You know how many times a Del Oro opponent has said the exact same things? I've thought it many times myself over the years.
Thing is, once a team does it over and over and over again and becomes known for it -- at some point you have to start giving them credit and acknowledge that they are very adept at putting themselves in position to take advantage of mistakes and/or fortunate breaks. That's actually very underrated skill.
For me, same thing applies to DLS. They have that same skill. (and the NE Patriots whom I really hate!)
It's no coincidence that both programs have a very long and storied history of success at the D1/D2 levels.
I hear what your saying, and I agree to some extent. DO is a GREAT football team, no doubt, and Great football teams always find a way. They played a very very good CC team. But like I said in my prior post, after CC's QB got ejected it just seemed like they started falling apart. You can't do that in big games like this. Both teams were hitting hard but CC seemed to be handeling them offensively pretty well. With over a minute left the ball got stripped and picked up by a DO player and ran it back for a TD. That's why I stated they got real lucky. If it weren't for that, CC would have been the Champs right now. But again, that's what GREAT teams do, they find a way. So I give credit to DO. Good luck to them!