Every HS program owes DLS thanks


Hall of Famer
Sep 4, 2011
DLS has set the standard for the last 25 years. They have taken the standard of prep football and jumped it up several notches. This has nothing to do with talent and recruiting and everything to do with upping the expectations, personal and team. What they have achieved is incredible and what they have done is give other programs something to shoot for. Programs that want to compete with them have changed the way they look at things and have been pushed to another level to compete with the best.

Programs like Folsom,seeking to be the best have upped their game to be special. Locally, Cal Hi is a great example of taking their program to new heights. Instead of castigating them, programs should thank them.
While it was good that you gave other programs a shout out, that was a HUGE homer post...

Stop the DLS banter. They're wins over the last 25 years speak for themselves...

You people are nuts on here...give it a rest
61- Are you fair and balanced?
Some of the posters on here think I dislike DLS. I actually follow SRV but appreciate what DLS has achieved and, more importantly, how they have achieved it. They do special things on and off the field and I honestly don't expect you to understand that.
Don't expect me to recognize that!? Like I said, with all the wins over the last 25 years, they speak for themselves. There is no need to keep posting banter on here about that...Like I said, give it a rest. Everyone knows how good DLS is. They have a movie depicting it as well

My point was to simply prove something. I got on here to challenge the status quo and the "east bay elite" by saying their WAS AND IS another powerhouse team out there that COULD compete with DLS.

The response I got was mindboggling. Go look at the hateful responses, simply because I challenged all of the Bay Area "elitists."

There are other teams out there, outside of the Bay Area. Let's not sit on here all day and just write banter about DLS. The wins speak for themselves. The program speaks for itself. No need for anymore 30-40 something year old guy's to post about their greatness.

By the way...Folsom was a great team this year
Nothing to do with talent....that is about where I stopped reading your post. A great program without talent does not go unbeaten in Northern California for the last 20 plus years. Great Coaching, tremendous offseason program, elite talent...all works together, but you need all three.
I thought the same thing!

DLS homers will get on here and talk about the program, the school, and the coach...But, the taboo subject is always the kids, the talent, and where they come from.

You cannot have a successful program without talent. That is the driving force, taboo or not
Originally posted by BayReporter:

A great program without talent does not go unbeaten in Northern California for the last 20 plus years. Great Coaching, tremendous offseason program, elite talent...all works together, but you need all three.
Agreed. You can't find a public program anywhere in America that hasn't suffered through a 3 or 4 loss season (or worse) over a 10 - 15 year period (or more). No matter how good the coaches are, no matter how good the conditioning program is, no matter what the demographics of the area is -- at some point you just won't have the horses or depth to get it done.

Obviously, private school programs have an advantage in the consistency department even if not all of them are able to maximize that advantage. I think the smaller division privates have more of an advantage than the larger privates do. I think it's harder for a program like DLS or Bellarmine Prep to remain consistently good at the D1 than it is for Central Catholic at the D4 or D5 level. There's simply less good teams at those levels.

But getting back to the point, any program needs the steady stream of talent and depth of talent coming in to make it work. Coaching and offseason programs alone won't get it done. Centennial-Corona has been one of the elite public programs for a while. Even they have had several 3-4 loss seasons the past 15 years. And we all know what goes on down in SoCal every year with all the transfers. If those publics didn't get the transfers, they'd likely have a few losing seasons mixed in here and there.
FWIW, Jake Browning had this to say about DLS:

"Those losses to De La Salle made us 10 times better, 100 times better. The first, we realized we had to get stronger, and we lifted and conditioned so much harder. After the second loss, we continued to work in the weight room and added more things on offense. It all paid off."
The above is why I praise programs such as Del Oro and Jesuit for scheduling the Spartans, even though they weren't close games. You simply have to experience playing a team like DLS to fully understand what it takes to get to that level -- coaching staffs included.
Agreed. And it helped Folsom a lot.

It showed this year...

Folsom would beat DLS 41-20

DLS would throw 2 passes, Folsom would throw 30.
Reporter- you are a little like 61 in the respect that I don't think you guys get the big picture. They were not very talented in the early years yet they built something special. Neither one of you can comprehend it so it's kind of wasted on you. I think you should change your name to Bay propagandist.
Thunder Ram- you hit my intended point. Folsom would not be as good as they are without DLS as a barometer. My OP headline was a little tongue in cheek to razz a couple people but the message is that what they have accomplished only makes everybody else better.
You are right...They have raised the bar in Northern California.

Unfortunately, for DLS, Folsom was better this year...

I am just said that they didn't get the chance to prove it
Whatever dude..... private school banter....get a clue...DLS wouldn't "S" if it was a public school. Get over yourself.
Grown men obsessing about a HIGH SCHOOL like it is some sacred religion.

Guys...It is just HIGH SCHOOL!
Crappy- I'm not sure if you were addressing me or not because I was mentioning DLS but I went to a public school. Let me put it another way for you so your little mind will absorb it- I think you will acknowledge that DLS was far superior to Pittsburg this last year. If DLS and Pitt flipped coaches in January of last year, Pitt would have state champs and DLS would have just been a really good team like Folsom or Grant. They would probably beat Grant and lose to Folsom because they are very well-coached.

Let's now take Folsom and Grant. Do the same thing with their coaching staffs, Grant would have beat them and would've been state champs. It starts with the culture that the leaders create. From there, it's the exhaustive program that is implemented and the players who "buy in" and immerse themselves. Again, this is probably over your head.
You are just like all the other Bay Area homers...

You think you are smarter. You fit the mold of a DLS supporter-an elitist.

Get over your obsession with DLS.

I know you can't afford to attend a game up here in Folsom, but try to come next year. I will pay your way

I know that is hard for you to understand...but that is an offer
One thing I have learned about people that reside in the Bay Area...They cannot STAND it when someone else thinks they are better or makes more money than they do. I am not sure what it is. But it just irks them!

You people need to get over yourselves. You are probably the reason(s) your kids have the same issues you do
NCSF is correct because Cardinal Newman has done the same in their own way in the North Bay. DLS just does it on a state and national level. In the NBL you either raise your level of play or get drubbed by Newman. DLS just brings it to another level.
$1,000,000 already in hand for naming rights for the weight room and another million heading to the bank for naming rights for the "Hall of Fame Rotunda" is unfathomable. Spartunz are going to be fine for many years to come. My kids school couldn't even muster $10,000 for a simple welded archway for the stadium entrance.
To compare Newman to DLS in any fashion is an absolute crime...

Newman is a private school and doesn't even compare to public schools in the SJS like Folsom, Oak Ridge, or Rocklin.

Don't be a Sonoma County homer...There is a world "outside the bubble."
NCSF you are little full of yourself, but the legacy DLS has built to raise the so-called "bar", definitely included a hell of a lot of talent....hence the long line of NFL talent.
Guy, Newman has been consistent since the 70's. I also used that as an example. It true that schools that are consistently good push the pace. Skyline in Oakland used to do it, Oak Grove used to do it, St Francis used to do it. DLS did it and does it. Folsom although a quality program is an up-and-comer. There are programs that have been good in the 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's, 10's. There is not that many programs that if you scheduled them in the past 40 years that they would be consistently competitive. Also I went to Maxpreps and clicked on good ol Folsom to peep their past record. Guy, those dudes just got good.
You are obviously new to watching hs fb. EVERYONE else knows DLS would have still beaten Folsom this year by 3-4 tds.
Good ole mtnjohn,

The ultimate DLS homer. Get over yourself...

Folsom would beat DLS by 2 TDs.

As for Newman...Please don't bring them up in here again. As I said before, that school is private and still doesn't compare to even half of the public schools up here in the SJS.

Go visit Folsom High School or Rocklin for that matter...Those places make Newman look like a welfare cash checking counter
Also, regarding Newman being consistent for decades...

Dude, c'mon! They play in Sonoma County! They have ZERO state championships!

I love how people from Sonoma County try to chime in on "elite" their schools are. Move to an area with real competition and athletes, and you will see what I mean.
This website has now officially become the ," DLS / Folsom and everyone else in high school football sucks .com"!!!! Sickening.
NCSF - In a vaccuum, I appreciate the excellence of the DLS program, but I really doubt that schools like Pitt, Pinole, Vallejo, SRV, Cal, MV and other EBAL schools feel any gratitude to DLS. It is ridiculous to even suggest.
Cordova in the 70's was the 1st team that put NorCal on the state and national map, not DLS. But when the Air Force base shut down so did Cordova. They were the 1st NorCal team to be considered national champs.
Berkeley High put NorCal on the map way before any team. Perennial state champs (of finalist) when there was a state championship.
Wait...Football existed prior to DLS being good!?

You don't say!?

Complete homers....
Anyone who thinks DLS success is due to talent is as ignorant as the person who thinks talent did not help DLS success
They don't understand because we are in the Instagram era and don't do their homework. I saw those teams in the early 90's. Their all-league nose guard was 5'9, 175 pounds or so. Their line averaged 205. Patrick Walsh was their first great RB who was a 5'6, 180 pound pin ball. Yep, physical freaks lol! That's when they only had three coaches and only had four coaches on Varsity until maybe 10 years ago or so.

The Aaron Taylor's and Amani Toomer's came late in the deal. And even when those guys came, they were still not as big or talented as Mater Dei or Long Beach Poly. The Player that epitomized DeLaSalle for me was Derek Landri. He was huge for a DLS guy, 6'3 or so and 270 pounds. He had to face two Poly linemen, Winston Justice and Manuel Wright, that were 300 pounds each and HS all-Americans. He had to also go both ways. Despite needing an IV at half, he neutralized those guys on offense with great technique and a great motor and forced double teams to stop him on D. This was a guy giving up 30-40 pounds to incredibly talented players.

I'm not a DLS alum. Heck, I'm not a fan of half the people who follow them on this site. That said, I appreciate excellence and did some studying on the program. Their line coach, Steve Alexakos, was a friend and I would pick his brain. Coached a lot of their players in another sport and would pick their brains. Got to talk to a few of their coaches as well. What they do is just a little different and unless you are around the program a little bit, you just don't understand.

Finally, they aren't the only program like that. Sounds like Folsom has elements. Bellevue of Washington is a lot like that. There are others. That said, the one I know is DLS and they are the most unique team of any sport I've been around in decades of observing.

This post was edited on 1/1 5:36 PM by NCSF
I still say draw a mile circle around DLS and that would be their boundary if it were a public school, no way! DLS would be just another public school team, technique wouldn't make that big of difference. Talent level wouldn't be there. So DLS fans go ahead and toot your horn blah, blah, blah, but most people that know the system between public and private can see between the lines. If DLS were to honest with itself and take the and I quote "best students" you would have a bunch of tech geek kids with glasses and not 300 pound lineman of ex-nfl players.

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