The virus is already 10X what is reported as active. Whether there are sports or not, not opening schools will result in a lost couple years and put a large group of kids and teens at a huge disadvantage. The several doctors I have talked with unanimously have told me that things should open up and precautions taken - masks when around others and those at risk (elderly, those with underlying conditions, etc.) need to take precautions. If teachers are worried (over 45 or at risk with underlying conditions) or afraid, they should be allowed to offer via skype or other online device delivered at the classroom. Students can still attend class and watch at school for those course sessions (the school should have better facilities) and teachers that offer at class should be able to and wear masks. There are other necessary businesses that are open (supermarkets, grocery stores, pharmacies) and they are in contact with even more variables. A teachers assistant can ensure order in the class and students. This will also alleviate the burden on parents who many have to work outside of home. The fact is this pandemic can be around for the next year and possibly longer and given the risks and damage of not getting back to normal, it is reasonable to at least adjust to something more normal and also will support the mental health of the kids and teens. Given the risks it is also reasonable to have sports, but probably not going to happen unless Pro and college sports happen. Also another point about the infection. Even in homes where one member gets it does not guarantee others in the home will. I know a few cases personally where younger members got it (one worked as a volunteer at a hospital and quarantined at home and others didn't get infected in the family), and another case where a family member got it (not sure how) and no one else infected in family. Hopefully things will open up soon. Mortality rate is declining and therapeutics are getting better. This country needs to get back to living as close as we can to normal.