2018 Bruce Mahoney


Hall of Famer
Jan 27, 2014
Keys for SH: Must get out to a lead. SH's strength is their defense as evidenced by their two games versus VC and SF. They are offensively challenged with very few weapons on offensive side of the ball. Look for SI to put 8 in the box and force Dowling to throw. I anticipate SH actually passing more to open the game to force SI out of stacking the line. Lets see if SH will put Heard in motion and make him a receiver to confuse the SI defense. SH cannot afford to have a disparaging time of possession difference.

Keys for SI: BIG poppa! Run Biggins left, Run Biggins right. Run Biggins middle. Stop Heard and force Dowling to make plays down field and make someone else besides Heard beat you. Of course this will not be the Bruce Mahoney game without the all-telling extra help from the officials. If the flags come out early vs SH, you can tell where this game is headed.
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They were talkin' about the game on KNBR Sports-Talk this morning as I think Larry Kruger went to S.I. & G-Rad's daughter goes to SHC. Wonder how big the crowd will be? These 2 teams seem pretty evenly matched with SHC an edge on D & S.I. the edge on O, so should be an entertaining game.
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They were talkin' about the game on KNBR Sports-Talk this morning as I think Larry Kruger went to S.I. & G-Rad's daughter goes to SHC. Wonder how big the crowd will be? These 2 teams seem pretty evenly matched with SHC an edge on D & S.I. the edge on O, so should be an entertaining game.

Should be evenly matched. Historically, say last 30 year sample size, its either am SI blowout or SH close win. Trend says SI will win as SH has not won the football game in back to back years since '87-'89. If SH can force turnovers that would really swing major momentum for the Irish.
Memo to the Rambling Individual: We presume you are in Mountain View to observe the WCAL highlight test. Please provide updates as needed. Thanks in advance.
Memo to the Rambling Individual: We presume you are in Mountain View to observe the WCAL highlight test. Please provide updates as needed. Thanks in advance.

Heading towards 1/2 way of 2nd quarter and not much to report. Both teams running for little or no gains & then punting. Little passing taking place with only one completion of note. VC punted and put SF deep in their territory and held so now VC gets ball back with short field - advantage VC.
Neither SF or VC offense looks very good & both D's look stout. Not sure there's been a run gain of 5 yards yet by either team. VC passing far more than usual & unfortunately the incompletions are not even close [stick to the run Warrior's, besides SF has probably best secondary in WCAL].
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Positive 1st quarter for Irish. Looks like SH can run against SI. Dowling is hitting his receivers to keep things balanced. Stay away from turnovers Irish and this game could go your way.
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3 min left in 1rst 1/2 & VC at own 20. On 1rst down VC RB breaks thru & but trips over his own player. VC continues to force passes even tho Williams & Wilmar of SF are blanketing WR's - not a good strategy VC as merely a matter of time before one is picked off.

VC now at mid-field with 1:18 left in 1/2 and no real ability to pass. VC runs ball and 4th & less than 1 & VC elects to run clock down to 2 secs using up a full minute between palys [?]. VC then runs final play and easily makes first down with gain of 6 to SF 43.

0-0 at 1/2
I called it - VC deep in their territory early in 2nd 1/2 throws a dart INT into SF secondary for easy pick. VC Coach what R U thinkin'? Stick to what you know works..
14-7 SI at the half. Im convinced SH only has like 5 plays on offense. They had 1st and 10 inside the 20 and went backwards because there was nothing else to run.

For the record, not a fan of the new helmets. Yes helmet stickers are cool, but I'd rather we go back to the gold helmets.
VC 2 offsides in a row, an over-thrown pass and then another bad INT to SF secondary. VC is literally giving this game away ..
Great adjustment by SH to switch Watkins onto #9. Another great adjustment putting Heard in to spy Biggins.
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14-7 SI at the half. Im convinced SH only has like 5 plays on offense. They had 1st and 10 inside the 20 and went backwards because there was nothing else to run.

For the record, not a fan of the new helmets. Yes helmet stickers are cool, but I'd rather we go back to the gold helmets.

Yes and a darker green like a midnight green
Did the SI JVs suit with the Varsity tonight? I thought I heard mention of that on the broadcast.
Did the SI JVs suit with the Varsity tonight? I thought I heard mention of that on the broadcast.
Not sure. When they lined up for the Anthem, it didn't look like it.

Irish Frosh won 20-13. The game wasn't as close as the score indicated.
Was always a fan of their helmet with the SHC logo fashioned after the NY Jets. Good game Irish!
I like that one too but I do like the dark green helmets. I'm not sure if they use the ones with "Irish" on one side and a number on the other for away games or not.
Not sure. When they lined up for the Anthem, it didn't look like it.

Irish Frosh won 20-13. The game wasn't as close as the score indicated.

I believe SH had 2 defensive TDs in the first half and one Reagans TD run. Interesting to see if Jackson will play football next year as a soph. He won’t be the QB so unless he switches to WR or Safety, not sure where his playing time will be at. Reagans looks like the heir apparent to Heard.
I believe SH had 2 defensive TDs in the first half and one Reagans TD run. Interesting to see if Jackson will play football next year as a soph. He won’t be the QB so unless he switches to WR or Safety, not sure where his playing time will be at. Reagans looks like the heir apparent to Heard.
I didn't arrive until it was already 14-0. I think Jackson will be on the varsity next year. I haven't heard about them bringing back the JV's.