This some BS!!!!

@calitrojan - SMH those aren't lies you idiot those are my opinion of what your trying to do. Big difference. I mean you have told more lies based on that moronic standard in this thread alone. Example - Lovie made Urlacher. Proven wrong I chalk that up to ignorance not lying. Or this Name a quarter of today's active coaches have taken teams to SB. Again a lie! Again I chalk it up to you being ignorant. I can go on but what's the point.....So get out of here with that childish act I haven't lied about anything.
It's not ok for any race to be using the N word in my opinion but that's just me. White, Black, Whatever, it's unacceptable. Doesn't change the fact in today's society it's being used all the time by all races, it's wrong. Now on to reality. "By all reports altercation started when Mixon insulted her friends sexuality." The women defended her friend by pushing JOE and slapping him. To which he responded by breaking her jaw, orbital bone, mention of N word calling, no mention of spitting let's pretend she did spit and drop the N bomb. Smart move is walk away call police file assault charge on women. Don't risk education, career, future endorsements etc......or take the route of you and Mixon and that's deck this bitch. Blame her for getting decked street cred intact. Really not hard to see better choice here is it?
"By all reports altercation started when Mixon insulted her friends sexuality." IndianPride words no one else's. Will I have news for are a bald face liar and this is not when the altercation began. The altercation began outside and the girl called Mixon over to her table inside where words were exchanged between Mixon and the people at her table. FACTS! Here's a few media reports that support the altercation started outside not with the name calling inside the eatery between the two parties. FACTS! You need to stop all this lying. FACTS! Do you know how to comprehend what you're reading??? I'll help your parents with tuition so that you can repeat middle school kid. I hate to see a mentally challenged kid like yourself move forward in life without learning the basic principles of the English language. Enjoy these articles in which I had to leave out some irrelevant paragraphs in order to stay under the allotment of words per rivals.

#1. Scoop staff gets chance to view Mixon altercation footage staff members Carey Murdock, Eddie Radosevich and RJ Young were all present at the City of Norman Investigations Center earlier this morning. All three witnessed the Pickleman's Gourmet Cafe surveillance video involving Joe Mixon's altercation with Amelia Molitor.

Amelia Molitor instigated the contact. Joe Mixon disturbingly finished it. It was worse than I expected. It was violent.

Molitor and a male friend walk into camera and she is what I thought to be visibly intoxicated, leaning both of her hands onto the table in front of her.

2:39:26 a.m.

Molitor looks up (towards the enterance of Pickelmans) and motions for Mixon to come to her table.

2:39:38 a.m.

Again without the audio its hard to know what now is being said between the three of them. I want to reiterate that it never appears to be a confortation. One of my biggest questions of the incident was: where were his temmates to (help) get him out of any conflict/siuation? From viewing the situation in real time, it never appeared to me that it was going to end violently.

Mixon begins to walk away and appears to say something to the male as he starts his exit out of frame.
This is when Molitor initiates the physical contact with a two handed push. Mixon barely budges, clinching both fists by his side Mixon now flinches/lunges at her. This is when Molitor strikes Mixon with an open hand across the left side of his neck.

* There was nothing that struck me as threatening to Mixon's well being. I will state again
she instigated the physical altercation. That is fact. However, the push compared to the punch that followed are on two different ends of the spectrum. It was shocking. I have never seen a male hit a woman with that force.

When Mixon looked like he was trying to leave after possibly saying something he shouldn't have, Molitor, the victim, initiated the physical confrontation with a push into Mixon's chest, which didn't seem to move him much.

Mixon followed by lunging at her. Molitor jerked back and slapped Mixon on the chin and neck. She swung with force but didn't connect flush or enough to make an impact on Mixon.

But here's what we know: We know from the probable cause affidavit filed by Norman Police that Mixon left the scene. We know from that same affidavit that a verbal quarrel took place inside and outside Pickleman's.
We know from the 911 call made from Pickleman's that Molitor might have been intoxicated. We know Molitor was taken to Norman Regional Hospital and found to have suffered four facial fractures and a hematoma from Mixon's single punch.

The troubling thing, as Eddie said, was there was no one there to intervene after Molitor turned the exchange into a physical altercation. After her attempt at slugging Mixon, that was the point where Mixon could have walked away, or someone else could have stepped in and break up the altercation before Mixon hauled off and decked the girl. ****I had to cut this report short because I have too many words in this post. However, anyone with a clear mind can see that this girl was asking for trouble and started this whole fiasco.
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@calitrojan - SMH those aren't lies you idiot those are my opinion of what your trying to do. Big difference. I mean you have told more lies based on that moronic standard in this thread alone. Example - Lovie made Urlacher. Proven wrong I chalk that up to ignorance not lying. Or this Name a quarter of today's active coaches have taken teams to SB. Again a lie! Again I chalk it up to you being ignorant. I can go on but what's the point.....So get out of here with that childish act I haven't lied about anything.
Oh my bad, your opinions are known as fabricating the truth. IndianPride, at the end of the day you're nothing but a two bit liar.


Media views Joe Mixon surveillance tape of confrontation with Amelia Molitor

University of Oklahoma freshman Joe Mixon leaves the Cleveland County Courthouse in Norman on Aug. 18. Associated Press

by Tulsa World Assistant Editor Patrick Prince


Updated: Friday October 24, 2014 1:11 pm

NORMAN — The surveillance tape of the Joe Mixon/Amelia Molitor incident runs 2 minutes, 58 seconds. The physical confrontation between Mixon and Molitor lasts just four seconds.

The video is taken from a camera positioned above a table inside Pickleman’s, beginning at 2:39:09 a.m. July 25. According to the Norman Police probable cause affidavit, Mixon and Molitor engaged “in a verbal altercation both outside and inside of the business.” The video shows nothing outside, and since there is no accompanying audio, it is unknown what is specifically said during the incident.

Molitor, still leaning over the table, turns to say something to Mixon. Mixon appears to say something in the direction of one of the other males at the table with Molitor. Mixon then motions away from the table, a movement that suggests he might leave the scene, before Molitor stands, moves quickly toward Mixon and shoves him.

Molitor responds immediately by slapping the side of Mixon’s head, “with an open right hand near his left ear” according to the affidavit.

According to the police affidavit, Molitor alleged “the altercation stemmed from the use of a homosexual slur directed towards her friend” by Mixon. The tape shows Mixon appearing to say something to a male at the table just before the physical confrontation, but it does not include audio.

Okay moron here's the facts: The intoxicated Molitor instigated the physical altercation as all media reports have clearly reported. Why would you believe Mixon instigated the verbal altercation when he didn't instigate the physical one? A sober Mixon reacted and eventually responded to this intoxicated girls threats. You can't find a report that says the sober Mixon started this altercation. Just ain't gonna happen. But you're quick to say he started the verbal altercation. Something ain't right with your thinking here. She called him over to her table not the other way around.

I would love to know what the male that was with the intoxicated girl may have said to Mixon. Without the audio in the video who know's what this intoxicated girl and her male friend said or did to Mixon inside and outside this eatery. No one will ever know but I personally don't believe Mixon would haul off and hit a girl just for the hell of it. I personally believe this chick was jealous because Mixon wasn't interested. Girls on campus are begging to be with this dude so if anything this chick was jealous because Mixon didn't give this drunk girl the time of the day. She was probably hurt when he told her in front of her friend that she's not his type. I can see him saying, "get subur and I might hook you up with one of my offensive lineman's." She probably took that as a slap in the face, literally,(Npi)....

IndianPride, son you have to remember Mixon was sober and Molitor was flat out wasted. It's more likely that Molitor and her friend said something inappropriate to Mixon initially and not the other way around. But anyone with common ole horse sense can see through your BS bias!!!;) From up-top Virginia back to Texass (3 racks). We get'n it now....
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@Calitrojan - All that article does is prove your a liar and Mixon overreacted. Again you claimed the drunk girl spit in Mixons face and called him the n word, then assaulted him. None of that account is supported in that article except Molitor pushing and slapping Mixon but after Mixon apparently says something to her friend not before. Again both are at blame but Mixon is way out of line for punching a women half his size over what really amounts to nothing.
@calitrojan -
Mixon begins to walk away and appears to say something to the male as he starts his exit out of frame. This is when Molitor initiates the physical contact with a two handed push. Mixon barely budges, clinching both fists by his side Mixon now flinches/lunges at her. This is when Molitor strikes Mixon with an open hand across the left side of his neck.

There it is in article you highlighted and posted. Mixon begins to walk away and appears to say something to male.........this is what triggers altercation pretty black and white. Molitor pushes Mixon. Mixon flexes flinches/lunges Molitor slaps him. He then breaks her face.
There it is in article you highlighted and posted. Mixon begins to walk away and appears to say something to male.........this is what triggers altercation pretty black and white. Molitor pushes Mixon. Mixon flexes flinches/lunges Molitor slaps him. He then breaks her face.
IndianPride in all honesty listen to how silly you sound. The article clearly states, "Mixon begins to walk away". This tells me that Mixon didn't want no problems. However, for some reasons the reports want us to believe Mixon is the only one that used derogatory words up until now. For real? I don't buy that crap. I was born at night but not last night.

As Mixon is exiting the eatery Molitor initiates physical abuse onto Mixon at the time when they were feuding. The drunk girl should have let the physical abuse and verbal altercation that she started be enough but instead she allowed her ignorance from the liquor to cloud her judgement. Had the drunk girl allowed Mixon to blow off some steam by cussing and swearing as he exited the eatery there would not have been a physical altercation. The verbal altercation between both parties would have been swept under the rug. But since the liquor told Molitor to call him another derogatory NAME Mixon said enough is enough and smacked her for being so disrespectful. I would bet my house this is how it most likely went down. I wouldn't bet anything on the words of a drunk girl. Would you? Let's see how dumb are smart you really are if you answer this question.;)

@Calitrojan - All that article does is prove your a liar and Mixon overreacted. No kid, you're the liar. Again you claimed the drunk girl spit in Mixons face and called him the n word, then assaulted him. Mixon alleged the girl spit in his face....I'll side with him over some drunk girl. None of that account is supported in that article except Molitor pushing and slapping Mixon but after Mixon apparently says something to her friend not before. Thank you! You finally admit that the drunk girl started this physical altercation with Mixon in the first place. Who cares if Mixon called her boyfriend a jackass he should've been man enough to handle his own business not depend on his girlfriend to do it. And I'm not in anyway saying Mixon called the boy a derogatory name first. As far as I'm concerned it was the drunk girl and her boyfriend that instigated the verbal altercation as well. That started when the drunk girl called Mixon over to her table not when Mixon was exiting the eatery. Again both are at blame but Mixon is way out of line for punching a women half his size over what really amounts to nothing. OMG! Now you finally want to tell the truth about the altercation. You should have said this from the're not that bright are you?
CaliTrojan ~ If Mixon didn't want a altercation he would have walked away and kept his mouth shut. He didn't he made a derogatory comment which started whole chain of events period.
CaliTrojan ~ If Mixon didn't want a altercation he would have walked away and kept his mouth shut. He didn't he made a derogatory comment which started whole chain of events period.
Lol, you're funny. So you're excusing the action of the drunk girl. So basically, as long as the drunk girl didn't kill Mixon everything is okay. You do know that it is highly possible that she called Mixon a derogatory name first. The audio of the video did not work. So it is very bias of you to say Mixon started the whole thing when you cannot justify it.;)
Lol, you're funny. So you're excusing the action of the drunk girl. So basically, as long as the drunk girl didn't kill Mixon everything is okay. You do know that it is highly possible that she called Mixon a derogatory name first. The audio of the video did not work. So it is very bias of you to say Mixon started the whole thing when you cannot justify it.;)

Anything is possible sure. That why I base my opinion on the accounts from the video. And those accounts show Mixon said something to one of her male friends, in which case she responded. There is no evidence she spit on him as you say. Common sense would say if in fact she said something first he would have said something to her not her male friend. Simple fact is his account and your account aren't supported by the film. Now was she wrong for pushing him? Sure I'm with that assumption but that certainly doesn't justify Mixon lunging at her in a taunting manner(supported by film) in which she responds with a slap, to which he breaks her face! That's the evidence period. At no point does that make me a liar here, in fact if anybody is lying it's you. You cling to this spitting story and N word crap when there is zero evidence to support that.
Was this broad some high profile 4* or 5* in something in life or sports. Never head of her before this incident. Common sense. Which one is high or profile and going to garner attention for their actions? I'd be cautious just on the stupidity factor alone.
Anything is possible sure. That why I base my opinion on the accounts from the video. And those accounts show Mixon said something to one of her male friends, in which case she responded. There is no evidence she spit on him as you say. Common sense would say if in fact she said something first he would have said something to her not her male friend. Simple fact is his account and your account aren't supported by the film. Now was she wrong for pushing him? Sure I'm with that assumption but that certainly doesn't justify Mixon lunging at her in a taunting manner(supported by film) in which she responds with a slap, to which he breaks her face! That's the evidence period. At no point does that make me a liar here, in fact if anybody is lying it's you. You cling to this spitting story and N word crap when there is zero evidence to support that.
I'm doing the same thing in regards to my opinion from the video which don't have audio. Common sense tells me to believe a sober persons account over the one that's wasted. Yes, the video shows us Molitor started the physical altercation. I wouldn't be surprised if she started the verbal one as well even though the released video portrays Mixon as the verbal instigator. You need to be mindful that the altercation officially started outside of this eatery not inside. Who knows what she said to Mixon outside or what Mixon said to her outside. It's all speculation but the gist of the whole thing is no one really knows who initially started this altercation. Not me, you or the media.

The only thing that's been proven is folks like you are quick to bash a kids young career over an altercation he didn't plot or intentionally seek. It would be totally different if Mixon went looking for these folks or "trouble" but we all know that wasn't the case on his birthday. Did Mixon make a mistake, of course he did but it wasn't like he was going looking for trouble in which this is the picture you've been trying to paint for over three days now. Should he have to apologize for his mistake, perhaps but I wouldn't hold my breathe waiting for it. The girl should have to do the same because the media will definitely ruin what future Mixon has left if he apologizes without the girl doing the same for her over the top involvement. This is a tricky situation and I would just keep quiet on this subject from here on out just like his lawyers are advising him to do.

In regards to the "N" word ... Like I said in a previous post on this topic, "I've been around a lot of folks that say things when there drunk that they wouldn't say if they were sober. One of the many off the wall things I've heard was the "N" word by someone I thought was cool but found out who they truly are instead." Common sense would say she said a derogatory word and the boyfriend or male friend agreed with it. Mixon being a real man in the situation addresses the male and then the drunk girl feels the urge to defend her friend via physically assaulting Mixon. Which in return Mixon says enough is enough and smacks the disrespectful chick. End of story...

Now in response to your question in regards to Molitor spitting on Mixon. It had been reported in earlier reports that Mixon said the girl spit on him. Now did she spit on him during the altercation in the video shown inside the eatery, perhaps not. However, that video doesn't mean she didn't spit on him prior to the inside altercation. No one knows if she spit on him outside this joint so like I've said before, I'll ride with the sober person over a drunk one. And besides, I haven't seen one report where Mixon claims the girl spit on him inside the eatery so maybe he's referring to an outside altercation leading into the eatery when he says this. Now if Mixon made a statement saying she spit on him inside the eatery during the altercation and the video contradicts his statement than I can see where he lied. At this point I haven't read a report in which he says where she spit on him. Meaning location of the eatery because the video only shows what happen inside. So who knows...just my opinion on that situation.

IndianPride45, it is a fact that you are a liar if you want to believe it or not. The fact that you accused me of putting the blame on the drunk girl alone makes you a liar. I've always said both Mixon and Molitor both share blame in this altercation. I stayed true to that throughout this debate. You cannot and will not find a post where I just blamed Molitor even though you have tried. Instead of saying I'm wrong on that you would rather continue lying as though someone really believes what you're saying. So now I'm starting to actually believe you are a chronic liar because you're starting to believe your own lies. That's not good and very dangerous and you should get some professional help with that. Sincerely, "your post don't lie";)
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The only problem with going with the sober persons account of the story is that sober person just clocked a girl in the face breaking numerous bones in her face. He could be saying whatever just to make his actions look justified. Im not saying he is lying im just saying its probably more likely that he is lying than her. Plus there is no evidence to support his claims and all her claims are supported by video. Mixons lawyers knew this was the case and thats why they entered the plea deal. Probably another reason his lawyers want him to keep his mouth closed to the media. Assuming that civil suit comes along they are going to have a tough time winning that case for their client.
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The only problem with going with the sober persons account of the story is that sober person just clocked a girl in the face breaking numerous bones in her face.

Ding ding ding we have a winner. Combine this statement with the fact nobody else At business or video supports Mixons claim either makes it very hard to buy.
Plus there is no evidence to support his claims and all her claims are supported by video.
So the video with no audio doesn't support Mixon claim that the girl assaulted him first? Like I said before, as long as the girl doesn't kill Mixon what she did was okay by some. What do you think would have happened if the girl doesn't physically slap Mixon? Do you think Mixon would have hit her?

I'm saying there was fault on both sides but the folks I'm debating feels as though the girl didn't have no fault in the altercation whatsoever. This is where the disconnect is because you have those like myself that see both parties at fault and those like you that just see Mixon at fault.
Ding ding ding we have a winner. Combine this statement with the fact nobody else At business or video supports Mixons claim either makes it very hard to buy.
IndianPride45, it is a fact that you are a liar if you want to believe it or not. The fact that you accused me of putting the blame on the drunk girl alone makes you a liar. I've always said both Mixon and Molitor both share blame in this altercation. I stayed true to that throughout this debate. You cannot and will not find a post where I just blamed Molitor even though you have tried. Instead of saying I'm wrong on that you would rather continue lying as though someone really believes what you're saying. So now I'm starting to actually believe you are a chronic liar because you're starting to believe your own lies. That's not good and very dangerous and you should get some professional help with that. Sincerely, "your post don't lie";)

You're irrelevant until you respond to this. Once you square this up like a man then we can debate. Until than you need to get some professional help in this area of your life.;)
I'm doing the same thing in regards to my opinion from the video which don't have audio. Common sense tells me to believe a sober persons account over the one that's wasted. Yes, the video shows us Molitor started the physical altercation. I wouldn't be surprised if she started the verbal one as well even though the released video portrays Mixon as the verbal instigator. You need to be mindful that the altercation officially started outside of this eatery not inside. Who knows what she said to Mixon outside or what Mixon said to her outside. It's all speculation but the gist of the whole thing is no one really knows who initially started this altercation. Not me, you or the media.

Since you brought it up it fair game now I didn't want to address it. But yes by many accounts altercation started outside. And it has been reported that Mixon and his "posse" started that with words to Molitors group. Mixon then entered business alone one could assume to continue. I never brought this up because its hearsay so I'll go with what's been viewed on video. Either way Mixon followed group into business. Also to pretend Mixon wasn't looking for trouble? Not totally buying that. Look as stated it was his birthday. He was probably looking for a piece of ass which is why altercation started to begin with outside. He and buddies saw a easy mark in the intoxicated girl and went for it. Was probably turned down at which point he followed them into business. At this point he is basically looking for trouble. Because again if this all started outside as you now say CaliTrojan, and Molitor "spit" on him outside blah blah blah and he showed all this self control outside after being called a n****r and spit on why not leave at that point? I mean Molitor and her group left and went into business. Moments later Mixon followed them in, that is by definition looking for trouble. After all remember the spitting name calling all happened outside by your account and I assume his. So why put himself back into volitale situation if not looking for trouble? Your grasping at straws here just like Mixon was. His story doesn't pass the common sense test which is why he and attorney took a deal.

IndianPride45, it is a fact that you are a liar if you want to believe it or not. The fact that you accused me of putting the blame on the drunk girl alone makes you a liar. I've always said both Mixon and Molitor both share blame in this altercation. I stayed true to that throughout this debate. You cannot and will not find a post where I just blamed Molitor even though you have tried. Instead of saying I'm wrong on that you would rather continue lying as though someone really believes what you're saying. So now I'm starting to actually believe you are a chronic liar because you're starting to believe your own lies. That's not good and very dangerous and you should get some professional help with that. Sincerely, "your post don't lie";)

Dude you need help. Sure you say both are to blame in one sentence then in the next justify Mixons actions by saying well she spit on him, she called him a n****r, etc......None of this is supported by any eye witnesses or video evidence. But you don't care you say I'm going to stick by Mixon over a drunk girl are you really putting blame on both? Not at all, your saying you are while you assign all fault to the "crack head" your pathetic if you think anybody buys that BS.
So the video with no audio doesn't support Mixon claim that the girl assaulted him first? Like I said before, as long as the girl doesn't kill Mixon what she did was okay by some. What do you think would have happened if the girl doesn't physically slap Mixon? Do you think Mixon would have hit her?

My comment was in regards to the claim that she spit on him and called him the N word. Whats on the video is all facts. She assaulted him he had the right to use self defense but not to that degree. What he did was use deadly force to protect himself which wasnt warranted. His life was in no danger. He easily could have walked away even after she assaulted him. Like I have said I agree that both are at fault.
Wait... Why was RG3 brought up when discussing Winston? That is a hilariously moronic comparison; other then being black and right handed, they have very little in common.
My comment was in regards to the claim that she spit on him and called him the N word. Whats on the video is all facts. She assaulted him he had the right to use self defense but not to that degree. What he did was use deadly force to protect himself which wasnt warranted. His life was in no danger. He easily could have walked away even after she assaulted him. Like I have said I agree that both are at fault.

I don't think there is anybody here saying neither are at fault. Problem most have is the crystal clear evidence Mixon went to far. And he went to far even if he was called a n#%%*r, even if he was slapped first and spit on. What he did is indefensible, and the fact a certain individual/poster defends his actions is sick. It speaks to the character of that individual/poster.
Since you brought it up it fair game now I didn't want to address it. But yes by many accounts altercation started outside. And it has been reported that Mixon and his "posse" started that with words to Molitors group. Mixon then entered business alone one could assume to continue. I never brought this up because its hearsay so I'll go with what's been viewed on video. Either way Mixon followed group into business. LMFAO!!! It has been reported that the video shows Molitor waving Mixon over to her table but now your saying he followed them. Yeah right. You are so full of crap it's coming out of your ears. Also to pretend Mixon wasn't looking for trouble? Not totally buying that. Look as stated it was his birthday. He was probably looking for a piece of ass which is why altercation started to begin with outside. He and buddies saw a easy mark in the intoxicated girl and went for it. Was probably turned down at which point he followed them into business. At this point he is basically looking for trouble. This is exactly what most folks like you think about young black males, huh. Always looking for tail, starting altercations, looking to have sex with drunk girls because they can't get any without taking it and when a girl turns them down they act a fool. It's good to know how you really feel about our young black males. Because again if this all started outside as you now say CaliTrojan, and Molitor "spit" on him outside blah blah blah and he showed all this self control outside after being called a n****r and spit on why not leave at that point? Why would he have to leave if that's where he wants to go for his birthday? That makes no sense. This isn't 1960. She can leave. He has a right to be there just like anyone else including miss drunk booty. Can you tell us what gives this drunk chick more rights to enter that eatery in that town than Mixon? Is there some law in Oklahoma that the folks from Cali don't know about? Please inform us. I mean Molitor and her group left and went into business. Moments later Mixon followed them in, that is by definition looking for trouble. After all remember the spitting name calling all happened outside by your account and I assume his. So why put himself back into volitale situation if not looking for trouble? Your grasping at straws here just like Mixon was. His story doesn't pass the common sense test which is why he and attorney took a deal. Seems to me Mixon was minding his own business until miss drunk booty waved him over to her table. So it looks to me she was quite thirsty looking for a stud to complete her drunk'n night. When Mixon told her he don't mess with broke chicks, I mean drunk chicks she got pissed and starting calling him derogatory names. She was shocked that a black male would turn her drunk ass down so she started calling him derogatory names inside the business and if the video had audio you would see how ignorant your princess is. ;) Go Seahawks!!!
Dude you need help. Sure you say both are to blame in one sentence then in the next justify Mixons actions by saying well she spit on him, she called him a n****r, etc......None of this is supported by any eye witnesses or video evidence. But you don't care you say I'm going to stick by Mixon over a drunk girl are you really putting blame on both? Not at all, your saying you are while you assign all fault to the "crack head" your pathetic if you think anybody buys that BS.
Once again, you're full of crap and you cannot tell me how I feel. My post speaks for themselves and your lies are pathetic. I can stick by Mixon over a drunk girl when it comes to the he say, she say stuff with this altercation. At the same time I can say they both share blame for this altercation in which they do. Anyone saying differently is totally off base because both Mixon and the drunk girl were wrong. You and others don't want to give any blame to the girl so you target Mixon on his actions more so than the drunk girl physically assaulting him. IndianPride you are nothing more than a big liar. You are the reason why most women don't trust a word a man says.;) Go Seahawks!!!
My comment was in regards to the claim that she spit on him and called him the N word. Whats on the video is all facts. She assaulted him he had the right to use self defense but not to that degree. What he did was use deadly force to protect himself which wasnt warranted. His life was in no danger. He easily could have walked away even after she assaulted him. Like I have said I agree that both are at fault.
I totally agree with you that she assaulted him and he had the right to use self defense. I also agree with you that the degree of self defense used was a bit too much. I could see him open handed slapping her but hitting her with a closed fist was a bit too much. Totally agree with you that they were both at fault.;) Go Seahawks!!!
LMFAO!!! It has been reported that the video shows Molitor waving Mixon over to her table but now your saying he followed them. Yeah right.You are so full of crap it's coming out of your ears.
Sigh your to dumb for words, based on claim it started outside. Molitor and her friends were in business first. Mixon came in after. (In other words yes he followed them into business. Remember you claim spitting etc probably happened outside away from camera. So why did he follow them into business?)
This is exactly what most folks like you think about young black males, huh.Always looking for tail, starting altercations, looking to have sex with drunk girls because they can't get any without taking it and when a girl turns them down they act a fool. It's good to know how you really feel about our young black males.

Actually I think most college age males are consumed with tail regardless of race.
Whywould he have to leave if that's where he wants to go for his birthday? That makes no sense. This isn't 1960. She can leave. He has a right to be there just like anyone else including miss drunk booty. Canyou tell us what gives this drunk chick more rights to enter that eatery in that town than Mixon? Isthere some law in Oklahoma that the folks from Cali don't know about? Please inform us.

Of course he has every right to be there. But based on yours and his claim that he was spit on, called a n****r and this happened outside the business. The people that were guilty of allegation left seen of this incident and entered said business. Why would Mixon then follow them if he isn't looking for trouble? Remember Molitor and friends were in business first, Mixon followed. Mixon could have called authorities and informed them that his abusers were right inside restaurant. But he didn't now did he?
I don't think there is anybody here saying neither are at fault. Problem most have is the crystal clear evidence Mixon went to far. And he went to far even if he was called a n#%%*r, even if he was slapped first and spit on. What he did is indefensible, and the fact a certain individual/poster defends his actions is sick. It speaks to the character of that individual/poster.
Exactly moron. Everyone is saying Mixon went too far in regards to his actions including myself. However, you are still a big liar and stuck on stupid. Here's the doesn't matter how hard you try to act like you're not a big liar the evidence you've left on this message board tells the truth. Basically, you can run but you can't hide. You are a two bit liar and the truth ain't in you.;) Go Seahawks!!!

Seems to me Mixon was minding his own business until miss drunk booty waved him over to her table. So it looks to me she was quite thirsty looking for a stud to complete her drunk'n night. When Mixon told her he don't mess with broke chicks, I mean drunk chicks she got pissed and starting calling him derogatory names. She was shocked that a black male would turn her drunk ass down so she started calling him derogatory names inside the business and if the video had audio you would see how ignorant your princess is.

At this point we can go by what video shows and it supports nothing in above statement except the two encountered each other.
LMFAO!!! It has been reported that the video shows Molitor waving Mixon over to her table but now your saying he followed them. Yeah right.You are so full of crap it's coming out of your ears.
Sigh your to dumb for words, based on claim it started outside. Molitor and her friends were in business first. Mixon came in after. (In other words yes he followed them into business. Remember you claim spitting etc probably happened outside away from camera. So why did he follow them into business?)
So what if they were in the eatery first. Who freak'n cares!!! You don't know if he followed anyone all you know is that they were in the building during the time he came in. So stop assuming moron. Remember this chick called him over to her table not the other way around.;) Go Seahawks!!!
This is exactly what most folks like you think about young black males, huh.Always looking for tail, starting altercations, looking to have sex with drunk girls because they can't get any without taking it and when a girl turns them down they act a fool. It's good to know how you really feel about our young black males.

Actually I think most college age males are consumed with tail regardless of race.
Miss me with that. You're nothing more than a pathetic liar. That's all you know. Go Seahawks!!!
So what if they were in the eatery first. Who freak'n cares!!! You don't know if he followed anyone all you know is that they were in the building during the time he came in. So stop assuming moron. Remember this chick called him over to her table not the other way around.

You mean like you assuming he was there to celebrate his birthday by himself? Or that he was spit on and called a N****r? Your a complete idiot. She could have just as easily called him over to ask wtf you following us, as she could to call him a n****r!
Miss me with that. You're nothing more than a pathetic liar. That's all you know. Go Seahawks!!!

Of course it went over your head it doesn't stand in line with you racist view or angle here.
Whywould he have to leave if that's where he wants to go for his birthday? That makes no sense. This isn't 1960. She can leave. He has a right to be there just like anyone else including miss drunk booty. Canyou tell us what gives this drunk chick more rights to enter that eatery in that town than Mixon? Isthere some law in Oklahoma that the folks from Cali don't know about? Please inform us.

Of course he has every right to be there. But based on yours and his claim that he was spit on, called a n****r and this happened outside the business. The people that were guilty of allegation left seen of this incident and entered said business. Why would Mixon then follow them if he isn't looking for trouble? Remember Molitor and friends were in business first, Mixon followed. Mixon could have called authorities and informed them that his abusers were right inside restaurant. But he didn't now did he?
Like I said before, who gives a crap if the drunk girl was in said building before Mixon. She called him over to her table per video to start more shit not the other way around. Call authorities so the drunk chick can tell them that he started everything!!! And they going to believe him over her? Are you really this crazy??? Been there done that. Best that he don't call the authorities and hope this drunk chick don't assault him. I'm sure Mixon didn't expect this drunk girl to assault him. This is where the young buck underestimated what a drunk person would do if you're verbally whooping their ass. Had he been able to get under her skin without her assaulting him this whole altercation would have ended better for both parties. But since the drunk girl took this altercation to another level it got Mixon more than he could handle.;) Go Seahawks!!!
Like I said before, who gives a crap if the drunk girl was in said building before Mixon. She called him over to her table per video to start more shit not the other way around. Call authorities so the drunk chick can tell them that he started everything!!! And they going to believe him over her? Are you really this crazy??? Been there done that. Best that he don't call the authorities and hope this drunk chick don't assault him. I'm sure Mixon didn't expect this drunk girl to assault him. This is where the young buck underestimated what a drunk person would do if you're verbally whooping their ass. Had he been able to get under her skin without her assaulting him this whole altercation would have ended better for both parties. But since the drunk girl took this altercation to another level it got Mixon more than he could handle.;)Go Seahawks!!!

Dude you are pathetic. Do you lick windows in your free time? That has got to be the most pathetic attempt to excuse away questionable behavior I have ever read or heard.
So what if they were in the eatery first. Who freak'n cares!!! You don't know if he followed anyone all you know is that they were in the building during the time he came in. So stop assuming moron. Remember this chick called him over to her table not the other way around.

You mean like you assuming he was there to celebrate his birthday by himself? Or that he was spit on and called a N****r? Your a complete idiot. She could have just as easily called him over to ask wtf you following us, as she could to call him a n****r!
What a ****'n moron. It doesn't matter if he was there to celebrate by himself or not. He has the right to order food, hangout there with teammates and have conversations with fans if he likes. The drunk chick was most likely a fan asking for his autograph and he told her to get lost because she smells terrible. You and the drunk chick don't have the right to say when, where and how Mixon celebrates his birthday. That would be his decision and possibly his coaches.:) Go Seahawks!!!
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@calitrojan - I'm not sure what's more pathetic at this point. Your clear racism, your claim Mixon was in eatery celebrating his birthday by himself, your continued excuses for Mixon and shifting blame onto victim, your reading comprehension, or Mixon flat out decking this chick. I mean you are a true piece of work and I hope you don't have kids although I suspect you do. I can only hope somebody has mentored them to give them a chance, because your one F@$&ed up dude
Like I said before, who gives a crap if the drunk girl was in said building before Mixon. She called him over to her table per video to start more shit not the other way around. Call authorities so the drunk chick can tell them that he started everything!!! And they going to believe him over her? Are you really this crazy??? Been there done that. Best that he don't call the authorities and hope this drunk chick don't assault him. I'm sure Mixon didn't expect this drunk girl to assault him. This is where the young buck underestimated what a drunk person would do if you're verbally whooping their ass. Had he been able to get under her skin without her assaulting him this whole altercation would have ended better for both parties. But since the drunk girl took this altercation to another level it got Mixon more than he could handle.;)Go Seahawks!!!

Dude you are pathetic. Do you lick windows in your free time? That has got to be the most pathetic attempt to excuse away questionable behavior I have ever read or heard.
No, you are the pathetic liar on this board not I. I'm sure you've lied your way through life. I bet everything about you is a lie. Did you lie to get on Rivals??? LMFAO!!!;) Go Seahawks!!!
What a ****'n moron. It doesn't matter if he was there to celebrate by himself or not. He has the right to order food, hangout there with teammates and have conversations with fans if he likes. The drunk chick was most likely a fan asking for his autograph and he told her to get lost because she smells like terrible. You and the drunk chick don't have the right to say when, where and how Mixon celebrates his birthday. That would be his decision and possibly his coaches.

Sigh........ He didn't order food, teammates didn't enter nor did any of his friends, and no evidence of autographs being signed by anybody.
@calitrojan - I'm not sure what's more pathetic at this point. Your clear racism, your claim Mixon was in eatery celebrating his birthday by himself, your continued excuses for Mixon and shifting blame onto victim, your reading comprehension, or Mixon flat out decking this chick. I mean you are a true piece of work and I hope you don't have kids although I suspect you do. I can only hope somebody has mentored them to give them a chance, because your one F@$&ed up dude
Yep, I have a daughter that's enrolled at Stanford. She's a very smart young lady unlike the drunk chick that assaulted Mixon after he denied her his autograph. Lol!!! We've all learned one thing about you that's more pathetic than Mixon's altercation with this drunk chick. You're a two bit liar. I never said Mixon wasn't at fault. You continue to lie and say I did. It don't work like that on these boards. Your credibility has been severely damaged because of this. I'm a 5* general and your a one month new booty on these boards. I've never been known as a liar on these boards but you are. You don't hold any weight here son. Since you brought up kids if you have any I hope the mother of your children or some other relative is raising them because we don't need more two bit liars like you in this world.;) Go Seahawks!!!
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What a ****'n moron. It doesn't matter if he was there to celebrate by himself or not. He has the right to order food, hangout there with teammates and have conversations with fans if he likes. The drunk chick was most likely a fan asking for his autograph and he told her to get lost because she smells like terrible. You and the drunk chick don't have the right to say when, where and how Mixon celebrates his birthday. That would be his decision and possibly his coaches.

Sigh........ He didn't order food, teammates didn't enter nor did any of his friends, and no evidence of autographs being signed by anybody.
No shit sherlock. The drunk girl started the altercation before he could order. How dumb are you??? After he didn't give her his autograph she assaulted him. That's when everything went all bad for Mixon. He should have stayed out of arms reach of the drunk girl. As I said before, the young buck underestimated what a drunk person will do when they're getting a verbal ass whooping.;) Go Seahawks!!!

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