Peninsula Athletic League Tournament begins tonight at home sites

It's over as Sequoia leads 58-46 with a little over a minute left. Great game by Zack Bene and Ziggy.
SEQUOIA wins it 62 - 48 final That should secure HMB the #1 seed in D-4 CCS in case there was any thoughts of “Somebody” else getting on the board before them.
I was yes, that’s our home court. I saw you in the green shirt sitting with Ethan K and heard you yelling about the supposed illegal substitution by sequoia.
I would assume that HMB would be the one seed as well, but I think that Santa Cruz's SCCAL Tournament championship could make things difficult for the committee.

Fun fact, Max Dehart is shooting a whopping 60% from downtown this season for Santa Cruz. Anybody facing that team is gonna have their hands full.
It was indeed. Sequoia subbed out and put a player back in with no time having elapsed. Had some whiny Sequoia adult fans sitting behind me that wouldn't shut up the entire game how they were getting screwed by the refs. They clearly had no knowledge of high school basketball.