De La Salle vs Folsom

I’m pretty sure that was the best offense I have ever seen get held to 0. DLS defense won that game. They forced turnovers, put a ton of pressure on the backfield (evident in all the big yardage losses) and didn’t be let the ball into the end zone. Not to mention putting their offense in great positions.

Folsom has a great team, probably their best ever. They will likely go on to score 50+ a game and win the D1 state championship.

That was a fun game to watch all the way to the end
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Any Folsom fan coming on here blaming refs for that missed called need to STOP. Yes it was a missed call, and it likely cost Folsom a TD. But you can’t make as many mistakes all game long against a team as good as DLS and expect anything but a L. You didn’t score...the better team won tonight.

Likewise, any DLS fan coming on here beating your chest also needs to stop. Your D was spectacular, but that game could’ve as easily gone the other way and if you watched, you realize that. Folsom lefts POINTS on the field in the 1st half...and coulda won

I’m not sure there’s been a high school football games between two Nor Cal teams with that much high level talent ever before. Tons of athletes all across the field.

Overall...Nor Cal showed well.
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Was very impressed with Folsom’s defense. I have to admit Folsom came to play. I expected a little more out if there offense. But then again the spread doesn’t usually do well against DLS.
[B said:
"playsomeball,[/B] post: 204111, member: 1130"]Looks like your mouth wrote checks your @$$ couldn't cash... How did that @$$ WHOOPIN feel!!

Ha, Ha playsomeball good post - BTW what was YOUR game prediction of score?
Why in the world would you say their O was better than Mater Dei? Inside joke? I haven't been following yet. IMO Folsom's best O of any year could not compare to Mater Dei last year.

A certain Folsom fan on here was comparing this years Folsom offense to last seasons Mater Dei offense... I agree with you.
if I had to hand out grades.
DLS offense C-
Folsom offense. D-
DLS defense. A-
Folsom defence. A-
I will say the game after several months of "chatter" was a big disappointment. As a "neutral" fan the predicts of both teams didn't materialize except maybe DLS's D. The game was slow and then Folsom going on it on 4th & 6 from their own 40 - well, guess I'm old school but, IMO that was the beginning of the end, Really in a close game how do your coaches decide to bet it all when you're holding 16 at the Black Jack Table?
Heard one of the DLS coaches after the game say, “#14 Wallace deserves a scholarship to Clemson.” Indeed, Wallace totally shutdown #10 Joe Ngata (and #14 Badger) whenever he was lined up with either one of them. DLS sophomore QB #20 Hale deserves some credit, too. Those strikes over the middle were huge. DLS offense struggled early. Credit Folsom defense which flooded the box. But, it’s DLS defense that outshined Folsom’s offense, which had their chances (just couldn’t punch it in when they had their chances - too many turnovers). Again, credit DLS for those TO’s, especially that Wallace kid. The streak continues ... unless Pittsburg can repeat what it did 25 years ago. Stay tuned.
How do I post a pic of Folsom’s TD? This darn site won’t let me post the img
All I can say is ha ha ha ha hah ah to G61,L68,L64,The Folsombulldog, cashisking and all his other nonsense.....DLS,DLS,DSL,DLS,DLS,,,,got it yet??? Now BOOK IT
Of course the DLS fans don’t, it would’ve changed the outcome! This site sucks when it won’t let you post a pic of a td!
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cashisking is done,,,,remember he would anwser EVERY post with some kind of Folsom crap.....come on dude....where is dished it out for along time...stand tall like the DLS movie....oh thats right you are Folsom......
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Nm. Pittsburg lost to CVC in double OT 31-38. Pittsburg also has a potential high scoring St. Mary’s team next week.
I don’t know or could care less of that g61 or whatever his name is now. I’m just sticking up for Folsom. A td is a td!
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Effing homer dls refs, hate them for changing games, whether it makes a difference or not, especially a huge game like this.
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Heard one of the DLS coaches after the game say, “#14 Wallace deserves a scholarship to Clemson.” Indeed, Wallace totally shutdown #10 Joe Ngata (and #14 Badger) whenever he was lined up with either one of them. DLS sophomore QB #20 Hale deserves some credit, too. Those strikes over the middle were huge. DLS offense struggled early. Credit Folsom defense which flooded the box. But, it’s DLS defense that outshined Folsom’s offense, which had their chances (just couldn’t punch it in when they had their chances - too many turnovers). Again, credit DLS for those TO’s, especially that Wallace kid. The streak continues ... unless Pittsburg can repeat what it did 25 years ago. Stay tuned.
I agree that he played very hard and had himself a good game, but the Folsom QB did a lot more to shut down Ngata than anyone from DLS did. Much credit to DLS on their win but be real Ngata is on a different level than anyone else on that field!
Oh I see your are here CASH but you have no it should be...Read this, DLS....dont ever forget it.......
Meaning later in the year I think Dls would hang 40 on Folsom they could’ve had 28 tonight but not as crisps as usual. Folsom missed on a a couple opportunities but overall Dls is the standard once they figure out a passing game they’ll be pretty good with that defense
Not a chance, even though dls adjusted and Folsom didn’t at the half, Folsom lost one td because of the refs, and that long play called back after being 15 yards down the field, homer refs say not enough players on Los. What bs is that?
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I don’t know or could care less of that g61 or whatever his name is now. I’m just sticking up for Folsom. A td is a td!
The DLS fumble on the 1 yard line negates the non TD you painstakingly keep bringing up. I watched the game and have no skin in it whatsoever. You cant turn over the ball 5 times against crappy teams never mind good ones. DLS in my opinion dominated the 2nd half with defense and field position. Had just enough offense to win. In fact in the 2nd half I would say DLS was penalized more than Folsom and some 15 yarders too. The fix was not in. 2 Heavy weights went at it and something had to give.
Kb just had a bad game, If he makes a couple plays then they win the game. He had 3 turnovers and made some bad decisions. He only threw the ball to Ngata and Badger, They had their best chance at beating De la and blew it, if they played again Dela wins by 4 tds.
I remember in 2012, the Folsom fans raved about how they were going to win, they lost and said next year. Then in 2013 they got spanked again and sent Senior Jake Browning and his all star team home. Ever since its been this thing about how the 2014 team was the best ever and De La Salle is afraid to play them. This year, you guys got your matchup. Not only that I kept hearing how this team is pretty much the same as last year and Folsom will beat DLS. They lost yet again. This time its the refs fault.
Its a trend. When you are winning its because the team is great, when you lose its because someone else screwed you or it wasn't the right time. The score was 14-0. The tally is at 3-0 and 108-32. Enjoy blowing out everyone else on your schedule and good luck in the D1 state final! Look forward to travelling up to Folsom next year.
Folsom won’t have a chance next year. They won’t even be the best team in their division next year. This was their year, and they blew their chance, but only because of mistakes, not because of dls. Dls was good, but not great! Folsom just blew it! Dls d stepped up in the 2nd half, but Folsom handed this game to them, and the refs helped some.
Ok. Here is my take away:

DLS's defense does what their defense usually does -- even to elite offenses such as Centennial. They're fundamentally sound at all three levels, extremely well coached and make you earn everything.

That said, I thought Folsom's offense choked. They had numerous opportunities to score and put pressure on the Spartans offense to respond but couldn't get out of their own way.

I couldn't see the Daniyel Ngata fumble near the goal line so I have no idea whether he was really down by contact or really in the end zone first. But that was the biggest play of the game IMO because it set the Bulldogs back and negated the momentum they had built and continued to build to that point. If Folsom scores there, both teams confidence and swagger changes.

Then you factor in the long 70+ yard run by Ngata in the 2nd half that was negated by a silly, unforced illegal procedure penalty by Joe Ngata and there's your ball game. Those 2 plays did Folsom in. By their 2 star players.

Folsom could have seized control and put DLS into a very tough situation that they aren't really built for but mental lapses, penalties and coaching cost them a legit chance for a W.

I say coaching because I felt DLS made better halftime and in-game adjustments than Folsom did (which was probably expected by most). I don't think Folsom took enough deep shots to Ngata (by rolling Bennett out) for bigger plays nor did I think they took advantage of their 'other' WR Elijah Badger. It seemed whenever they did go to Badger, he made a positive play. But they didn't go to that enough to make DLS pay for paying all the attention to Joe Ngata.

Lastly, I thought Kaiden Bennett didn't play well at all. Sure, DLS's schemes, pressure and coverages were consistently good, but there were plays to be made and he didn't make many positive ones. I thought he ran too much when it clearly wasn't working much and he made a lot of poor throws.

All in all, Folsom's offense moved the ball well against what I believe will prove to be an excellent, if not elite, defense when all is said and done. But most of the 5 turnovers were unforced. It's tough to win against any capable opponent with unforced turnovers (and mental errors) when on the cusp of scoring points let alone against a team like DLS.

Props to the Spartans for the shutout and the W. They earned it, no doubt. But Folsom certainly hurt themselves as much or more than DLD did.

That's how I saw it anyway.

BTW, I absolutely KNEW that Foskey would make a big play down the middle of the field at some point in the game. I called it in some of the other threads on prepgridioron's site during the past couple weeks. Like Austin Hooper and Devin Asiata before him, that play seems to happen at least once or twice a game against Folsom. It's like clockwork.
I’ll text it to you if you give me your number? I don’t know how Instagram or these technical things work?
14-0 I don’t think dls is elite this year but this is a early game later in the season this could’ve been a blown out. Both teams left points on the board a more balance team might’ve made dls defense looked average. I see people criticizing folsoms qb I believe he has d1 offers give a little credit to dls dbs they were in solid position most of the night. Folsom will steam roll the sjs this year
That that corner #14 for DLS played a helluva game. Great job on Ngata
I’ll text it to you if you give me your number? I don’t know how Instagram or these technical things work?
I've seen to photo. It sure looks like he had the ball. I was standing 15 yards from the play behind the endzone, literally closer than the refs. It looked like a fumble, it really did. If this was the NFL, it probably would have been a touchdown. But this is high school football, there are no play reviews, the coaches know that and the kids know that. Kid should have held onto the football really what it comes down to, how many times do you think he has been told to hold the ball till the whistle?
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Heard one of the DLS coaches after the game say, “#14 Wallace deserves a scholarship to Clemson.” Indeed, Wallace totally shutdown #10 Joe Ngata (and #14 Badger) whenever he was lined up with either one of them. .

I didn't quite see it the same way.

While Wallace and the other DB's certainly played quite well and made plays, I thought they were greatly helped out by the fact that Bennett didn't have time to let routes develop and also made numerous poor throws when he did. He often hung the ball in the air too long, threw behind his receivers and was generally inaccurate with the ball. Even WR's as good as Ngata and Badger have to rely upon on a QB putting the ball in a place where they can make a play on it AND the QB having time to get the ball to them. Those two factors were in question all night.

Furthermore, I though the Folsom staff didn't take advantage of Elijah Badger enough. When they did go to him, he typically made a positive play. Once they started rolling Bennett out more to get him time, I also didn't think they took near enough shots to Ngata downfield to allow him to 'out athlete' the DB for big plays -- which he is more than capable of doing.

While I agree that Wallace looked great, he wasn't tested enough or in the right way.
Told ya.

I don't know who the team is that will end the NorCal streak. Once they get better coaching and discipline, my money would be on the only other Northern California school to win an Open Division game in Grant. They have a plethora of athletes, the size, the attitude and swagger along with the feeder program to build a real challenger. But that wont happen until they get better coaching. Sorry Folsom faithful. Grant doesn't need to go outside of Del Paso Heights to find their talent.
Ok. Here is my take away:

DLS's defense does what their defense usually does -- even to elite offenses such as Centennial. They're fundamentally sound at all three levels, extremely well coached and make you earn everything.

That said, I thought Folsom's offense choked. They had numerous opportunities to score and put pressure on the Spartans offense to respond but couldn't get out of their own way.

I couldn't see the Daniyel Ngata fumble near the goal line so I have no idea whether he was really down by contact or really in the end zone first. But that was the biggest play of the game IMO because it set the Bulldogs back and negated the momentum they had built and continued to build to that point. If Folsom scores there, both teams confidence and swagger changes.

Then you factor in the long 70+ yard run by Ngata in the 2nd half that was negated by a silly, unforced illegal procedure penalty by Joe Ngata and there's your ball game. Those 2 plays did Folsom in. By their 2 star players.

Folsom could have seized control and put DLS into a very tough situation that they aren't really built for but mental lapses, penalties and coaching cost them a legit chance for a W.

I say coaching because I felt DLS made better halftime and in-game adjustments than Folsom did (which was probably expected by most). I don't think Folsom took enough deep shots to Ngata (by rolling Bennett out) for bigger plays nor did I think they took advantage of their 'other' WR Elijah Badger. It seemed whenever they did go to Badger, he made a positive play. But they didn't go to that enough to make DLS pay for paying all the attention to Joe Ngata.

Lastly, I thought Kaiden Bennett didn't play well at all. Sure, DLS's schemes, pressure and coverages were consistently good, but there were plays to be made and he didn't make many positive ones. I thought he ran too much when it clearly wasn't working much and he made a lot of poor throws.

All in all, Folsom's offense moved the ball well against what I believe will prove to be an excellent, if not elite, defense when all is said and done. But most of the 5 turnovers were unforced. It's tough to win against any capable opponent with unforced turnovers (and mental errors) when on the cusp of scoring points let alone against a team like DLS.

Props to the Spartans for the shutout and the W. They earned it, no doubt. But Folsom certainly hurt themselves as much or more than DLD did.

That's how I saw it anyway.

BTW, I absolutely KNEW that Foskey would make a big play down the middle of the field at some point in the game. I called it in some of the other threads on prepgridioron's site during the past couple weeks. Like Austin Hooper and Devin Asiata before him, that play seems to happen at least once or twice a game against Folsom. It's like clockwork.

Who would have thought it ? A reasonable, well thought out post about the game.

Here's wishing you great football.
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