The Southern Teams in the SJS are just sorry


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Sep 6, 2005
After you get past Stockton the only program worth a damn is Modesto Christian. Look at last night's scores every team besides Modesto Christian got blown out. Golden Valley comes in at 23 - 3 and 10-0 in league gets beat by Elk Grove who is a competitive team but finished at 19 - 9 and 7 - 7 with a 4th place finish in league. I'm glad the SJS is going with Maxprep first 12 rankings but there are teams left out of the playoffs and there are teams that are in the playoffs that just should not be in the playoffs.
Ol' Brick Layer posted on 2/25/2015...Thanks for stating the obvious

You're Welcome
So it's always risky to make blanket statements ...

Golden Valley lost its starting point guard to an ACL Feb. 16. Not only would that be a devastating blow to any team, but Delia Moore was one of the team's better players. So with just a week before postseason, everything has to change -- new ballhandler, new inbounder/receiver in the pressbreak, and so on ...

Not to say Golden Valley wins, but maybe they're not quite as sorry as they are being portrayed here. If Aarion McDonald went out for Brookside, would that program all of a sudden be "sorry"?

And maybe McDonald is pushing it, but take almost every quality team (not SMS) and remove the starting point guard a week before postseason, and see how they do.

It may indeed be true that the southern part is worse than the northern, but it would be nice to have all the facts before blasting specific programs.
Well, Clay you are the voice of reason hooray for you. Injuries are as much a part of sports as X & O's and my comment was not so much about Golden Valley but the entire Southern part of the section. If McClatchy, Oak Ridge, Del Oro, and Antelope's starting point guard goes down a week before the playoff's I beat they still win that first round game. The Southern part of the section is just horrible, why is that so bad to say when everyone knows it. the Southern part of the section reminds me of the new philosophy "everyone gets a ribbon"
Azanna are you say south of Stockton besides Modesto Christian is in the their own league!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm saying after Stockton the only teams worth a damn is Modesto Christian. Stockton is the last place to find good basketball and then the only team after that is MC.
Don't look now but someone is making a run at CupertinoDave's title of biggest tool on the board. Better up your game Jazzy.
Let's kill this thread. Like my mother says "If you can't take a joke then ..."No, that's not what she says. She says"if you don't have something nice to say., then you shouldn't say anything at all.."

This conversation should be directed at who in the SJS can slow down that runaway freight train known as SMS. Can't wait to see them in the Open. Will someone pull the upset?

There is so much good in the world of girls high school basketball and we suffer through reading this trash. Go figure.
Why are we saying everyone in the South but "Stockton"? Besides St. Mary's, Brookside Christian, and Lincoln, who else is there in Stockton? Let's not forget Edison lost to Merced. And why are we bashing teams? You should be ashamed!

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