What follows is some background for the erudite Rambling Man, a dedicated WCAL historian of the first order. The data begin in 2002 when Valley Christian and Coach Mike Machado joined the WCAL, one year after Patrick Walsh arrived on the Serra campus to resurrect the Padres' under-achieving program. Those two moves have altered the WCAL calculus in very big ways. Most importantly, the long-standing St. Francis/Bellarmine stranglehold on the football championship was ended conclusively (Mitty, by the way, had won the crown in 2001, a harbinger of what was coming down the pike). Since the 2002 campaign, Serra has won/shared seven titles, VC and Bellarmine six each, SF four, Mitty two and SI 1. Riordan and SHC have been shut out, at least for now. As for the relatively new Serra-VC rivalry, the Padres have managed to engineer a wafer-thin 9-8 edge vs. the San Jose non-Catholics. However, Serra has grabbed six of the last eight games between the two league upstarts. As the 2019 WCAL season looms on the immediate horizon a week from now, the big picture is worth noting. As they say, the ball now is in the Rambler's court. No doubt he'll run with it.