Is that a slight to Folsom, or is there a real point I'm missing? Serious question.
You pointed out the program started to really improve in 2012.... two years after Folsom won a state championship.... I don’t think the timing is a coincidence....
Is that a slight to Folsom, or is there a real point I'm missing? Serious question.
You pointed out the program started to really improve in 2012.... two years after Folsom won a state championship.... I don’t think the timing is a coincidence....
Gotcha. Understood.
Their 1st super class was 2009 and then that same core responded from the Del Oro loss to win D2 State in 2010. But that core class of kids had grown up through the Folsom JR Bulldogs system. They didn't really start drawing the Williams, Ngata, Badger types until around 2012ish or so. I get that 2 of the 3 Ngata's attended Folsom beginning their frosh season --- but Williams, Badger and numerous others transferred in from other HS programs and/or grew up in other youth systems.
I'm not saying they didn't have transfers before 2012ish -- most every program has them -- just the volume and athletic prowess of the transfers escalated. I don't think that happened because Folsom has great academic programs and good facilities. They already had that going for them, as do numerous other schools in the area. It happened because kids/parents wanted to front run off the immense success that Dano Graves, Jordan Richards, Tyler Trosin etc. started and Jake Browning, Jonah Williams, etc. continued.
And the coaching staff, with Troy Taylor and Kris Richardson at the top, got the very best out of all those guys. I've said it before, I thought Taylor was the most important piece because he developed their QB system. W/O that, I'm not certain they'd have gotten it going as they have. But maybe I'm wrong.
Top programs private or public will get transfers, like people say the best want to play for the best, and they will find a way to play there.......if you want to be relevant on a National or even state level (like a big state Cali,florida, texas, etc) you're gonna pull kids from outside your is what it is, its a new era of High School football and I think Folsom should keep doing what they are doing
They will. It is just a matter of time. It may be 5 years, it may be 15 years, but it is bound to happen.For example, why doesn't Vista del Lago draw similarly?
And while I don’t completely discount your assertion about players being recruited or guided to a program, I don’t like to assume or make accusations w/o proof. I don’t think that’s fair. You may believe you have proof based upon your family experience, but I haven’t seen it myself. So I won’t go there.
They will. It is just a matter of time. It may be 5 years, it may be 15 years, but it is bound to happen.
It will not happen as long as this coaching staff stays at Folsom. Folsom will draw the best players and the kids that can't compete with the Folsom talent will go to Vista or Oak Ridge or Cordova. If you were a possible D1/D2 player, why would you go to Vista? Recruiters make a point to go to Folsom (and Inderkum and Jesuit, and Oak Ridge, etc.). They do not stop at El Dorado, or Union Mine, or Vista.
I've seen kids being recruited at the jr level, so I know it happens.
Kids get scholarships at any schools if you’re good they’ll find you. There’s a reason why the talent at Folsom looks different than vista every body knows why but nobody likes to say it instead people will talk about what folsom as a school and community offer. Folsom high needs these top players more than they need folsom. We’ve glossed over this every year it seems like. Without players coming to folsom folsom wouldn’t separate away from the rest of the sfl teams they have the athletes to prevent most teams from playing man defense on them. It’s why the struggled with sac high but could beat sfl teams easily. 2010 will always be folsoms best team to me because they were folsom bred from youth on up and they won as a family. What folsoms puts on the field from here on out will not be folsom bred and it’s tge only reason I don’t give them the benefit of doubt if they played the privates in md dls and sjb. Folsoms a public school but their sports programs are ran like private schools
Even if you don't start at Folsom, you will get attention from college football programs. I don't think it would be exaggerating to say that many of the second string players would start at other programs. They stay at Folsom because the competition makes them better in the long run.
Man o man how many players from folsom are d1? How many are in the nfl let’s not get carried away this might be the first year were folsom could field multiple d1 players that could get playing time at big colleges. You could find more talented teams in the sjs most years but this years team nobody is close and the main reason is by players that don’t folsom home and that’s why some of the parents of other sfl teams are mad about
You are probably right about this being the case as long as Coach Richardson is there. But as we know, all good things do not last. It may take 10 or even 20 years but things will shift. Especially with the facilities at Vista and all the building going on south of highway 50. Heck there will eventually be another HS in Folsom. Hard to imagine.It will not happen as long as this coaching staff stays at Folsom. Folsom will draw the best players and the kids that can't compete with the Folsom talent will go to Vista or Oak Ridge or Cordova. If you were a possible D1/D2 player, why would you go to Vista? Recruiters make a point to go to Folsom (and Inderkum and Jesuit, and Oak Ridge, etc.). They do not stop at El Dorado, or Union Mine, or Vista.
We have had 7th and 8th graders get business cards from 2 local high schools, we have had blatant recruiting of coaches from other schools being on campus at our feeder schools. I will leave it there but if you do this, you get what you deserve.
Reading this forums for years and yes the issue is a but outdated. There are strict rules in place and complaints are investigated thoroughly by the CIF. The old method of throwing a blanket "recruiting" accusation with he said/she said material and hoping it sticks, are in the rear view mirror. You either play by the rules or you don't. If you don't like the rules, you may lobby to change them.LOL. I am not commenting on the whole HS recruiting issue. Could care less.