MC Holiday Hoops Day 4

Less than a minute in, MC calls a timeout after a couple turnovers... 6-0 Vanden
Time out Vanden after an MC steak and breakaway... 31-24 MC. 5:15 left in the half
55-51 MC end of 3... Vanden starting to have some trouble with MC big Merkviadze
Vanden shooting cooling off... and then Merkvikadze with a jam off a great look away pass by... um... I didn’t see. 57-51. 6:46 left
MC got it to 62-53, but two Banden buckets including one off a steal make it 62-56. 4:07 left
Mc responds more .... 70-60. 1:28 to go... Looks like MC has locked up 3rd place.
72-62 final...

Vanden’s Jonathan Cobb and MC’s Alex Merkviladze named to All Tourney team.
Aaaaaaaaaaabdddd nowwwwww....

The Championship Game!

My Campo Cougars vs the Weston Ranch Cougars...

Cougars gonna winnnn...
Ranch built as much as a 6-point lead, but Campo managed to make it a 2-point game at the half.

Ranch 27
Campo 25
Time out Campo after a Campo putback score... but it’s 37-31 Ranch. 3:16 left 3rd
Carter with another twisting driver... back within 3. 47-44, Ranch ball... 4:26 left.
Props to the Ranch... They played a practically airtight game... 60-47 final.
All Tourney players from this game:

Campo: Carter Mahaney and Aidan Mahaney..

Ranch: Donjae Lindsey and MVP Gavin Wilburn.

Heckuva tourney, MC!

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