Joe Mixon Video

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Do you think Joe socks the girl if she didn't aggressively attack him?

Do you really beleave that crap? "Aggressively attack him" bwhahahahaha. Dude that push barely even registers on Mixon. Do you really think she would push him if he didn't say something offensive to her friend? Which has been reported by the way, unlike her N word dropping or being a "crack head" or drunk.......
Two complete losers in the video, that's not even open for debate.

Two 20 years olds at a bar. Mixon called her friend a homophobic slur, she responded back (not in the right, but "attacking" is laughable).

He drops her. Not a good look by anyone. But really hard to look past a guy, who is an elite athletic freak of nature punching a woman. What a mental midget. Some 5-2, 120 broad gets that far in your head?
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Hopefully this doesn't ruin Mixon's future. I'd hate to see him ruined over one mistake. It's important to protect your brand and keep good people around you. I wonder why his lawyers decided to release this video. I would have kept this sealed.
Dude will drop to a 3rd round pick and be out of the league in 2-3 years.

Assaulting women. Probation, getting into it with the parking attendant and getting suspended again. C'mon this bozo doesn't care.
Time will tell how Mixon's football career pans out. He definitely has a target on his back. Focus on football, give back to the kid's, make great investments, avoid American night clubs/bar's, enjoy international vacations (Brazil, Dominican Republic, Thailand, Africa, etc.) Stay out the way. It's best to avoid the general public.

Keep it VIP. Stay Safe.
Time will tell how Mixon's football career pans out. He definitely has a target on his back. Focus on football, give back to the kid's, make great investments, avoid American night clubs/bar's, enjoy international vacations (Brazil, Dominican Republic, Thailand, Africa, etc.) Stay out the way. It's best to avoid the general public.

Keep it VIP. Stay Safe.
Totally agree BigMann. Joe has to rebuild his image. If Kobe Bryant and Mike Tyson can do it after rape allegations Joe should be able to get it back after this. The big difference is those situations were he say/she say this is caught on video. But like you say, he has to give back to the right organizations such as the battered women's organization/shelters and perhaps the "Kids against bullying' organization. What ever the case I hope he grows from this terrible experience and make better decisions in the future because he has no leeway to screw up moving forward. And when you say you hope this doesn't ruin Mixon's future, I'm with you but we're going against the grain on this board.

Hopefully this doesn't ruin Mixon's future. I'd hate to see him ruined over one mistake. It's important to protect your brand and keep good people around you. I wonder why his lawyers decided to release this video. I would have kept this sealed.

Mixon asked for the tapes to be released himself thinking this would put the event behind him. Dude is clearly clueless to how society acts towards men who deck women. I guess this message never made it to "inner city" kids growing up in the mean streets of Oakley. As for ruin his future? Don't see one at least not in football. Look he plays a position that has been devalued in the NFL, he is a PR nightmare, and clearly has issues with ego and aggression. Who wants that on their team? Hopefully he is taking his studies seriously because they may provide the only real future for this guy.
Totally agree BigMann. Joe has to rebuild his image. If Kobe Bryant and Mike Tyson can do it after rape allegations Joe should be able to get it back after this. The big difference is those situations were he say/she say this is caught on video. But like you say, he has to give back to the right organizations such as the battered women's organization/shelters and perhaps the "Kids against bullying' organization. What ever the case I hope he grows from this terrible experience and make better decisions in the future because he has no leeway to screw up moving forward. And when you say you hope this doesn't ruin Mixon's future, I'm with you but we're going against the grain on this board.

This approach is so 90's. Ask Ray Rice how forgiving NFL owners are today when they have to deal with video evidence of a man decking a women? They would just rather not pay that man. Heck and Josh Brown how they react when a player just admits to abusing a women. People, organizations, society, isn't just forgetting this crap and like oh Little Joe made a mistake. But look he fisited kids in a hospital yesterday it's all good. Those days are long gone my friend, he can be forgiven and he can move forward, but if you think a team owner is going to jump into that PR nightmare your crazy and I would be shocked if one did. JJones is about the only owner I could think that would but again position played, not a high value position and Dallas is set and the spot.
This approach is so 90's. Ask Ray Rice how forgiving NFL owners are today when they have to deal with video evidence of a man decking a women? They would just rather not pay that man. Heck and Josh Brown how they react when a player just admits to abusing a women. People, organizations, society, isn't just forgetting this crap and like oh Little Joe made a mistake. But look he fisited kids in a hospital yesterday it's all good. Those days are long gone my friend, he can be forgiven and he can move forward, but if you think a team owner is going to jump into that PR nightmare your crazy and I would be shocked if one did. JJones is about the only owner I could think that would but again position played, not a high value position and Dallas is set and the spot.
What ever the case I hope he grows from this terrible experience and make better decisions in the future because he has no leeway to screw up moving forward. I know who and what Joe is going against but I'm also staying posivtive as is BigMann that he'll be fine in the end. Now if you're not taking the positive road that's fine but don't discourage others from doing so. We have enough of those types in this world already. The kid made a mistake, he paid for it by missing a whole season. He's going to be paying this girl a lot of money if he makes it to the league. That would be a good pay back for her so let's hope he makes it to the league and does well. End of story.

The sad thing is we are talking about this and we have amazing kids playing for the state champ game right now. Lets focus on the positives.

What I do know.
1. He's an entitled punk. Behavior has been repeated with documented incidents like the parking lot debacle.
2. He's a knee injury away from being a has been walking the inner city of Oakley streets with his Freedom jacket on.
3. He shouldn't be playing. Stoops should be pressured by Alumni to drop him.

But we wish him well and hope he learns. Right. Do you guys really think these things go away? Its a personality flaw in his DNA. It will be repeated. Trust me.
What ever the case I hope he grows from this terrible experience and make better decisions in the future because he has no leeway to screw up moving forward. I know who and what Joe is going against but I'm also staying posivtive as is BigMann that he'll be fine in the end. Now if you're not taking the positive road that's fine but don't discourage others from doing so. We have enough of those types in this world already. The kid made a mistake, he paid for it by missing a whole season. He's going to be paying this girl a lot of money if he makes it to the league. That would be a good pay back for her so let's hope he makes it to the league and does well. End of story.

I'm taking the position of reality. I hope Mixon gets his act together I really do. I hate seeing young people F up their lives. Problem is he has clearly never had anybody hold him accountable. So his chances are rough going forward. His accountability may come at the cost of his freedom one day based on his action in this case and since. (Parking attendant) he won't make the league and for good reason. He will in turn blame race etc for this, political activists will come out of the wood work crying racism. It's a old story that will basically boil down to a kid that was never taught how to be a man. And a society that panders to claims of racism, sexism, homophobia, etc,as excuses to explain away people's lack of character.
I like that young lady she is tough. I couldn't tell if that was a person or a cardboard cut out, Joe is definitely talented and definitely not a victim. He just t'd off on a dodo bird. Yes people from the Bay Area shouldn't go down south, the woman down there don't realize that getting punched in the face is an option. My god she didn't even flinch, so either she was drunk or unsuspecting. Either way Joe went out of his way to go into their space. Joe had all the power in the situation and he was the aggressor.

Four strangers walk into a restaurant together, the only thing that they have in common is they are supposedly the same race, passing for heterosexual and they are athletes, they are trying to connect but are nothing alike outside of social constructs. Like all young people they are extremely insecure and unsure of themselves. One kid says to another kid hey look at this *$%, the most insecure of the bunch the one with greatest need for acceptance decides he is going to show his new fake friends that he belongs. So while a group of people talk, one person decides to act on the conversation.

For me this is the mentality southern white men had when they lynched black men and it makes me sick to my stomach when I see a black person, walking around with the same mindset, that would have hung them from a tree 50 years ago.

the video leaves me with questions.
Why did Joe walk back in? Why did he walk directly to the table? The above would be my theory, but I wasn't there so I have no idea.

He was obviously trying to impress people outside as you can see there was a coward, looking in the door to see the carnage he riled up. Joe Mixon was a new kid in a new place looking for acceptance, everything about what Joe did is wrong. The lengths young people go to for acceptance can be extreme. The lengths broken people go to for acceptance, comes from broken places. I know the people advising Joe they are business people they don't give two ****s about him and he was chosen because he was talented and he doesn't have a mind of his own.

He is still just a kid and all kids should be granted one, I am an idiot moment, as long as no one dies or is sexually assaulted.
Looking for acceptance? Please. The kid was a 5* elite player. At a place like
OU he had rock star status the moment he signed his LOI.
I agree with you. They should hang Joe by the tallest tree in Texas. Or better yet, tie him to a tree and whip him to death. That will solve his part of the deal. But before we do that let me say this. Joe's behavior was not of a model citizen but it wasn't in demonic nature as well. Now you're not into giving this kid an opportunity to enjoy the game that makes him happy which will also support his family. To me your outlook on this is more suitable to the killer of 9 church goers in South Carolina. The killer that ruined dreams, families and a community with his demonic psychopathic racist behavior. Now this is the type of guy that I would say doesn't deserve another chance to kill someone for nothing at all.

My two cents;

- According to reports they were arguing outside and it carried in to the cafe. You can see she storms in to talk toa couple of guys. Presumably to tell them what was going on. They may or may have not been players, but they were two African American guys. Than you see Mixon come in and go to the table to lean in and hear what was being said.

- She does push first

- He responded to the push by flexing at her as if he was going to punch her.

- She responds with the slap

- He right crosses her, and b lines to the exit.

Bad decisions all the way around. But could and should have been avoided by him multiple times. Joe Mixon is not or was not a rookie to such limelight and extreme attention or celebrity. He has grown up around numerous solid mentors while at Freedom. He has been a superstar in Contra Costa County since his Sophomore year in high school. My point is any excuse made on his behalf of being a "kid" or speaking as if he was oblivious to warnings of such things like this potentially happening is completely unwarranted here.

That being said, the two "kids" involved in this will be the ones suffering the most. Sadly, Stoops and the University will not suffer any further repercussions in my opinion. They saw this video from the beginning and did everything they could to keep it under wraps. The NCAA, OU and Stoops are the ones that should face ridicule and scrutiny over this video release. Not to mention they tactfully allowed the release of this video on a Friday, the day before Bowl season starts and when high school football state championships are at the forefront of the football media. This was a public relations tactic, hoping it will be buried in the middle of sports sections and fizzleout by Saturday afternoon.
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I agree with you. They should hang Joe by the tallest tree in Texas. Or better yet, tie him to a tree and whip him to death. That will solve his part of the deal. But before we do that let me say this. Joe's behavior was not of a model citizen but it wasn't in demonic nature as well. Now you're not into giving this kid an opportunity to enjoy the game that makes him happy which will also support his family. To me your outlook on this is more suitable to the killer of 9 church goers in South Carolina. The killer that ruined dreams, families and a community with his demonic psychopathic racist behavior. Now this is the type of guy that I would say doesn't deserve another chance to kill someone for nothing at all.


Little dramatic there this has zero to do with race. Kid fvcked up and was given a "second chance"!

Yeah when you're the guy on probation you have to walk the line a little tighter. All eyes will be on you. So when you are given that second chance and still dont care there is a disconnect. It's either he's got some mental issues or he flat out just doesn't care. Best thing Stoops could do for the kid at this point would be dismiss him from the team. Get his "life" in order. Football is secondary, until he gets it figured out.
Bottom line- no matter how a woman comes at you. You never go to the extreme of throwing a punch. The consequences are drastic. This dude should be rooming with Ray Rice in the land of obscurity forever.
New I agree with you. They should hang Joe by the tallest tree in Texas. Or better yet, tie him to a tree and whip him to death. That will solve his part of the deal. But before we do that let me say this. Joe's behavior was not of a model citizen but it wasn't in demonic nature as well. Now you're not into giving this kid an opportunity to enjoy the game that makes him happy which will also support his family. To me your outlook on this is more suitable to the killer of 9 church goers in South Carolina. The killer that ruined dreams, families and a community with his demonic psychopathic racist behavior. Now this is the type of guy that I would say doesn't deserve another chance to kill someone for nothing at all.


Here we go with the race crap again. Simple fact Mixon made himself a PR nightmare which is bad for business. Simple as that. Race has nothing to do with that. The "white" church killer relates to this case how? Oh that right it doesn't. And frankly I don't see anybody anywhere, on any forum defending the guy. Yet somehow you inject him here, comical.
Here we go with the race crap again. Simple fact Mixon made himself a PR nightmare which is bad for business. Simple as that. Race has nothing to do with that. The "white" church killer relates to this case how? Oh that right it doesn't. And frankly I don't see anybody anywhere, on any forum defending the guy. Yet somehow you inject him here, comical.
Board cop, I wasn't responding to you. We know where you stand on this so no need to be redundant with the PR nightmare scenario. Sometimes it's best to be seen not heard. And btw, both Mixon and the girl are responsible for what happened. What Mixon did was horrible but I don't think that should railroad a young persons career. Especially when they've already paid there penalty on this situation. Now stop wasting your time posting because we don't agree on anything. If I say red, you'll say blue, If I say rich and famous you'll say broke and lonely. It is, what it is.

Board cop, I wasn't responding to you. We know where you stand on this so no need to be redundant with the PR nightmare scenario. Sometimes it's best to be seen not heard. And btw, both Mixon and the girl are responsible for what happened. What Mixon did was horrible but I don't think that should railroad a young persons career. Especially when they've already paid there penalty on this situation. Now stop wasting your time posting because we don't agree on anything. If I say red, you'll say blue, If I say rich and famous you'll say broke and lonely. It is, what it is.

Doesn't matter if you were responding to me or not. Every time you want to be a racist I'll call you on it, race has zero to do with this. It's a character issue not race. And nobody is railroading anybody's career. Mixon isn't guaranteed anything except death one day. What he does between birth and death is up to him. But nobody owes him anything, there are no guarantees in life. His market value will determine his career, if that value is out weighed by PR issues guess what? No career.
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Doesn't matter if you were responding to me or not. Every time you want to be a racist I'll call you on it, race has zero to do with this. It's a character issue not race. And nobody is railroading anybody's career. Mixon isn't guaranteed anything except death one day. What he does between birth and death is up to him. But nobody owes him anything, there are no guarantees in life. His market value will determine his career, if that value is out weighed by PR issues guess what? No career.
Board cop you don't have a clue to what happened that night. Were you at the diner the night this incident happened? Did you hear what was said before the responsible parties went inside the diner? Who told you that someone refuted Mixon claim that the girl called him a racist word? Give us creditable sources so that we can put this to rest. Until then I will call you out whenever you want to be a racist. You're caught into your feelings. Not a good look. Especially when your advocating for the crooked system we live by to destroy a kids life. Shame on you Indianpride. Get a hold of yourself.

CT4L're on this kid's jock pretty hard. The "crooked system" allowed him to stay out of jail and still play football. He's a punk. He made his own bed and will have to deal with the consequences.
" the video leaves me with questions.
Why did Joe walk back in? Why did he walk directly to the table? The above would be my theory, but I wasn't there so I have no idea. "

I don't know why Joe walked back in, but it is not like he charges to the table with anger. The girl can be seen in the video motioning for Joe to come over to the table, and she didn't seem to be that angry as well. Looking at the video it must not have been a huge argument that occurred outside since the male she walked in with was clearly having a laugh.

Looking at the video the women is clearly the aggressor. Maybe Joe's response was over the top, but lets not excuse the ladies behavior. She clearly holds the majority of fault for what occurred drunk or not. It is not smart to ever put your hands on anyone and expect nothing back in return. Joe looks to be walking away, and then the women says something and pushed him. Yes Joe lunges at her, but he was trying to punk her, and had she never struck him, that punch is never thrown.

Both parties are responsible for what occurred that night. To try and put the whole blame or even majority on Joe is silly. At least now the girl will think twice before putting her hands on someone, let alone someone that has 80+ pds and towers over you. Hopefully Joe has learned that there are some situations you can just walk away from, and this is one of those.'re on this kid's jock pretty hard. The "crooked system" allowed him to stay out of jail and still play football. He's a punk. He made his own bed and will have to deal with the consequences.
No sh*t Sherlock. He's dealt with the consequences jack@ss so what are you talking about? Now get off my nutz.

So, basically you think she deserved to have her face shattered. Wow. Says a lot about you. Thanks for your thoughtful analysis of the situation.
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" the video leaves me with questions.
Why did Joe walk back in? Why did he walk directly to the table? The above would be my theory, but I wasn't there so I have no idea. "

I don't know why Joe walked back in, but it is not like he charges to the table with anger. The girl can be seen in the video motioning for Joe to come over to the table, and she didn't seem to be that angry as well. Looking at the video it must not have been a huge argument that occurred outside since the male she walked in with was clearly having a laugh.

Looking at the video the women is clearly the aggressor. Maybe Joe's response was over the top, but lets not excuse the ladies behavior. She clearly holds the majority of fault for what occurred drunk or not. It is not smart to ever put your hands on anyone and expect nothing back in return. Joe looks to be walking away, and then the women says something and pushed him. Yes Joe lunges at her, but he was trying to punk her, and had she never struck him, that punch is never thrown.

Both parties are responsible for what occurred that night. To try and put the whole blame or even majority on Joe is silly. At least now the girl will think twice before putting her hands on someone, let alone someone that has 80+ pds and towers over you. Hopefully Joe has learned that there are some situations you can just walk away from, and this is one of those.
Don't go there. You might get bomb rushed by those that believe the girl had nothing to do with this incident. We're suppose to believe she is totally innocent without knowing everything that happened that night. And none of these guys were as close as 3 football fields to the incident. But they know everything that happened. LMAO!

I mean obviously not, I would have preferred for Joe to walk away and nothing happen. But you don't go around putting your hands on people and not expecting shit to happen. If you can go around with your big girl pants on and strike someone, you need to be ready for a big boy response.

I hold Joe accountable for the over the top response, but I also hold that grown women responsible for her behavior the led up to what happen. In my eyes she is most responsible for what occurred that night.

So, basically you think she deserved to have her face shattered. Wow. Says a lot about you. Thanks for your thoughtful analysis of the situation.
I figure as much. Just don't get why people feel the need to make it seem like Joe is primarily responsible for what happened and how easily the women's actions are dismissed.
Don't go there. You might get bomb rushed by those that believe the girl had nothing to do with this incident. We're suppose to believe she is totally innocent without knowing everything that happened that night. And none of these guys were as close as 3 football fields to the incident. But they know everything that happened. LMAO!

So, basically you think she deserved to have her face shattered. Wow. Says a lot about you. Thanks for your thoughtful analysis of the situation.
Look man, have you read my posts? If not I have said on more than a half a dozen times that Joe was totally wrong for hitting that girl like that. Now if you think I'm going to kiss your @ss on this when none of us were there you have the wrong guy. From my experience I believe the girl played a roll in this incident. How big of a roll I don't know. She gets no pass from me because I don't believe Joe just hit her without her saying something to piss him off. What did she actually say? No one on this board knows and if they say they do they better have legit sources such as audio of what transpired before the punch. Right now it's he say, she say. Joe did his time and she will get a nice pay day if he makes it to the league. It's time to let by gones be by gones and let these two people handle it in civil court.

Look man, have you read my posts? If not I have said on more than a half a dozen times that Joe was totally wrong for hitting that girl like that. Now if you think I'm going to kiss your @ss on this when none of us were there you have the wrong guy. From my experience I believe the girl played a roll in this incident. How big of a roll I don't know. She gets no pass from me because I don't believe Joe just hit her without her saying something to piss him off. What did she actually say? No one on this board knows and if they say they do they better have legit sources such as audio of what transpired before the punch. Right now it's he say, she say. Joe did his time and she will get a nice pay day if he makes it to the league. It's time to let by gones be by gones and let these two people handle it in civil court.

He won't now that we can see what he did to a 95 lb girl.
He won't now that we can see what he did to a 95 lb girl.
I'm sure there's a lot of folks like you that don't believe the young man should have the opportunity to enjoy his football career and help his family financially. But if it was your son that went to law school and did the same thing or made a mistake just as big as Joe's you wouldn't want his career and livelyhood taken away from him, right? What parent or family members would.

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New Board cop you don't have a clue to what happened that night. Were you at the diner the night this incident happened? Did you hear what was said before the responsible parties went inside the diner? Who told you that someone refuted Mixon claim that the girl called him a racist word? Give us creditable sources so that we can put this to rest. Until then I will call you out whenever you want to be a racist. You're caught into your feelings. Not a good look. Especially when your advocating for the crooked system we live by to destroy a kids life. Shame on you Indianpride. Get a hold of yourself.


As I pointed out earlier you don't pay attention. Of course Mixon is going to claim racism to get out of this issue and minimize his accountability. It's the victimhood chip remember? How about you give credibility to the statement by somebody other than Mixon? Because nobody is saying she said this but you and Mixon, and you believe him because you to love that victimhood chip.
I'm sure there's a lot of folks like you that don't believe the young man should have the opportunity to enjoy his football career and help his family financially. But if it was your son that went to law school and did the same thing or made a mistake just as big as Joe's you wouldn't want his career and livelyhood taken away from him, right? What parent or family members would.

Here we go with the entitlement card. Man liberals have sure poisoned your mind. Pro Football is a privilege not a right. Don't confuse the two. We just don't see him getting that privilege based on his choices because it's a PR nightmare.
Here we go with the entitlement card. Man liberals have sure poisoned your mind. Pro Football is a privilege not a right. Don't confuse the two. We just don't see him getting that privilege based on his choices because it's a PR nightmare.
Gosh darn Indian you had me until you pulled the Liberal card. Lol

As far as everyone's takes go, this is obviously being looked at through different perspectives. I for one done see some of the things that guys are pointing out from the video. I see two young people abruptly going over to two guys at a table to discuss something. Probably the confrontation with Mixon outside. I see him saying something to them as well as the other way around.

If anyone thinks he was in there just standing there like a mute than you are going to see what you want. But hey, is what it is. Either way OU and Stoops are racking millions!
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