Granite Bay versus Vacaville at Vacaville


Hall of Famer
Aug 20, 2006
This will be an interesting game this coming weekend. I think I may travel to see it.

I would have to install Granite Bay as a 10 point favorite but I think it could be a battle for several quarters.
I'll go for Vacaville in a very close game...on another note if Vacaville ever switched to the Spread Offense...
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I haven't seen either team this year, but from this season's results so far, I'd have to believe Vacaville about doubles Granite Bay's score. I hope I wrong though and Granite Bay wins this game!
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Vacaville has played really good this year, but this series has been pretty even, on years that Granite Bay has been the favorite to win Vacaville has still been able to snatch a win and when Vacaville is the favorite to win Granite Bay has sometimes taken it too. I believe Vaca has won at Granite Bay two out of the last three times but also Granite Bay has won at Vacaville about the same. It's really hard to favor any team right now, but the key will be Vacaville defense if they play as good as they did against Oak Ridge I believe they'll pull out the win.
How has Granite Bay's Passing Offense been so far?

I was at the Whitney game. Not too impressive. They like a guy who is 6'1" or so and, historically, do roll outs in order to throw flood patterns for the most parts. Its either that, or they have the QB throw the corner or post or pop to the TE off run fakes. With this QB, they have him running some read option so mobility is important. GB's QB is pretty accurate on sub-20 yard throws. Totally hit or miss on longer throws because the offense is still a run all the time offense. You must watch the TE and you must jam/re-route him everytime he tries to get off the line to get into a pattern. He's 6'6" tall and the QB's favorite target. You have to disrupt that guy consistently. The wide outs run slants particularly in the red zone. The backs will run a bubble occasionally. They will run the 9 route on occassion but rarely connect because the throw is not accurate and the receivers aren't the type to run down overthrown balls (except maybe #88 who has some wheels for a bigger dude). The skill players have speed.
Thanks you for the info. So Vaca's Pass Defense must really show up for this one...solid Run Defense as usual...
I see this one very close, edge to Vacaville, maybe OT win. Nonetheless, IMO this game gets GB better prepared for SFL opener vs. us, than Monterey Trail gets DO ready for GB on 9/22. It is what it is.
Vacaville with an amazing halftime fireworks show have to be one of the best HS fireworks shows I've seen.
GB starts to attack Bulldogs weakness and Air it out moving the ball well to start the second half