Whitney High School Hires James Logan coach, McNally


Sports Fanatic
Oct 2, 2013
So my son plays in a offseason 7 on 7 league and has a whitney player on his team who told him today that Whitney hired former James Logan coach Zachary McNally, and he was introduced today to the team. He also said another coach was there with McNally, Kevin Lopina who will be the Offensive coordinator. Lopina has coached at Oak Ridge for the past 5 years I believe. He said they both played together at De La Salle.

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Kevin Lopina coached the Oak Ridge JV team as the offensive coordinator/QB coach the past two seasons and was a position coach on the varsity level the two seasons prior. He was a 3-year starter at QB for DLS, and played QB at Washington State....he knows football!

He's leaving OR to be the OC at Whitney at their varsity level, which is a great opportunity for him. Whitney got a good one...congrats to the two new coaches.
Ya i heard the kids at OR really enjoyed Lopina and I am sure a few of them are pretty bummed out. But HUGE deal for Whitney seems like they got a young energetic staff being put together over there and one of them has SFL experience. Could be an up and coming program here the next few years. Also just going through the DLS program... They know what a winning program looks like.
I believe he transferred when Snyder " stepped away " and Ron Prince was there
good coach hire, they'all gonna need to work on gettin athletes, key to winnin in high school, but good hire
Good hire by Whitney. I hope they are ok with this being a 3-4 process. SFL is in a different stratosphere than the MVAL. I know Logan was Indy the last few season, but they are going to have no weeks off in this league. Does Whitney get better athletes than Rocklin on a consistent basis? Wishing Mcnally luck. Go get em!
whitney similar to rocklin, rocklin just good specially on D, got best def coord in league, mcnally just gotta up whitneys game