POLL: BallersDream should get kicked off the board

Nor Cal Scout

Sports Fanatic
Feb 24, 2013
I am tired of this guys act. It actually pains me to see this grown man attack kids and try to hide it under the "FALSE PRETENDS" (My favorite BD word) of him speaking the truth.

Talk hoops, you do have knowledge. But when the humming bird brain starts overflowing the pelican mouth your completely discredit yourself. Bashing kids makes you a bad person, as I said before to you, a bully. Taking shots at everyone is not the way to go. Talk about the teams, who matches up well against who. I know you have a passion for hoops so please put that passion back in the right direction.
I agree cvcl. He is under the impression that if you put individuals or programs down that will heighten or elevate those that he supports. At first I thought it was simple envy or jealousy but now I think it is a more deep rooted mental issue in the form self helplessness, which is a common but seldom spoke of depression. He is definitely a jack clown but I feel for him and he should seek help, although I doubt that will happen. typically people with this type of depression do not have close friends or family members and also suffer from detachment issues, which makes anything like a communal intervention far less likely.
Nor Cal Scout


Although I do not always agree with BD, I don't believe he is intentionally trying to bash kids. I do not think he should be kicked off of NCP. I do think he tries to make valid(most of the time) points, but he just goes about it the wrong way. However, he is not the only one that bashes players on this site....some of you posting about him have either made or agreed with those who have bashed players as well. I am a Brookside parent so of course I will remember more things said about BC then I will other teams. With that said, a poster did (not-so-long ago) make derogatory comments about some BC players (outside of the big 3) basically being, should you start a vote against that person too?...or has your dislike for BD given you all justification to not have a problem with negative comments toward BC players? Make no mistake, I do not support bashing any child, or any person for that matter...but perhaps some of you need to look in the mirror. It is a bit disturbing to see grown people bickering like children and stooping to such low levels to get the last sarcastic word in. Coming on here with opinions and support for your favorite team is great, but all the negative mess is overshadowing the fact that Northern California has a ton of super talented, hard-working, academically sound young ladies who play their hearts out to represent their schools, their communities and to make their parent proud! Good luck to all the young ladies in the playoffs working their tails off.

In hoops,


This post was edited on 3/9 11:23 PM by szahniser
That is the purpose of this thread szahniser. Sometimes it takes for someone to be personal with you, your kid or your team before it hits home. Any negative comments about brookside I would assume were born out of frustration or contrite toward BD.

I would recommend reading the things BD has mentioned, similar to the post above and instead of it being someone else name or him not mentioning the name but it clear the person he is referring to would know and, then replace it with your child'e name, I am sure you would not agree with anything he has said.

He has cast such a negative light toward BC it is incredible. The poll will be interesting as will the comments.

BD, I have no idea about your Lodi comment. You might have me mistaken for someone else. I live in Piedmont and have for nearly 15 years. I travel a lot with my job and I do a lot of work in the ministry but do not get out to Lodi very often, if at all.
People should read it's posts in sequence starting from post #1 and they will have a clearer understanding of the intent and agenda behind those posts. People do not give BD enough credit. BD is very clever and is able to manipulate and push peoples buttons to achieve a desired intent. Anyone who thinks the intent is anything but destructive is being conned. We often want to project our own natures onto others to give them the benefit of the doubt. We do not want to see the destructive and ugly things that exist in this world. Posters who think BD just has trouble being expressive are fooling themselves. BD is smarter than you and can expressive enough when necessary. The ability to express though writing has improved drastically from the first post. The level of BD communication ability fluctuates to serve a specific purpose at any given time. szahniser you along with many others on this site are being played like a cheap violin. BD is a lot smarter than most of you. BD is a master of manipulation who as thrown this entire site into turmoil.

Nor Cal scout- Interesting that you are involves in the Ministry. It often takes discernment to recognize the intent hovering behind the masks that are used to disguise malevolence. .

This post was edited on 3/10 3:47 AM by Willtalk
I just put him on ignore. No need turn that assclown's rants into a conversation. Saves me the headache of trying to translate whatever he is trying to point into readable English.

Admittedly I miss reading his posts where he 'sugar codes it' for the rest of us.
Lol....nobody is playing me. I actually KNOW who he is. All I was saying is there are more posters than just him on here saying negative things about kids. The fact that you all feel some type of way about Brookside because of what BD posts says more about you than it does about him. The players at Brookside work their butts off and log a lot of hours in the gym, just like all the players on the other teams, so having a negative feeling about BC because of some random adult is absurd.
Ok, please tell. Why protect someone that put kids, programs, coaches down? This leads me to believe BD is or was affiliated with your child in some way. Its hard for me to believe you are ok with all the garbage BD spits, unless you two are in cohoots.
I think the problem people on here have with me is that I tell how it is. I'm been on this site for years and all I here is how good this team is and why players should go to this school but I switch it up everyone thinks I'm a bad person. It ok people to discredit other school as long its not abut the INNER CIRCLE TEAMS. Then I talk about what happens behind close door and that a big NO on here. The best thing on here is don't talk about what coaches are doing to players. The Biggest talker on this site never touch the floor in big games when they was in high school. So you tell that these people know what is real happening on the floor during the game.

I don't agree with much of what BallersDream has to say, but I don't believe in banning anyone from message boards unless they violate the board's rule. He/She has as much of a right to contribute as Jazz, Clay or myself.

MoGreen has it right - if you don't like what Baller posts, then just hit ignore.
Baller, you appear to be delusional, or maybe its a my short time perspective as a visitor to this site.

You begin your latest post by suggesting that this site is used as a recruiting tool. Now I have only been a participant to this site for about 5 months, but I have never once been left with the impression people are recruiting.

You claim people use the site to discredit schools. You are the only person who routinely attacks not only school programs, but also young women and coaches. Generally, people choose to self promote their own programs, not attack others (guilty as charged, and probably somewhat delusional myself).

Who makes up the "inner circle"??? CalStars??? You gotta get over your misinterpretation of how McDonald was treated last summer. Based upon what I know and have read, that situation last summer was mutually beneficial to player and team. Even if that isn't accurate, you need to let it go and move on.

And finally to suggest that the "biggest talker on this site never touched the floor"??? Stop with the personal attacks. and by the way, I have it on good authority that "jazzpt" has in fact set foot on a basketball court. Don't bring him into this.

szahniser, based upon your last response you are complicit in the defamation of 15, 16, 17 year old girls. Please show a little bit of intestinal fortitude and encourage Baller to clean up his act. It could be the beginning of redemption for BC parents.

Baller, like only a good Catholic can suggest during this time of lent: give up your anger.
>I think the problem people on here have with me is that I tell how it is.

Here's the problem: You don't tell it like it is. You tell lies.

You make stuff up about what happens behind closed doors and then assure everyone it's real, even though it's not.

I could ask who the "Inner Circle" teams are, but your answer would not be based on facts.

In the many years you were not on this board, pretty much every team has gotten its share of negative comments, and positive.

Again, you don't tell it like it is at all, because you simply don't know. You can repeat and repeat and repeat how tied in you are to what's really going on, but you're not. You just make things up and call them truth. Actually, it's called lying, and you do way too much of it.

That is pretty much my feelings as well. BallersDream is definitely not the P.C. type. Actually I'm more of a Mac than a P.C. guy myself.
I've blogged on quite a few sites and there are people out there a lot more vile than BallersDream. If I don't agree with someone's opinion, most of the time I ignore them.

The variety of opinions is what presents a microcosm of the opinions and beliefs in our society as a whole.
I like the constitutional right to free speech. And I appreciate people who are not afraid to speak out against popular beliefs.


Now BallersDream may believe it is ok to as he calls it,to give out constructive criticism to benefit teams,coaches, parents, and children. I think Ballersdream, myself, and anyone else guilty of knocking children publicly should reconsider the harm it may cause a child. I am not saying BallerDream, myself, or anyone else is guilty of using words to harm children. But we should all be considerate.

To me every child no matter the color,creed,religion,nationality,culture,beliefs, etc….
is all of our children. As mature and loving adults we should nurture, guide, support and protect them all.

I have opinions about ball players both young and old. Typically if I have a negative opinion about a player (especially a young child) I may express that opinion in a small private group... perhaps my family, team,friends,etc. I try not to express it so the opinion gets back to the child at hand. It may through hearsay, or my words can be misquoted, or delivered by a trouble maker. And with my bigmouth sometimes the child may accidentally over hear me. But obviously when you publish something in a public forum it can and may get back to the child.

I think we have all been guilty of thinking we are helping our own children, and expressed what we believe to be constructive and helpful criticism. It is not always constructive if it breaks down one's confidence and self esteem. It really depends on the tone of voice, the timing it is used,the child it is directed towards, intent etc... There are a variety of personalities and maturities. Every child is different. We are pretty much free to carefully criticize our own children, but not someone else's child in my opinion.

Hope that helps!

Opinions can be expressed in a lot of ways by a lot of people. Intelligence and/or good grammar aren't requirements.

But where the line needs to be drawn is where opinions give way to baseless allegations of fact. Too many people on this board are too ready to accuse specific coaches/programs/players of tanking, recruiting, making racist slurs, etc.

For those who may want to persist in making unsupported, defamatory comments, I will give you a tip. Neither the First Amendment nor the anonymity of your screen name will protect you if someone you offend wants to come after you in court. And trust me, if you keep it up long enough you will run across someone who will decide it's time to teach you a lesson.
I have a question why the double standards on here. This is Ol'..Layer Quote

Huh, I guess I missed something...although she has the deserved reputation of an outstanding player, I thought Thomas was out 90% of the season. And IMO, one of your choices has way too much drama, and technical fouls, (and not enough wins) to be considered a POY candidate

If I disagree with you, it is because you are wrong.
This post was edited on 3/10 12:02 PM by ballersdreams
Ol'Layer & Garcia2,
Maybe BD doesn't write well, but apparently neither of you can read very well...I clearly stated, "Although I do no agree with BD.....", and "Make no mistake, I do not support bashing any child,or any person for that matter...." and I stated something about wishing all the young ladies from all the teams, Garcia2's comment about being in cahoots with BD and Ol'Layer's comment about me being complicit in the defamation of 15, 16, and 17 year olds are asinine! Also, Brookside parents don't need to redeem themselves, check around, anybody that knows me, knows my character...funny how you all be on here talking about BD saying things he has no facts on, yet you are going to sit there and try to act like I support him and are in cahoots with him...where are your facts on that....what is your evidence? Hypocracy is alive and kickin up in here....

This post was edited on 3/10 12:00 PM by szahniser
Szahniser, girl, it's not just you. Months ago, when I agreed with one thing ballersdreams said, something that actually made sense, I was in cahoots with him too. That's when everybody thought for sure he was Que. I don't even know who he is. Crazy!

This post was edited on 3/10 7:14 PM by kkross22

This post was edited on 3/10 7:53 PM by kkross22
Dear Shireen, one of my favorite quotes is "the only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing" Edmund Burke. It is clear that Baller's defamation of people's character is evil. You admittedly know who he is. So, I would hope you would out him for all to see. If that's not possible, then I would at least hope you would advise him that you are not willing to further enable his behavior, and will out him the next time he disparages the character of another young female on this site. Otherwise, evil will flourish.

What do you think? Thanks, Mark

Sound like your are real frustrated that the CIF didn't put Carondelet in the Norcal Open. All they have to do now is win State in D2 and your can prove the CIF committee wrong. But if your don't they are right !!!!! No need to be made because Carondelet can say the lost in the Open but could won D2 state if they left them in their division !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Win and prove everybody wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think is a perfect example of what you are all about. I do not know ol bricklayer, his team or his daughter if he has one on the team. I have not heard him call out any team and make outlandish comments yet you want to slam on his team. However, all season from as far back as December you raved about how good brookside is and specifically cut down other teams and how they would beat them because of one reason or another. You even tried to throw my Highlanders under the bus because BC beat them.

Now we sit here and Brookside is out of the open and have a d4 runner up banner. In fairness, there was only one legitimate team in SJS d4 and BC was smoked! If you were there than you know the score did not reflect the actual butt kicking that took place. I was not there and that is second hand info but I think it is common knowledge at this point. Now the pressure in on Brookside to win D4. D2 only lost one team, Modesto Christian, which would have likely been a 4 seed in the d2 playoffs. D4 lost the #1 and #2 seed so it far more watered down than D2. You know that and I know that but yet you don't want to speak on that because you don't care about the truth.
I remember that thread...and I was appalled at how it turned into you being in

I will not out this person, but not to protect him, rather to protect his child. I have no problem having a conversation with him. But one of the lessons I have learned throughout life is that I can't make someone change. Change comes from within. All I can control is myself and my integrity. Now, back to focusing on the young ladies working hard, good luck to all of you in this post season play.

BD just made a physical threat on a another thread so I would assume his days are numbered on the board. I would be very WEARY of protecting this persons identity. Some have already uncovered who it is.
Baller, this one will blow your mind...I don't really care if Carondelet wins. I only care that they put forth their best effort. It's that simple.

But regarding your remarks, yes I would have liked C-let in the Open. Why? Because I believe to be the best you have to beat the best. So, I would have enjoyed seeing how they would fare in the Open. Whether they would win isn't nearly as important as how hard they play. I live with the optimistic perspective that there is another Hoosiers in the making.

Nonetheless, they will be strongly tested in the competitive DII, and if they bring less than their best they will be beaten. It remains fun to watch. I can't think of a better way to enjoy myself than watching all these girls compete.

It not a treat read it because what it says if someone is provoking( mean if a person gets in front on me and touches me) me then a lawyer will be needed.
Ol' Layer

Why are you so mad ? You think your team suppose to be in the Open and all I'm saying prove it by winning State in D2 ? What is wrong with that ? You the one mad about the Open selection ? I did say your team wont play hard and get are far as they can?? You the one mad and I'm give you an opinion how to get pass the madness?? So don't try to put words in my mouth that I'm not saying!!!!

P.S I will leave you alone a couple of days so your can think right and not be so mad of my opinions?

This post was edited on 3/10 9:15 PM by ballersdreams

This post was edited on 3/10 9:31 PM by ballersdreams
Let me make this known, I am not ok with violence, threats, anything of the sort. Are a lot of things ballersdreams says out of line and uncalled for? Yes!!! But so are a lot of things others say on this forum. Does he say some not so nice things about teams, coaches, programs, kids, etc? Yes!!! But so are a lot of things others say on this forum. Does a lot of what he says, push the buttons of many of us who are on this site? Yes!!! But so does others on this forum. Does he come across as a bully at times? Yes!!! But the way some people have went about trying to SUPPOSEDLY resolve/ defuse the situation is not doing anything but making matters worse.
For instance, this thread was started to do what, other than inflame the situation, to start more drama. BD has been called a bully, but what do you call yourselves? You accuse him of down talking others, assassinating people's character, but y'all on here talking down to him, about his grammar, calling him out of his name, using foul language! What did you expect would happen if you take a so-called bully, pin him in a corner, gang up on him, throwing shot after shot? Some of y'all pointing fingers, are no better than him! Still not saying making threats of violence is the answer, but still asking the question, what did you expect?
Do you guys know a lot of these girls, you know the ones who are the topic of y'all self serving posts, follow this site? What kinda example is being set for these kids? In a day when kids are being cyber bullied, committing suicide, what do y'all think these kids take away from a lot of the posts we see on here every day?
I think it's time for everyone on this forum to re-evaluate your motives and the things you have said. Why are you really on here voicing your opinion? In actuality, many of you are not bringing anything positive to the girls basketball community, instead you're taking away from these girls, the ones who are putting in the real work, while y'all sitting on here making a mockery of their efforts.
And here goes my disclaimer: Nope, I am not a fan of BD, not in cahoots with him, honestly don't know who he is. I am a fan of the game, a mother of a player, but more importantly, I am an adult who is sincerely disappointed in the behavior of other adults, supposed role models of our kids. Enough is enough!!! Seriously, let's get it together people!!!!!!!

This post was edited on 3/10 9:24 PM by kkross22

This post was edited on 3/10 9:55 PM by kkross22
kkross22 - with all due respect this thread was not started to inflame but rather uncover what people think about ballersdream and his antics. 855 views and only 21 votes. To me, it means a lot of people are staying away from this because it is a very fine line. He has already pulled you and Sanhizer into his web or so he thinks.

BD is bad news and you know it. He has ripped your coach, your team and tried drive a wedge between teammates. I have read it all. I don't know all the particulars when he makes references as I am not in the know any longer but I trust that those being maligned in those references know whom he is referring to and about. I would ask them.

I will give credit to AR as he stated it very clear that all is good until you speak poorly on mine (paraphrase) and then it is on. Now, you see him kissing you know what of AR. I would bet all those who he has called out by name, association or by innuendo would have nothing but hatred toward this coward.

I have never seen your daughter play, that is to say I would not recognize her, as I said I am not in the game, just a casual observer. I am sure if I went and watched her and based on what I have heard I would be impressed. Now, what if I was to come back and give a "I speak the truth" rendition of her game? More than likely there would be 5 positives to every negative but yet I am going to hop on the negative because I call it like it is and because she has political connections those people won't speak on that but I will, because I played the game at a high level and I know the truth. Of course I making all of this up but it would not be something you would like to read nor should you read.

He just made a threat to a person on this board. He may tell me to re-read his statement but it is not worth the time. The man is an absolute mockery to any coach, trainer or parent. he has a lot of hatred. It would be nice if we ever respond to clay's questions to him though.
I get it Nor Cal Scout. I don't back BD, don't agree with a lot of what he says or his tactics, but they are just that, tactics, and I choose not to buy into it. Two wrongs don't make a right as we all know, so I am not going to lower my behavioral standards for anyone. I did not respond to take any sides on here, just thought I would make everyone on here aware that kids are roaming. If for nothing else but to set an example, this nonsense needs to cease.
Hopefully you will get a chance to see my kid play, chat with her off the court. Contrary to what some have said on this forum, she's a pretty good player, an around good kid.
Nor Cal Scout Posted

I think is a perfect example of what you are all about. I do not know ol bricklayer, his team or his daughter if he has one on the team. I have not heard him call out any team and make outlandish comments yet you want to slam on his team. However, all season from as far back as December you raved about how good brookside is and specifically cut down other teams and how they would beat them because of one reason or another. You even tried to throw my Highlanders under the bus because BC beat them.

Now we sit here and Brookside is out of the open and have a d4 runner up banner. In fairness, there was only one legitimate team in SJS d4 and BC was smoked! If you were there than you know the score did not reflect the actual butt kicking that took place. I was not there and that is second hand info but I think it is common knowledge at this point. Now the pressure in on Brookside to win D4. D2 only lost one team, Modesto Christian, which would have likely been a 4 seed in the d2 playoffs. D4 lost the #1 and #2 seed so it far more watered down than D2. You know that and I know that but yet you don't want to speak on that because you don't care about the truth.

Nor Cal Scout
Now d-4 is watered down !?!? Brookside is seeded 4 Piedmont is seeded 6 hopefully your Highlanders make it to the regional finals ??? since Brookside Smoked the Highlanders 73-57 in December !!! and you know the game was never close...........with that being said the road to the state championship game will be a cake walk if.
Brookside vs Piedmont ........... They might get their chance to redeem them self !?!? Now that's the truth.
Watered down? Yes. The top two seeds and the most dominate teams in d4 over the last decade have been removed from the open. Yes, it is watered down.

Piedmont has a tough road but in theory they caught a break as it is far better to be a #6 than a #4 or #5 if the bracket players out to true seeding.

57-73. It was close at 0-0 and that was about it. Brookside crushed us. BD already brought that a month ago and I conceded to that butt kicking. You see how easy that was. The refs did not cause us to lose nor was it because ClayK had any political ties. Brookside came, saw and conquered the Highlanders. End of story.

Now, do I think the addition of Dennis a clear D1 player will help us out in the potential rematch? YES! She will make a difference, as to how much? Who knows. We have West Campus on Wednesday and we need to focus on them first.

The truth and my opinion is in there and I did not have to rip on your school or any of your players to accomplish that.
Nor Cal Scout

Your know better than ballersdreams you just DEGRADED the entire D-4 inculding Piedmont !?!? Watered down can you explain that !!!!! HYPOCRITE that's what you are.............? just telling the truth or YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH !?!?

Really !!!! your the real HYPOCRITE your a funny little man !?!? You can't handle the truth....?





#21 You post the same comments on two threads. #1 & #2 seed removed from the bracket. It has been watered down. Flip over to your other computer and starting logging in under Ballersdream.
Is that true BallerDream and luvthegame21 are the same person???? Oh my God, I was a hold out but a split personality, that's scary. PERHAPS IT IS TRULY TIME FOR MEDICATION.

Have to keep the poll near the top of the list. Only 21 people voted and while a strong pct want BD off the board the vast majority don't really care, which is probably right.

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