Mitty 72 Brookside 62...last night

Clay all I want to say teams from Norcal play in the southern Central Valley can be so physical and make the adjustments. It's not the refs fault they don't use to see the physical play like we do.
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I injected the Cal Stars into the conversation only as an example of Kelly's success as a coach in a different venue than MM. The subject being discussed at the time was if Kelly was a good or weak coach not MM or the Stars. Those teams were being discussed only within the context of Kelly's coaching ability. The teams are only relevant in respect to the direction the thread was taking. It is obvious that not all of us are equal in respect to our abilities to convey our thoughts in writing. I feel we need to cut each other a lot of slack and make an attempt to understand the idea's that are trying to be conveyed rather than how well they are being conveyed. My posts often leave much to be desired.

What is important though is that we do not use word games to try to "get one up" on each other. This is especially true for those that if they play by that standard leave themselves open as well.That is especially important for those who's posts are often confusing due to either inability or lack of effort. When discussing a thread point and an example is given to make a point, it does not follow that that example becomes the new subject of that point. In any constructive discussion or debate nothing can be accomplished unless it stays on point. When someone changes the subject of a discussion there is usually an agenda involved. Usually that person is not interested in discussion rather only promoting their own opinions, Or they trying to avoid accountability for their own statements.

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