Newman (huge week)

larry legend33

Hall of Famer
Silver Member
Dec 4, 2007
Newman dismantled a pretty weak Summitt Academy team from Utah 39-13 and awaits there biggest and most challenging team in quite sometime. Liberty brings a star studded roster with them next week. Liberty just blasted Rocklin 50-9. I think if Newman can keep it to within a couple scores that will be an accomplishment.
Newman dismantled a pretty weak Summitt Academy team from Utah 39-13 and awaits there biggest and most challenging team in quite sometime. Liberty brings a star studded roster with them next week. Liberty just blasted Rocklin 50-9. I think if Newman can keep it to within a couple scores that will be an accomplishment.
Liberty sounds like a juggernaut this year and last year they did really well. What's happened there, they were bad for a long time.
Newman dismantled a pretty weak Summitt Academy team from Utah 39-13 and awaits there biggest and most challenging team in quite sometime. Liberty brings a star studded roster with them next week. Liberty just blasted Rocklin 50-9. I think if Newman can keep it to within a ocouple scores that will be an accomplishment.

Sorry Larry my heart is rooting for your Cardinals but my guy pride is going with Liberty in this week's Pic'ems.
Think the game will be like a kicking contest between a 1 legged sailor and an octopus.

Hope I'm wrong...Good luck to Cardinal Newman
Liberty clearly has more talent, but I think going up to Cardinal Newman will even it out some a little bit. Still think Liberty wins, but this should be a pretty competitive game
I've waited until game day to post....

CN defense is REALLY good...their starters havent given up a point yet this season. I don't expect them to blank Liberty obviously but for those that think they are going to blitz CN in an blowout, its not happening. CN has 8 or 9 kids on D that will play college ball and (at least) 3 are D1 (including BOTH corners and Middle LB).

Offensively expect CN Coach Cronin to go deep into his offensive archives for some surprises and new looks. :rolleyes:

Based on the comments on the board re: Liberty, if the players are reading their headlines and thinking the same way as the fans/parents they may be prime for a rude awakening.

I expect it to be war...not decided until the 4th
I'll be at the game tonight, and am feeling the same way as bbguru (there's still time to change your pick 'em, haha). Hoping for a good game, but haven't seen Liberty play yet, so no predictions. I will try to post a blow by blow if connection is good. Is the game streaming anywhere?
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Really wish I could be at this one. Talent isn't that lopsided either. Don't believe all the hype. I would say depth is where Liberty has Newman beat. Don't forget this... Its Cronin people... Arguably the best coach in Calif.
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Great effort Newman and nice work Liberty thats a solid squad ! How did Butterfield look for Liberty ?
Butterfield throws a nice ball. Reminds me a lot of Petras at MC. He had all day to throw, as CN didn't (or wasn't able to) put up pressure (had to respect the run game). Liberty has offensive weapons and their coach mixed up the play calling well. CN kinda lost great opportunities in the first half. They fumbled on the 3 yard line going in for td on their first drive, then Liberty went on a long 97 yard drive for score. Then later in the2 nd quarter, CN driving nicely and fumbled again inside the Liberty 10, where Liberty got a scoop and score. That was one of those potential 14 point swings fans hate to see. Then CN gets Liberty to 4th down with :29 left in half. Liberty lines up and lets the clock run down and throws the hail Mary and gets the TD. And it was well deserved. Beautiful throw and catch. Everyone knew it was coming, but CN didn't put any safeties deep, and got burned. With the exception of a short CN drive that resulted in a punt, the entire 3rd quarter was one long Liberty drive that resulted in a TD at the beginning of the 4th qtr. CN defense is pretty tough, considering more than half the players are going both ways. They looked gassed with about 9:00 min left in the 4th. Congrats to Liberty, they deserved the win. CN shouldn't have any issues the rest of the regular season, if they can stay healthy.
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Butterfield throws a nice ball. Reminds me a lot of Petras at MC. He had all day to throw, as CN didn't (or wasn't able to) put up pressure (had to respect the run game). Liberty has offensive weapons and their coach mixed up the play calling well. CN kinda lost great opportunities in the first half. They fumbled on the 3 yard line going in for td on their first drive, then Liberty went on a long 97 yard drive for score. Then later in the2 nd quarter, CN driving nicely and fumbled again inside the Liberty 10, where Liberty got a scoop and score. That was one of those potential 14 point swings fans hate to see. Then CN gets Liberty to 4th down with :29 left in half. Liberty lines up and lets the clock run down and throws the hail Mary and gets the TD. And it was well deserved. Beautiful throw and catch. Everyone knew it was coming, but CN didn't put any safeties deep, and got burned. With the exception of a short CN drive that resulted in a punt, the entire 3rd quarter was one long Liberty drive that resulted in a TD at the beginning of the 4th qtr. CN defense is pretty tough, considering more than half the players are going both ways. They looked gassed with about 9:00 min left in the 4th. Congrats to Liberty, they deserved the win. CN shouldn't have any issues the rest of season, if they can stay healthy.

Great take by TUNZ....he nailed it

CN probably should have been up at half by 7pt...but no delusions here...LIBERTY was ultimately going to win that game either way

LIBERTY controlled the 2nd half as CN couldn't do anything offensively and LIBERTY was getn a great rush on the CN QB.

BUTTERFIELD throws a GREAT ball...everything was right on the money.
I can see why he's getting so much love...he's a stud

PS...LIBERTY needs to work on their special teams, Newman exposed them a little....hate to see their season end because of bad special teams.
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Great updates guys. Thanks. Congrats to Liberty. They brought it and made the plays. That fumble in the first half to the house by Liberty and the Hail Mary at half were game changers. Good win for a great team and Newman knows they can play with the big boys if they clean up the TO's. Butterfield looks so smooth on Film.
#17 on Liberty. Do yourself a favor and see a doctor. You should never have re-entered that game after the beginning of 2nd quarter
#17 on Liberty. Do yourself a favor and see a doctor. You should never have re-entered that game after the beginning of 2nd quarter
Ya, that guy couldn't even stand up without wobbling, after getting his bell rung. His coach shoulda kept him out of game. Definite concussion protocol if I ever saw one.
Watching from the stands (not good at all ) #1 and # 7 were a non factor on deep routes. CN QB is tough, CN line is tough however liberty depth at RB , d line and backers wears teams out. liberty best defense is the offense how will you stop them? also away games refs throw some ticky tack penalties seems like it was 20-4 in penalties or this game would of been 45-14.

as for the special teams this week, they have been pretty good so far this year, last night was brutal. if they performed ( ST) like they have been score would of been 31-7. all in all Cardinal-Neuman is a good program coached very well, tough kids but right now liberty has to be considered as a threat. proud of this program long time coming
Watching from the stands (not good at all ) #1 and # 7 were a non factor on deep routes. CN QB is tough, CN line is tough however liberty depth at RB , d line and backers wears teams out. liberty best defense is the offense how will you stop them? also away games refs throw some ticky tack penalties seems like it was 20-4 in penalties or this game would of been 45-14.

as for the special teams this week, they have been pretty good so far this year, last night was brutal. if they performed ( ST) like they have been score would of been 31-7. all in all Cardinal-Neuman is a good program coached very well, tough kids but right now liberty has to be considered as a threat. proud of this program long time coming
If we are going to play that game If Newman doesn’t fumble inside the Liberty 5 yard line on the first drive of the game and doesn’t fumble in the red zone in 2nd quarter for a Liberty scoop and score it’s Newman 28-18 at the half. Woulda coulda

The Achilles heel for Liberty offense is pressure. QB doesn’t like the pocket closing on him and sailed a lot of balls high. The one sack he suffered he was very slow to get up. It’s a tough task because Liberty O-line is very good.
Liberty, Antioch, Pitt should a be insane good games. Antioch is rolling & has a QB that is as good as most any in NorCal.
Clearly Newman had there chances but had to capitalize on them early. Hats off to a very good Liberty team.

Question for Liberty peeps. What is the thought against Pitt this year? That is a beast of a teams as everybody knows and they returned a lot of talent from a team that beat you guys 35-0. But so did you guys. New sheriff in town? Antioch as well.

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