By opposing views I mean that I feel it’s my family’s job to isolate my at risk parents from as many potential threats as possible which includes mask wearing and social distancing when virtual contact is not possible. Those threats would not be magnified if high school sports were to happen.Well, in the specific, they go to games. Except my mom. But she goes to band recitals with my nephew. All of their grand kids have been, or are varsity sport athletes except the youngest ones. They are in youth sports, though. In the general, there is very little separation in many families, including many, many grandparents who live with their grand children.
I'm confused on the opposing views comment. Personally, I want to see data driven solutions that allow effective mitigation practices to be put into place (masks, screening, cleaning, testing, etc.) without unduly risking vulnerable populations so that we can all get back to some semblance of our former lifestyle. So many other countries are already there. We could be there, too. I can't imagine you are opposed to that.
Others want to place the burden on everyone else. Multiple protocols have been put in place just to hold a practice without contact or a football including masks, screening before every practice, 10 foot spacing. For some it will never be enough.
It’s hard to tell from your answer and god forbid I make more assumptions that are “loaded” but it appears that high school football could happen without increasing exposure to your parents. Nobody HAS to attend the game and if it meant the kids get to play the Senior season I would forgo attending games. It’s truly for those kids that every effort should be made to have a season. Waiting til January is just kicking the can down the road. There will not be a vaccine by then so there’s no point in playing at that time either. Wear a mask and social distance. Have school, wear a mask and social distance. Play sports, screen every day, wear a mask and social distance. Go to the grocery store, wear a mask and social distance. Love your parents, wear a mask and social distance.