Legendary Pacer Football Coach Mike Alberghini has passed away


Mar 3, 2019
Longtime Pacer Educator/Athletic Director/Baseball Coach/Football Coach and for 1 season Basketball Coach and mentor to thousands at Grant High School has transitioned. Personally I know the man called ALBI by Pacer students and colleagues for 30 plus years.

Committed to a community with geographical challenges/societal economic disparities...while carving out a haven for young people to hone there talents and be successful any and everywhere. Championship highs--pipeline production of professional athletes and gut wrenching heartbreaks like watching a young man take there final breath in the Coach's arms.

Through it all he was more than a title-- a man who's example was a beacon of pride the example of all that is positive about being a GRANT PACER.

No room to tell all...exceptional WORK Michael Alberghini most people will never have the true LOVE/CARE you received from the many --all attained through your efforts that lasts many generations at Grant High and beyond~
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