Ranking is Horrible this week


Sports Fanatic
Mar 16, 2015
I have a question for everyone Salesian took SMS to over time. How do they not move up 7 with that. There are team above that have a worst record thst have played anyone above them. I taught some of the rank went on who a team plays. Rank shouldn't be based on the past it should be based on the present. I think any team that take SMS to OT should get credit for it. Name a team in the top 20 in Norcal that has came that close to SMS this year. Miity lost by 13 but the are rank #3.

Salesian on have on bad lost all year and that to Sac High. Why the not rank like 5 or 6.
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I have a question for everyone Salesian took SMS to over time. How do they not move up 7 with that. There are team above that have a worst record thst have played anyone above them. I taught some of the rank went on who a team plays. Rank shouldn't be based on the past it should be based on the present. I think any team that take SMS to OT should get credit for it. Name a team in the top 20 in Norcal that has came that close to SMS this year. Miity lost by 13 but the are rank #3.

Salesian on have on bad lost all year and that to Sac High. Why the not rank like 5 or 6.


I think you may have a good point. But please do remember Mitty played a fully loaded SMS while Salesian did not.

I think the dust will eventually settle in the right place and the better teams will survive. Salesian will most likely be a better team because of the way they played against SMS. And there will undoubtable be some more movement in rankings as teams pick up a few wins and loses in the following weeks.
Salesian also lost to Sac High. Mitty doesn't have that type of loss.
Salesian was up 25 and lost to Sac High by 12 and than went into double OT with Brookside and the only reason they pulled that game out is because all but four of Brookside's players fouled out of the game. Even though BC ended the game with only four women on the floor Salesian was still in a battle and could have lost.
I have a question for everyone Salesian took SMS to over time. How do they not move up 7 with that. There are team above that have a worst record thst have played anyone above them. I taught some of the rank went on who a team plays. Rank shouldn't be based on the past it should be based on the present. I think any team that take SMS to OT should get credit for it. Name a team in the top 20 in Norcal that has came that close to SMS this year. Miity lost by 13 but the are rank #3.

Salesian on have on bad lost all year and that to Sac High. Why the not rank like 5 or 6.
There is some level of subjectivity to ranking. It could be misleading and should not be highly regarded. Most times, it is influenced by past record; schedule toughness, actual wins and expectations. Some politics too, LOL.
Rankings are always Horrible when the team YOU LIKE is not ranked where you think they should be and great when the team YOU LIKE is ranked where you think they should be.
Ranking is horrible becauee they rank on the history not today reality. But that will never change like in everything in life their are some types of politics.
That's a good point, though, by Respect, and it's a decision all those who rank teams or participate in polls have to make: Do you make your decision based on your subjective opinion of who would win a game tonight, or based on the objective records of the teams in question, including early-season games?

The problem with the first course of action is that to make that fair, you have to see all the teams you're considering on a fairly regular basis. If, for example, I haven't seen Oak Ridge play this year, and I've seen Carondelet four times, how can I have a subjective opinion of who would win if they played tonight? And even more to the point, I don't have an injury report for each team so I don't know if their strength has been altered by an injury/illness/whatever.

Along the same line, sometimes if you see a team too many times, you focus on its weaknesses. Then that team you saw once, and played really well, looks so much better in your mind even though you haven't seen them nearly as much and thus perhaps haven't noticed their flaws.

Especially on the national scene, the second option is the best, even though it too is biased and unfair. Teams that can't travel, for whatever reason, or suffer one crushing upset, have it much tougher than a team like Mater Dei, say, which plays a lot of quality teams and can offset that crushing upset by pulling off one of its own.

Even regionally, it's difficult. How good is Presentation, for example? Have you seen them play? The same for Antelope, or Pleasant Valley, or Menlo-Atherton. I doubt even RespectBB has seen all those teams more than once, and if you haven't done that, how can you rank them fairly?

I seen Antelope, Oak Ridge, and Pleasant Valley at least 2 games each but haven't seen Melo- Atherton.

The top 20 teams there are only 5 teams i have see play the year Castro Valley, Inderkum, Carondelet, and Presentation. But I know players on all them teams except Presentation. I seen alot games this year.

Yes ranking is some guessing but most should be based on what a team is doing this not the passed history. But will it eveer change i dont think some by that my opinion.
Teams just like players have good, average and then also bad games. The more you see them play the better a person is able to discern which one they are playing at any time. See them enough and you could put each player or team on an A, B, C, D, or F sliding scale. You might see them at their best and think they are better than they really are. You might also see them on at their worst and devalue them. The less depth a team has the more they are reliant on their best players having good games.

Salesian is the type of team that can give you a Jeckel and Hyde performance at any time. They rely too much on a few players ( especially Moore ) to carry them. So when those players have an off day there is no one to pick up the slack and they get knocked off by lesser teams. My evaluation of that team before this season started was based on this. When their main players have good days they are capable of beating a lot of good teams. However when Moore has an off day they can get knocked off by a lot of lower teams as well.
Good point -- look at Cleveland and the Warriors last night. Is Cleveland really 30 points worse than Golden State? Do the two wins predict who might win a seven-game series?

For me, it's easier and more reliable to go off history and as much objective information as possible (the scoreboard doesn't lie) than it is to try and judge whether Salesian would beat Sacred Heart Cathedral tonight.
Good point -- look at Cleveland and the Warriors last night. Is Cleveland really 30 points worse than Golden State? Do the two wins predict who might win a seven-game series?

For me, it's easier and more reliable to go off history and as much objective information as possible (the scoreboard doesn't lie) than it is to try and judge whether Salesian would beat Sacred Heart Cathedral tonight.

Good example of a flawed ranking System maybe you can explain !?!
Presentation was ranked 16 last week they jumped to 15
Sacramento was ranked 15 last week they jumped to 13
Brookside was ranked 14 last week they dropped to 16 ??? They defeated Lincoln who was not ranked but jumped into the the top 20
Antipope stayed undefeated 17-0 was ranked 9
But they didn't move up ? Their still ranked 9
Salesian lost but moved up !?!
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Its always going to be horrible even after Brookside beats Pinewood. Brookside will stay the and Pinewood will move up to 3. The team that moved up lost in the MLK so I guess Brookside would have lost the would have moved up too. In the stockton record Lincoln head coached cryed about losing to Brookside. He said they didn't play together but it was Brookside players where in their face when the shoot 3's most the time. But on the other Brookside missed 17 free throws and 10 of them on the front of 1 and 1 plus missed 23 laps. Should have been a blowout but turn into a great game even with all Brookside mistakes. Lincoln just dont like that player will think about come to Brookside 2nd after Lincoln. Why not go with Pico which isa 2 time state Champion, coach of the year and 5 McDonald Americans plus 9 more nominees for McDonald All American. Sounds like a win win situation. Plus Brookside Christian is a great education school which teachers care about their students by staying after school for a hour and a half to help students.

Wow, Brookside missed the front end of a 1-and-1 ten times during their game against Lincoln? That must be an all-time record. Especially since the maximum possible number of 1-and-1 opportunities a team can get in a single game is six.
I guess in need to telll you that is a joke but I guess its over your head. But anyway it was because Lincoln coach cryed to the paper. I will tell you next time. He was crying about something that wasnt there just dont want the kids that are looking at Brookside Christian a school they might want to go to. He cryed to the newspaper. I can understand on a open forum but not a newspaper. And he is a write too, tells me alot about him and his writing.
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I assume most of your posts are jokes. And I was joking about your joke, but I guess that was over your head.

BTW, I know Lincoln's coach. I didn't see the quote you're talking about, but if Chris said it, I believe it. Can't say the same for you though.
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I haven't done NorCal rankings in a while so I don't pay close enough attention to really comment. It's always difficult given the fact that very often Team A beats Team B which beats Team C which beats Team A.

And then you add in the transfers becoming eligible in January and it's really hard to sort out. Luckily, we have a playoff at the end of the year, and the picture will be much clearer by the end of March.
Sorry Clay for using your name but if use the other name they might ban me. But they read so they know how I'm referring too.
RespectBB - is calling out a coach for crying in the paper that his team did not play together? The Lincoln coach should have taken the high road and

1. Blamed it on the officials
2. Blamed it on the score table
3. Blamed it the team that beat them by 50 having a day off
4. Blamed it on transfers not being eligible
5. Blamed it on not playing in Stockton.

That would have been a far classier move as opposed to stooping so low as to cry that your own players did not play together.
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Clay is correct this debate is a waste of time that is why we have a playoff system. Weirdly enough we put the rankings in the hands of the Players and Coaches and take it out of the hands of fat old men and women.
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Sorry Clay for using your name but if use the other name they might ban me. But they read so they know how I'm referring too.

They made plays down the strecth and pulled out the victory. No one CRIED to the paper either. What was said by Chris was "We're capable. I don't think Saturday's effort is any reflection of how we are as a group."

As a team we didnt play well individually or together that day but that doesn't take away the fact that Brookside won the game. There were a ton of mistakes and miscues just like there are in any game regardless if you win or lose. So to sit here and bash my program behind a computer is crazy. If your pro brookside thats cool but don't start making up lies to prove a point. Brookside has a solid foundation of players to build upon. I love a lot of the girls, hell I trained a few this past off season. The coaching staff are all my guys as well but with that being said Im not going to sit back and let you disrespect what Im helping build.

The objective is to go through trials and tribulations early in the season so you can be better in the post season. We are building game by game regardless if we lose or win. Thats why we scheduled teams like Vanden, BOD, Berkeley, SMS twice, SMB so we can be challenged and know what we have to work on now rather than later. Stop lying and bashing my program via forum. If there is a issue Im sure you know exactly who I am and we can discuss this or you can call me
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Wow, Brookside missed the front end of a 1-and-1 ten times during their game against Lincoln? That must be an all-time record. Especially since the maximum possible number of 1-and-1 opportunities a team can get in a single game is six.

Six 1-and-1 opportunities per half is possible.

FILM DONT LIKE WATCH THEN GET BACK TO ME and Cal Star vs. Team Taurasi is on the Internet. I sure some will let you watch the film of MM vs Brookside because i watched it
Six 1-and-1 opportunities per half is possible.

by both teams combined. 7th, 8th, 9th foul each half for one team.

Respect made it up and got called out. In all his posts, I've never read an intentional joke, and his saying this was his way of explaining what his hand was doing in the cookie jar. Kind of casts doubt on credibility about what he claims to have seen and done. Adds a dash of jazzpt gratuitous insult to coach. as ballersdream a year ago, most demanded that he be banned from the the board.
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What is the favor of kelly since you are so far in his blank. Flim dont like post the film just of the first half Brookside vs. MM are u scared to post it. I KNOW YOU DONT WANT TO POST IT AT ALL. BUT LIKE I SAID THEY BOTH WE DO WELL IN COLLEGE. And I forgot I'm more credibility then your coaching toooo lol lol lol
The Cal Stars were 59-1 in the summer, I believe. The scoreboard doesn't lie either ...
Nor do the stats. All readily available for ALL the players in the Nike EYBL. And entered honestly (albeit occasional human error) unlike the padding or omissions that can seep in when parents are the stats keepers.
I sure some will let you watch the film of MM vs Brookside because i watched it

never seen it, first I've heard of its existence. guess I wrongly assumed you were there. didn't need to see a video, I was there. think it is more of your posturing/fabrication. tell ya what…

1. post it on YouTube, Brookside v Miramonte 2015. My humiliation will be public to all who have nothing better to do than watch it. no?

2. make a copy, bring it when you come to meet Clay at the game on Saturday. can't miss him--he's the tall, dark, handsome guy who'll be in charge. I'll arrange to get it from him. if it shows the rest of the team scoring all MM points in 1st half, I'll apologize on this forum, delete all my previous posts here since 2001 (or as far back as they archive), post no more, and probably stop driving my car. you should get lots offers of help to get the video to me. no?

3. post a progress report on your search for the abominable snowman, and then I'll try to find this mystery video.
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never seen it, first I've heard of its existence. didn't need to see the video, I was there. think it is more of your posturing/fabrication. tell ya what…

1. post it on YouTube, Brookside v Miramonte 2015. My humiliation will be public to all who have nothing better to do than watch it. no?

2. make a copy, bring it when you come to meet Clay at the game on Saturday. can't miss him--he's the tall, dark, handsome guy who'll be in charge. I'll arrange to get it from him. if it shows the rest of the team scoring all MM points in 1st half, I'll apologize on this forum, delete all my previous posts here since 2001 (or as far back as they archive), post no more, and probably stop driving my car. you should get lots offers of help to get the video to me. no?

3. post an update on your search for the abominable snowman, and I'll try to find the video.

the abominable snowman is staying with his cousin Bigfoot warming and all...start your search there.
Who did beat Cal Stars this summer ??? Was it Team Taurasi in pool play at the Nike Nationals??? Who guard who in that game too?????
So I'm guessing Aarion McDonald was the guard for Team Taurasi in the one loss Cal Stars and Miramonte have had since last April. That's good, but didn't Team Taurasi also lose to the Cal Stars during the EYBL season? And didn't Brookside Christian lose to Miramonte this year?

Here's the point: You're making Aarion look bad by this constant attempt to put down Sabrina, Miramonte and the Cal Stars and boost Aarion and Brookside. OK, you don't like Kelly Sopak -- that's fine, but he's obviously a pretty good coach. Yes, you'd like to see Pico's Soldiers' AAU team take over from Cal Stars as the top program in Northern California -- that's fine too, but if that's going to happen, it's not going to come from downgrading Cal Stars and Miramonte but by Pico steadily building both programs.

I look forward to meeting you Saturday ...

No Team Taurasi didn't lose in EYBL season because they are in 2 different sections. The only thing that I didn't like what Kelly did to McDonald when she played for Cal Stars was puting her on the second team. Thats saying Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Larry Bird and Curry should be in the D-League if they was trade to anothet team.

Let say this too, if we was talking about Michael Jordan vs Kobe Bryant shutdown one way or the other it would be ok but once we talk about Larry Bird vs Michael Jordan shutdown there is a big problem. Call competition what it is should be no color line drawn in this day and age. But it still seems to be their. I love watch to great players play against each other and battle it out. That what iI think McDonald and Ionescu is to great high school basketball.
So you're accusing Kelly Sopak of making decisions based on race, not on talent? Or is that a more general comment?
Not saying that abiut Kelly but puting a star on the second team. Race part is come from discussions when talking about players and coaches wish that would go away but have some people stuck in old times. Kelly is not a racist in no shape or form.
Being missed in the selection to be on the 2016 McDonald's All American girls basketball team = race card, too? Do I sense a boycott? It seems someone indeed is stuck in old times.
I guess it's safe to say you are taking your daughter to the newly formed Pico Soldier's, good luck with that and JBS was so good to you but I do wish your child all the luck in the world she is a nice kid.