Question the CIF... (the follow-up)

Feb 28, 2019
actually...nevermind. was going to post a follow-up to my original, but no need. disregard, sorry. not worth it.
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1-Because if the mission is about fairness and giving kids the experience of competition in a amateur way then in all fairness if you are trying to improve your product you would look at the data. Scores are the baseline of almost everything outside of wins and loses. People on this forum use score to differentiate who was better when they have the same opponent. If I was on the CIF committee I would want the data on scores. It wouldn't be my most important metric, but it would be one of the metrics used to determine if we are providing kids with a mission based experience.

2-CE- effects everyone different. Which is ultimately why I think it will eventually not work. To me its unsustainable. Eventually every really good team will be in D1, once that happens it will be a restructuring of the current system to make sure certain "powers" get into post-season play yearly. If I were a small school I would love CE because it gives us more of a chance to win in the post-season. I would also be against an Open Division because that would eventually take spots from smaller school in the CIF tourney.

3-Revenue has to be important if you are renting facilities to play in, paying for officials, paying the salaries of any workers of the CIF, advertising and to make sure it can continue to exist. If I made $20 on a lemonade stand on the weekend, I would be trying to find ways to make more than $20 the next weekend. Either by profit of by cutting costs. Business 101

4-Im assuming the places i mentioned above. People don't work for free, websites don't go up by themselves, Trophy's, banners, personnel ect. the CIF may be a non profit. but it is still a business just like the United Way.

5-Not sure. If the data says that blow outs effect fan attendance then its in their best interest to make the games closer some sort of way. If you go to any basketball one day classic or shootout, the director tries to match up teams based on competitiveness of teams and or geography. You want good games and butts in seats. Both of those create future revenue.

6-This is where I think CE will eventually backfire! Once all the really good teams are in D1, and De La Salle or O'Dowd or Salesian or all the other teams that everyone says is the teams of the decade lose in the 1st or 2nd round and don't qualify for CIF playoffs you will see pressure build on making a way for these teams to get in.

7-I think they looked around, but at the end of the day what matters is your state and the things necessary to make your state championship work. I think Kentucky puts everyone in 1 big 32 team bracket regardless of school size or public/private. They rent out a big arena and play of the course of 3 weekends just like the NCAA. I hear its sellouts almost every weekend because everyone is all in the same place. Of course they are smaller in terms of population numbers so this may not be feasible in California. You have to do whats best for your state.

8-Sections have changed requirements to qualify and to play in post season probably every 3 years over the past 12 years. The CIF jumped on board when the whole CE thingy became popular. Im sure it will change again soon.

9- Some of them. Most of the time its retired ex Athletic Directors from school that volunteer to work for CIF or are lucky enough to get a full time gig.

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