O’Dowd, playing down South...

Keyboard now operational... Now only if NFHS will cooperate...

Was watching their game v Renaissance Academy, and the (horrible) feed just plain disappeared. :(
O’Dowd (or “O’Dodd” as their announcer kept saying, was leading 26-25 at the time.
MaxPreps has it at 28-25 at the half now...

Btw, the game is at Cerritos College, somewhere down there in the cement jungle of SoCal.
Hmm... while I’m at Maxpreps checking this game out... I notice mighty Oak Hill, ranked #2, just got pounded by #22 St. Frances of Baltimore... 80-61.
Still no feed on the... er, wait, the feed is back. Just about to start the 3rd.
Wow, maybe the worst video quality feed I’ve ever seen... anyway, game is a seesaw affair, Dragons scoring 5 really quickly, but Renaissance coming back with an equally quick 6. 33-31 Dragons ... I’d tell ya how much time is left, but the graphic is practically unreadable due to the horrible video quality. Can make out the bigger numbers on the score... the clock, not so much.
From what I can see, Heat’s above assessment on Renaissance is spot on. Athletic but very sloppy. LOTS of wild passes.
Feed is so bad, I think I’ll go see what else I can find... This was 99% a test to get my new keyboard working.

Keyboard is flawless... My typing fingers, not so much. :)
oops, 61-48. Very strange, I had to hit the "quote" button and then enter the quotes to see your post, Streak... Then once I looked at it, I unquoted it so we don't hafta look at it again...

Seems this happened to me for awhile a couple seasons ago, but I can't remember what we did (if anything) to fix the problem.

So, I'll start by blaming soccer for the problem. Why? Because I can. :)