repercussions. You shouldn't ever hit women, but his actions were legal. It was in self defense. What if she were a man? How would this conversation change? What if she permanently damaged his eye? Watch the video before commenting.
You're really gonna stick up for Mixon? Really? That's what we're going with? I don't give a **** what the girl did to him. Thats no excuse for breaking her freakin jaw and walking away. Do you have no morals? Did you even play? If so, when/where?.... Unbelievable
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Mixon wasn't dating this female. This is not a domestic violence issue. He got into an altercation with a female who had several run-in's with the law. (Certainly doesn't justify what happened to her). She motioned Mixon over to the table where the stocky black guy with the UFC hat was sitting. Looks like she thought that the guy in the UFC hat was going to defend/protect her. She then preceded to assault Mixon. From the looks of it, Mixon started to walk away.

It looks like this lady was intoxicated. She has a history of drug and alcohol related arrests. What women, in their right mind would strike a man, especially of Mixon's physique?

A good lawyer could have made this go away. She was an underage intoxicated woman who had a warrant out for her arrest. She also assaulted Mixon. The report is that she spit on him and called him racial slurs. A good lawyer uses that to get this case dismissed. This was not a domestic dispute.

While Mixon is having a great football career at UO, I would like to see more blue chip athletes attend schools in metropolitan cities. Cal, UCLA, USC, University of Washington, San Diego State are great options. NBA and NFL prospects need to get away from these backwood cities.

Play in your own region. Protect your investment and keep good people around you. Learn how to navigate in the City. Too many young athletes are getting caught up with silly stuff.

Marshawn Lynch was great at Cal. Maurice Jones Drew had a great career at UCLA. Shaq Thompson was stellar at UW. Play and Stay in your region. Oklahoma, Alabama, etc. too much of a cultural shock.
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