NCS D1/D3/D5 Semifinals Picks

Streak One

Hall of Famer
Nov 11, 2003

Clayton Valley over Pittsburg: Pitt has been a really good story thus far, but I like the trio Clayton Valley has this year

Moreau Catholic over Cal: Should be a pretty close game, but I'll go with Moreau which has kind of flown under the radar this season


Branson over Piedmont: Branson will have to keep AJ Harris in check, but I think they will enough and their top 4 or 5 guys will be too much

Pinole Valley over St. Pats: Pinole Valley has shown itself well in their Salesian matchups this year and they hold serve at home. If I had to pick one upset tonight, it would be this one.


Urban. over Cloverdale: Don't know much about these teams, but will go with Urban at home. Three of the four playoff games these teams have played this year have been blowouts.

Head-Royce over San Domenico: Standout players can really impact lower division games and Head-Royce has a good one in Marcel Pierre-Louis
Looks like NCS D1, D3, D5 is all 1v2 finals.
Sounded like Moreau and Cal High was a heck of a game. The Mighty eagles from Cloverdale played Urban tough and have some good pieces back next year.

Some great games on the table tnite.
Streak I would like to hear your thoughts
On the officiating of that moreau cal game
Because it definitely deserves some conversation.
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More finals I didn't get posted:

Pinole Valley beat St. Patrick-St. Vincent 55-38

Urban beat Cloverdale 55-46

Head-Royce beat San Domenico 55-45
Streak I would like to hear your thoughts
On the officiating of that moreau cal game
Because it definitely deserves some conversation.
I didn't see the game so I couldn't comment on it. What's the story?
Great game by 2 very good programs and 2 very good coaches I will just say and I have always felt that teams pre pair in the off season doing weights and conditioning and countless hours of practice to put themselves in a position to play in a important playoff game such as last night.
It is not acceptable for officials to show up and have a really bad night without getting
Into specifics anyone watching that game could see neither team could adjust
To how the game was being officiated
Both benches were completely outraged
And rightfully so At this time of year most coaches can respect if it's going to be called tight or if the crew is going to let the teams bang and play and then relay that to there teams there was no way either coach could have told there team anything last night in regards to the officiating because it was very inconsistent for both teams and it definitely affected both teams who had alot
On the line!
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Great game by 2 very good programs and 2 very good coaches I will just say and I have always felt that teams pre pair in the off season doing weights and conditioning and countless hours of practice to put themselves in a position to play in a important playoff game such as last night.
It is not acceptable for officials to show up and have a really bad night without getting
Into specifics anyone watching that game could see neither team could adjust
To how the game was being officiated
Both benches were completely outraged
And rightfully so At this time of year most coaches can respect if it's going to be called tight or if the crew is going to let the teams bang and play and then relay that to there teams there was no way either coach could have told there team anything last night in regards to the officiating because it was very inconsistent for both teams and it definitely affected both teams who had alot
On the line!
* their
Great game by 2 very good programs and 2 very good coaches I will just say and I have always felt that teams pre pair in the off season doing weights and conditioning and countless hours of practice to put themselves in a position to play in a important playoff game such as last night.
It is not acceptable for officials to show up and have a really bad night without getting
Into specifics anyone watching that game could see neither team could adjust
To how the game was being officiated
Both benches were completely outraged
And rightfully so At this time of year most coaches can respect if it's going to be called tight or if the crew is going to let the teams bang and play and then relay that to there teams there was no way either coach could have told there team anything last night in regards to the officiating because it was very inconsistent for both teams and it definitely affected both teams who had alot
On the line!
That was a great game last night, but I agree it was not officiated well at all. Calls certainly went both ways, but some real head scratchers. Some calls were made that really should have been no calls, and twice the whistle blew to stop play only to tell the coaches it was inadvertent. The whistle doesn’t have to blow every other time down court! A few kids fouled out on both teams, and over half of the players on the court at the end had 4 fouls. It really hurt the flow of the game.
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That was a great game last night, but I agree it was not officiated well at all. Calls certainly went both ways, but some real head scratchers. Some calls were made that really should have been no calls, and twice the whistle blew to stop play only to tell the coaches it was inadvertent. The whistle doesn’t have to blow every other time down court! A few kids fouled out on both teams, and over half of the players on the court at the end had 4 fouls. It really hurt the flow of the game.
the games i have seen very few teams and players know how to play defense with out slapping down, and they all try to block shots when they are 5'11.
steals happen in the passing lane, that is why curry gets them. he isnt good on ball but he plays the lane. more high school teams need to learn that.
also pressing causes fouls, because they get to handsy.
every mom in the stands yells... over the baaaaccccckkkk or he's riiiiiidddddiiinnggggg him... then when they get called, its the refs are calling too much.
Ankle let's say everything you just said is right without even arguing about it are you saying officials don't have bad nights and if they Do it should just be glossed over and not brought up at all?
I agree with bones40 and observer22, watching both teams struggle to adjust to how the game was officiated. No one is blaming the refs either way, just stating that it was extremely inconsistent. A touch foul called on one end and a total beatdown on the other not called. It was like that the entire night, the players had no idea how a charge or a block would be called.
It bothers me when people say games aren't well officiated. Calls are made by officials from their viewpoint, not for someone sitting 30 rows up in the stands. If you've ever officiated and seen what it is like with trying to watch an area of the floor with bodies flying by and from the official's specific angle of vision, it is not easy. Especially with all the hacking or trying to block shots instead of going straight up that players are doing. Also, I noticed that most spectators have not read this year's high school rulebook on the points of emphasis which is why many are confused about certain calls.

It is amazing to me lately to watch teams play with parents who start screaming at the officials the second the game begins. Also, it is never about a call on their team. One dad had to yell about every travel he saw on the other team. Didn't let up the entire game. Yet I never heard him yell at the officials when his own kid traveled on several occasions.

Why does the CIF even bother with their pregame announcement about sportsmanship? Administrations police the students but they really need to police the parents.

How about spectators just relax and enjoy the game, players quit hacking (especially when you have 3 fouls and you do it in the middle of the floor with a clear view by everyone), and officials are allowed to just do their job. Other option is to pass out stripped shirts and whistles to the first 3 adults who enter the gym.

In the Super Bowl, people complained about the last holding call. I say OK let's say the refs don't call it. Then when the Eagles got the ball, the Chiefs should be allowed to hold all the Eagle receivers on every pass play because we wouldn't want officials to determine the outcome of a game. My rant is over, I just wish there was a section of the stands where I could sit, enjoy the game and not hear the screaming fans.
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I believe we are talking about 2 separate entities in this matter in my statement and also observer 22 statement I made certain that my remarks were not tied specifically to any calls one way or the other so this is not a parent just yelling for his or her team my point was tied to 3 officials who clearly were not on the same page in terms of game flow and how physical the game was going to be called on both ends for both teams involved. I get that officials are not paid a great deal of money to call these games but These coaches and players have invested Months of hard work to be in this position And both teams gave maximum effort last night and they did not get the same from the crew working the game and
There peformance or should I say lack of communication with each other did effect what was a great game.
I believe we are talking about 2 separate entities in this matter in my statement and also observer 22 statement I made certain that my remarks were not tied specifically to any calls one way or the other so this is not a parent just yelling for his or her team my point was tied to 3 officials who clearly were not on the same page in terms of game flow and how physical the game was going to be called on both ends for both teams involved. I get that officials are not paid a great deal of money to call these games but These coaches and players have invested Months of hard work to be in this position And both teams gave maximum effort last night and they did not get the same from the crew working the game and
There peformance or should I say lack of communication with each other did effect what was a great game.
Exactly, there were no issues with parents yelling at referees. It just seemed like the refs weren’t on the same page. Sometimes when you add that 3rd ref, there are more calls made. I totally respect the job the refs do, and they put up with a lot. These aren’t sour grapes issues, just observations.
Exactly, there were no issues with parents yelling at referees. It just seemed like the refs weren’t on the same page. Sometimes when you add that 3rd ref, there are more calls made. I totally respect the job the refs do, and they put up with a lot. These aren’t sour grapes issues, just observations.
the 3rd ref is there because it makes the calls easier. there is no more primary/secondary coverage areas and more of primary/secondary defenders.

that is why all ncaa and pro games have 3. as well as the out of bound lines are covered better. for those who do not know, all three refs are not looking at the ball. they have certain match-ups to watch.

the call accuracy goes way higher with the 3rd official. all games should have 3.

here is where you need the 3rd official. a drive starts from the mid court line on the strong side. the trail official has the match up all the way to the basket. the lead official who is under the basket on the strong side is watching the ball at mid court? NO he is watching the 2-4 players in the post. what do you think will happen when the player beats his defender? the help is coming. Who has the help? either the slot official or the lead official because there is no way the trail knows when the defender became legal.

now in 2 person that is not the case, the trail as to guess when the help came and became legal.

also, the pass and crash is a guessing game with 2 refs.

so calls may go up with the 3rd, but also accuracy goes up. calls go up because the 3rd is there watching the illegal bumps on cutters, the holds on cutters and the pushes on rebounding
Exactly, there were no issues with parents yelling at referees. It just seemed like the refs weren’t on the same page. Sometimes when you add that 3rd ref, there are more calls made. I totally respect the job the refs do, and they put up with a lot. These aren’t sour grapes issues, just observations.
there are some notorious parents... i have been to many games and can point them out.
pittsburg - mom
acalanes - dad
liberty - mom
moreau - dad
alameda - dad
I believe we are talking about 2 separate entities in this matter in my statement and also observer 22 statement I made certain that my remarks were not tied specifically to any calls one way or the other so this is not a parent just yelling for his or her team my point was tied to 3 officials who clearly were not on the same page in terms of game flow and how physical the game was going to be called on both ends for both teams involved. I get that officials are not paid a great deal of money to call these games but These coaches and players have invested Months of hard work to be in this position And both teams gave maximum effort last night and they did not get the same from the crew working the game and
There peformance or should I say lack of communication with each other did effect what was a great game.
and you said earlier the benches were outraged, so why were they more concerned with officials when the real concern should be with the players and lack of discipline? my high school coach would scream at us every time we left our feet on a pump fake we knew was coming. or had 3 fouls and picked up a 4th on a push in the back or a slap 70 feet from the basket.
he would then only yell at the ref, but at least he corrected us first.
I think the Pitt mom mentioned above must be the one I happened to be sitting a few seats away from at the CVC/Pitt game…
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the 3rd ref is there because it makes the calls easier. there is no more primary/secondary coverage areas and more of primary/secondary defenders.

that is why all ncaa and pro games have 3. as well as the out of bound lines are covered better. for those who do not know, all three refs are not looking at the ball. they have certain match-ups to watch.

the call accuracy goes way higher with the 3rd official. all games should have 3.

here is where you need the 3rd official. a drive starts from the mid court line on the strong side. the trail official has the match up all the way to the basket. the lead official who is under the basket on the strong side is watching the ball at mid court? NO he is watching the 2-4 players in the post. what do you think will happen when the player beats his defender? the help is coming. Who has the help? either the slot official or the lead official because there is no way the trail knows when the defender became legal.

now in 2 person that is not the case, the trail as to guess when the help came and became legal.

also, the pass and crash is a guessing game with 2 refs.

so calls may go up with the 3rd, but also accuracy goes up. calls go up because the 3rd is there watching the illegal bumps on cutters, the holds on cutters and the pushes on rebounding
Thanks for the lesson on refs, like I’ve never played or coached myself. Ankle, the difference is these NCS refs have been reffing with 2 refs all season and 2 games into the NCS playoffs. Now they add the 3rd ref, which in theory as you point out should be more accurate, but they’re not used to having 3 refs and it takes some time for them to get on the same page. But you’re right they did an excellent job even though you weren’t there, and everyone was happy with all the calls.