Nor Cal Bigs

Obi is 16 years of age. His father played in the NBA and owns a tech company and sports complete for kids In nigeria. That is how rumors start. Completely untrue if someone was implying that statement about Obi.
I was referring to the kid from Riordan. I know Obi is in the correct grade.
Everyone has their opinion and there is nothing wrong with speaking your mind. But I just state facts.

I love JUCO ball but you cannot say it’s superior to prep ball without stating recent facts. I am going to ask how many kids from Norcal JUCO went D1 last year ? I honestly do not know the answer to that but am sure someone on this message board will know that answer.

GSP (post grad prep) here in NorCal sent 6 D1 last year Alone and another 6+ to various levels. That is one program alone. However I know JUCO is absolutely valuable because everyone runs their race at various timelines. This past year we have sent at least 3 of our kids to local jucos because that was their timeline. There is absolutely Nothing wrong with GSP making local juco a ball better as well. It is a win win.

This season GSP will have one of the top post grad squads in the USA. A great program to watch high level talent especially their big men this year. All of these kids are also 18 years of age which is younger than JUCO so hard to compare them against one another. Both have value for various timelines.

As for your argument about which is better high school or prep schools. It all depends on the individual situation. If you are a PRO you are a PRO. But if you are a fringe guy then one over the other does matter. If you don’t want to sit out half the season cause of CIF rules, than one has more value over the other. Preps aren’t going away so don’t know why people still talking so much trash. They are just going to be growing in popularity.
with all do respect, cool fantasy bro now lets get back to reality. forget the outliers and tell me the truth about the THOUSANDS literally or more kids who just end up getting scammed, dropping out of school, and not getting an education after getting scammed by prep "schools" again im not saying that prolific is necessarily doing this. i dont know enough about their spacific program. but the reality is that across this space, the NORM is scamming so the industry needs to go. our kids future is at steak.
with all do respect, cool fantasy bro now lets get back to reality. forget the outliers and tell me the truth about the THOUSANDS literally or more kids who just end up getting scammed, dropping out of school, and not getting an education after getting scammed by prep "schools" again im not saying that prolific is necessarily doing this. i dont know enough about their spacific program. but the reality is that across this space, the NORM is scamming so the industry needs to go. our kids future is at steak.
who are the thousands you spake of?
who are the thousands you spake of?
how many prep "schools" are there on the circuit?
how many of them have more than 2 or 3 players go somewhere which is best case scenario?
what happens to all the rest of the kids on these teams?
there's your answer. it's simple math.
I remember one time when this happened... I don't remember his name, but he played for St. Pat's-St. Vincent. He had to leave the team due to "aging out" in the middle of his senior season. At least that's what I heard...

Not trying to throw anyone or his school under the bus here, and it seems he and his team knew about it in advance and no sanctions or anything of that sort happened because he left voluntarily at the time he was supposed to.
Yes, Jalen Canty
how many prep "schools" are there on the circuit?
how many of them have more than 2 or 3 players go somewhere which is best case scenario?
what happens to all the rest of the kids on these teams?
there's your answer. it's simple math.
Speaking of kids going to prep schools, I just read this morning that Jaden Spears (a good ball player in the Sac area) is going to PHH Prep in AZ.
How many west coast prep schools out there?
every major metro area has at least one.

theres prolific, finley, theres one in vegas, whatever that one in arizona is called that the kid is going to, they had donda until it went bust in so cal and then theres a few in washington and oregon as well.
every major metro area has at least one.

theres prolific, finley, theres one in vegas, whatever that one in arizona is called that the kid is going to, they had donda until it went bust in so cal and then theres a few in washington and oregon as well.
MaxPreps listed 56 prep schools in their 23-24 rankings. A google seach came up with over 200+ prep schools that had high school (prep) basketball programs.
Speaking of kids going to prep schools, I just read this morning that Jaden Spears (a good ball player in the Sac area) is going to PHH Prep in AZ.
His transfer from Sheldon to sac hi wasn’t being approved so had to bail to some 3rd rate prep school. Good of had a great senior year playing with his friends at Sheldon. Lunacy.
His transfer from Sheldon to sac hi wasn’t being approved so had to bail to some 3rd rate prep school. Good of had a great senior year playing with his friends at Sheldon. Lunacy.
This is part of the prep issue... Some kids get cornered into going prep by CIF rules... Not blaming the CIF or the sections completely, in some instances people behind the kid cause the problem... Not blaming them completely, either.
You could literally do a "WHERE ARE THEY NOW" episode on all the kids that were promising that got taken advantage of by the promise of the better at an academy or prep. Its really no different than life in general though. Always some snake oil salesperson.
You could literally do a "WHERE ARE THEY NOW" episode on all the kids that were promising that got taken advantage of by the promise of the better at an academy or prep. Its really no different than life in general though. Always some snake oil salesperson.
you hit the head directly on the nail. couldn't disagree less and coulnd't agree more.

i have been saying for years at this point. lonzo ball went to public school and turned into an all american. julian newman was way better and turned into less than nothing because he went to a prep "school" if newman went to a real school he wouldve been exactly what trae young is now but even better (better ball handler and quicker)
you hit the head directly on the nail. couldn't disagree less and coulnd't agree more.

i have been saying for years at this point. lonzo ball went to public school and turned into an all american. julian newman was way better and turned into less than nothing because he went to a prep "school" if newman went to a real school he wouldve been exactly what trae young is now but even better (better ball handler and quicker)
Love me Lonzo but Julian Newman... Hahah.. Dude is 5"4 You got me there. :)
Love me Lonzo but Julian Newman... Hahah.. Dude is 5"4 You got me there. :)
tyrone bogues and earl boykins were/are the same height and were stone cold killers. newman has even more talent and could actually play point guard in his prime. if he would've of went to a real school to refine it he would've been an all-pro.
You could literally do a "WHERE ARE THEY NOW" episode on all the kids that were promising that got taken advantage of by the promise of the better at an academy or prep. Its really no different than life in general though. Always some snake oil salesperson.
there are a lot more where are they nows from kids who stayed at their local school.
you hit the head directly on the nail. couldn't disagree less and coulnd't agree more.

i have been saying for years at this point. lonzo ball went to public school and turned into an all american. julian newman was way better and turned into less than nothing because he went to a prep "school" if newman went to a real school he wouldve been exactly what trae young is now but even better (better ball handler and quicker)
lonzo ball is 6'7 and had athletic genes. julian is 5'7...
for those 2.. there are millions of jamal langs, ray ray bufords, and malik butlers...
they wouldn't have made it anywhere, let alone at a prep school. too many off court issues. prep "schools" are not a panaseea for low character players and they do not fix anything. other than theyre fixing to scam people.
Everybody has that friend who is 5"11 1/4 but claims 6'0. Whatever.... They likely drive a lifted truck too but its all good. Julian Newman was now where near 5"7. Mugsy was tough as nails and boykins (who many forgot about) was just a rarity.

Don't want to digress but I will never give in on the Prep school route because its overwhelming toxic. Was it like that when it was pretty much Oak Hill Academy? No. That was a proven method at the time if you've ever visited that small gym and looked up on the wall.
But today, any jackass can start a school, team, etc. Limited barriers to entry and lots of room for devious characters.
I highly recommend everyone that is a skeptic to visit a Prolific Prep, Montverde, Link Prep basketball practice. Then please come back to this thread and report back. I think that would be a great idea for someone to do.

If any skeptic would like to come to Prolific Prep next week. Practice is at 5pm.

Last week had head coaches from Oregon, Baylor, Kentucky, UCLA, Kansas, Iowa, West Virginia, USC (not assistant but head coaches) who would disagree with what is said on this thread. And don’t forget these same folks place their committed recruits with the top prep schools because they want them prepared when they enter college.

Another factor that most people look over is that a lot of these colleges are then visiting other NorCal high schools only because they’re in town looking at Prolific Prep and GSP. The local high schools really respect Prolific Prep and GSP because they know we are assisting local kids looks for their guys but everyone on here are probably disregards that very important fact. Especially mid majors which do not have huge budgets, but if they can come here and look at 10 potential players and then visit some local high school talent, it makes sense for their budget to make the trip.
I haven’t been to a practice, but have been to a few games over the years…. Excellent team, but a more NBA-style game, which I just don’t like as much.

The top prep teams, like you guys, Oak Hill, LInk Prep, Montverde, I’m fine with…. The ones I don’t like much are some of your early-season opponents you slaughter, many of which don’t even have websites, etc. . I’m betting there are a lot of broken promises at those places.
Tuesday's my trivia night in Half Moon Bay (except during basketball season). Besides, I've never been to ANY basketball practice, so I wouldn't know what I'm looking at, really...
I highly recommend everyone that is a skeptic to visit a Prolific Prep, Montverde, Link Prep basketball practice. Then please come back to this thread and report back. I think that would be a great idea for someone to do.

If any skeptic would like to come to Prolific Prep next week. Practice is at 5pm.

Last week had head coaches from Oregon, Baylor, Kentucky, UCLA, Kansas, Iowa, West Virginia, USC (not assistant but head coaches) who would disagree with what is said on this thread. And don’t forget these same folks place their committed recruits with the top prep schools because they want them prepared when they enter college.

Another factor that most people look over is that a lot of these colleges are then visiting other NorCal high schools only because they’re in town looking at Prolific Prep and GSP. The local high schools really respect Prolific Prep and GSP because they know we are assisting local kids looks for their guys but everyone on here are probably disregards that very important fact. Especially mid majors which do not have huge budgets, but if they can come here and look at 10 potential players and then visit some local high school talent, it makes sense for their budget to make the trip.
they wont understand.
Tuesday's my trivia night in Half Moon Bay (except during basketball season). Besides, I've never been to ANY basketball practice, so I wouldn't know what I'm looking at, really...
damn!!! you all the way out there too!!! this man be MOVING

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