Oak Grove's Maurice Washington will sit out 2016/2017 season

Please understand: I'm not debating the merits of the rule, although plenty on this post are. Nor am I implying that his reasons for transferring have to be mutually exclusive - they may be academically, personally AND athletically motivated, which is reasonable. I'm simply pointing out that I would think he'd be satisfied with the positive outcomes if (as he claims) those were the main reasons for his transfer, yet not be surprised about the athletic consequences. According to the rules, any transfer that appears athletically-motivated will have "no play" consequences. This is fairly common knowledge among CCS athletes. So, yes, if his decision was solely about football, it appears it wasn't a good one.
Athletically motivated or not I think everyone expects consequences but the debate for me is the length of the punishment, How is it 1 year for this kid and 4 games for the next kid? ....suspending a kid for the whole season seems excessive except if the kid had discipline issues at previous school or problems with grades....
Athletically motivated or not I think everyone expects consequences but the debate for me is the length of the punishment, How is it 1 year for this kid and 4 games for the next kid? ....suspending a kid for the whole season seems excessive except if the kid had discipline issues at previous school or problems with grades....

I agree. Grades or disabling issues warrant this type of punishment. But to ban a kid for year because he wants to be someplace else is stupid. It nots like the kid is transferring every year or something. And it shouldn't matter if it was athletics, coaches, school, or poor lunches, kids shouldn't feel like they have to stay at a place they aren't happy just because they play a sport.
I, personally, understand and agree with the transfer rules. In this case, however, it makes zero sense. If a private school can play kids that transfer in - then a public school should be able to play kids that transfer out!!
Great point, have said this many times, can't have it both ways ((and still include privates in state level playoff system!))
Great point, have said this many times, can't have it both ways ((and still include privates in state level playoff system!))

Based on state playoffs there is no evidence they dominate to a degree they should be eliminated from competition. In fact I think it's split in term of wins between public and private. I think kids should get at least one transfer without fear of losing a season of play. Just my opinion not sure what taking a season away is doing here it's not like he is going back or something so what's really gained?
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Had no Idea that was his son makes sense SR is a great coach and JR is a chip off the old block. I do know, Machado at Valley Christian calls Coach Johnson Sr one of his guys I never understood if that meant he played for him or coached for him. When I say, Maurice got caught in the middle of adult politics thats the other half of the equation I am talking about.

There is a recruiting war on the east side of San Jose a war Oak Grove has been loosing.
Very quite when VC and associates win and very loud when they lose.

I didn't say he was going to transfer I said he was being groomed, at that level of business it is a process. IMG is the Kind of place that would offer SR a job. Knowing that his family is a football guy it does my heart good to know, the chances of watching this kid play for the next three years are high.
Based on state playoffs there is no evidence they dominate to a degree they should be eliminated from competition. In fact I think it's split in term of wins between public and private. I think kids should get at least one transfer without fear of losing a season of play. Just my opinion not sure what taking a season away is doing here it's not like he is going back or something so what's really gained?
Yes, good point IP45 re:state level playoff outcomes.......yet the rule of transfer doesn't seem to apply to both equally -- transfer into privates is fine....transfer out? Not so fine. Depending on who is transferring, could impact overall team performance, eg: DeLa picking up Washington vs OR.
Yes, good point IP45 re:state level playoff outcomes.......yet the rule of transfer doesn't seem to apply to both equally -- transfer into privates is fine....transfer out? Not so fine. Depending on who is transferring, could impact overall team performance, eg: DeLa picking up Washington vs OR.

Rule is same for both privates and publics, but in most cases you can claim better academics at Private so relatively easy to get around the rule by saying your transfer is academically motivated.
Rule is same for both privates and publics, but in most cases you can claim better academics at Private so relatively easy to get around the rule by saying your transfer is academically motivated.

That why something like a 30 day sit out on first transfer with a season ban for second etc.......would clear up the confusion. Just make it a blanket rule no questions asked. Of course if a kid moves etc they can be wiggle room, but none of this I'm living with mom this year, and moving to dads the following, then onto grandma's crap. I think taking away a sport from a kid because he wants to leave regardless of reason is counter productive, we don't need these kids with more free time getting into trouble. Just my opinion.
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Anybody remember how much time Phillip Tran had to sit out last year?

And he blatantly put it out there that his transfer was athletically motivated.
The CCS has very poor administrators. They set a new bar for mismanagement each year, and get paid high salaries to do it.
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Anybody remember how much time Phillip Tran had to sit out last year?

And he blatantly put it out there that his transfer was athletically motivated.

Decide for yourself: "We have been wanting me to go to private school since Day 1, but we weren’t financially there until now,” Tran said Tuesday. “My dad feels a private school is a place where I can excel academically and athletically at a high level."

"Freshman year my grades were at 3.5,” said Tran, who had two close cousins graduate from Mitty the past two years. “This year, it kind of dropped down to around a 3.0 area. It’s OK, but it’s not at a level that me and my dad expect it to be. We want to do this so I can get back on track and get my academics up there again.”

I'm not so naive to think that Athletics wasnt a motivator, but as a Parent, I would side with his Dad caring more about the Academics. So, I would completely disagree with your statement that he "blatantly put it out there that his transfer was athletically motivated."