Question for Folsom fans

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So are you gonna tell us?
Many don't seem to recognize that winning/losing is cyclical. Folsom's been a top program for all of 6 years now. For the 18 years preceding this current run, not so much. You have to go back to 1990 when they were last relevant and also a D2/D3 program.

Troy Taylor was pedestrian during his first run as HC from 2002 to 2004 and Kris Richardson the same his first 3 seasons. It really took off once Taylor and Richardson officially united around 2012 and they had a couple of excellent classes pass through. We'll see how long the run continues, but it's not like they've been doing this for 15+ years.

Nevada Union was a top program from the early 80's til around 2011. Now they're a bottom feeder.

Merced looked like Folsom does now from 1988 to 1993, reaching the Section Finals in 5 out of 6 seasons, and going 70-11. They even fared much better against De La Salle in their 2 matchups than Folsom did. Their dominant run ended abruptly.

Everyone knows of Cordova's dominance from the 1970's until 1993. It came to an end, but still lasted for 20 years.

Numerous other examples could be named, but most of them only lasted for a handful of years. It's really only the truly special programs such as DLS, Grant Union, Del Oro, Central Catholic, Escalon, Oakdale, etc. that manage to keep it going longer. Still, in the end, most of these programs fall back to the pack eventually as others come to the forefront for their time in the sun. This is just Folsom's time in the sun. They've got a long way to go to prove that it's anything more than that.

I'm sure Merced didn't expect their run to end either. However, Speckman left Merced for a short stint at Golden Valley then on to college. I'm sure it won't be long until someone offers Taylor/Richardson a college gig. That's often all it takes for the tides to shift yet again.
^^ My problem with Joe is that he's a lazy journalist and seems to always have an agenda toward the trendy team ie frontrunning. It used to be Grant, now it's Folsom. All of his pieces only paint the teams/coaches in a positive light.

For example, this constant mentioning of Folsom's "regular season" win streak has become an embarrassment. I seriously bet that, had Folsom lost to Rocklin on Thursday night, the new narrative would have been that Folsom still has a 38-game regular season win streak in games not played on a Thursday night. They do have a 24-game win streak overall, which is impressive and more than relevant to mention. But omitting post-season games and losses to DLS is just a reach to make something seem larger or more important than it really is. But that's what he does.

Also, he often regurgitates stats or records he finds on twitter or maxpreps without verifying that they are actually correct. Case in point is the Folsom regular season streak. He initially repeated what was reported by somebody on twitter and it wasn't until myself and Streak set him straight that he corrected it. That's merely one example of many over the years I could point out. I just loathe lazy journalism.

That all said, I acknowledge that he does a better job covering prep sports than most in the area -- but that's more of an indictment on the press as a whole.
Now question that DLS was still the best team in 2014. It is obvious that G61 really does not understand hs fb, and probably is a poster who never attends Folsom games.
That's a question that can be debated, but will never be known for sure. There are certainly arguments on both sides. And it would have been a great game.

Last year's Folsom team was one of the most dominant teams in CA HS football history. 16 games, 16 blow-outs all with running clocks. DLS was dominant as well. The one argument that holds zero water is trying to use the 2012 and 2013 game results to predict the 2014 game. That 2014 team was a completely different Folsom team from the previous 2 years. Especially on defense. To not acknowledge that it would have been a close, hard game - regardless of who won, is just nonsense.
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That's a question that can be debated, but will never be known for sure. There are certainly arguments on both sides. And it would have been a great game.

Totally agree.

The one argument that holds zero water is trying to use the 2012 and 2013 game results to predict the 2014 game. That 2014 team was a completely different Folsom team from the previous 2 years. Especially on defense. To not acknowledge that it would have been a close, hard game - regardless of who won, is just nonsense.

Agree even more. Different teams, different years.

For DLS fans that don't buy into that, they shouldn't ever want to see another game against St. John Bosco, Aquinas or Don Bosco Prep -- as the results from those previous losses (mostly blowouts) would be the same in any future matchps, right?

It's really a ridiculous notion.

16 games, 16 blow-outs all with running clocks.

While there is no doubt that Folsom was the SJS's best team last season by a country mile, don't read too much into the 16 running clocks thing. One, the SJS hasn't been as deep with really good teams the past couple of years (not like 2008 or 2009 for example) so it doesn't at all compare to other great teams from other seasons that played against a deeper, better field of teams. Just because Elk Grove in 1998 or Grant in 1996/2006/2008 or Cordova in 1985, etc. didn't put a running clock on all the teams they played doesn't mean they were as talented or good from top to bottom. If the 2014 Folsom team had to play in the D2 field from 2009 (Rocklin, Grant, St. Mary's, Del Oro) it's quite possible they don't even make the Section finals that season.

Also, I can tell you for that the1998 EG team routinely took their foot off the gas in blowouts but could have easily put running clocks in every game had they wanted. The same is likely true of some of the others mentioned.
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DLS lost to DBP by 2 points and got blown out back east. DLS lost to SJB by 6 while driving to take the lead with 3 minutes left in the game. DLS was driving in the 3rd to quarter to take the lead vs STA before the wheels came off back east.

Those comparisons fall way short.

When exactly was Folsom EVER in a game vs DLS... never. When did Folsom ever show they could compete with DLS in their two contests... never.

Lastly, when has Folsom defeated a team of DLS physical style in the elite tier of HS football. Meanwhile, DLS has scores of games whipping spread offenses- face it, DLS is a nightmare match up for a team like Folsom. Folsom is not used to a good D line with 11 players that can tackle in open space. Not to mention the fact that DLS ran the ball down Folsom's throat.

Funny thing is, the closest people to the situation (Folsom staff) knew they wouldn't match up vs DLS and begged the CIF to take away the Regional game - a game which would have almost guaranteed a rematch. The SJS fans cant get on board with the BDog staff.
Hahaha. You're funny. I love how you say delusional then go on a delusional rant. As if your opinions are facts.

The CIF changed the playoffs, and Folsom had zero input. Can you tell us who on the Folsom staff ever stated they didn't want to play U of DLS? No . . . you can't. Why lie?

It would have been really embarrassing to be #17 on Folsom's 2014 victory march - wouldn't it? Folsom's defense was very good last year. No one ran on them. Period. If U of DLS had trouble running their vaunted veer. Wow. That would have been fun.

But the two schools play by different rules. It's hardly fair to compare. Folsom consists of kids from their community. U of DLS runs a series of youth recruiting camps and has kids drive past many high schools to attend their school. Those camps are called 'undue influence' in the SJS and are not allowed.

It is so bad, that U of DLS plays how many games in the NCS this year? Three? Is that because NCS schools do not want to play them with their best players wearing green? Of course.

And talk about rules that were invented to benefit a school - what about U of D playing only three games in the section, then getting awarded a #1 seed and given a bye to start the playoffs? That is not allowed in the SJS.

But we all see what happens when U of DLS has to play against teams that have the same student attendance rules or the same loaded roster. Trinity. SJB. Aquinas. Maybe they should schedule IMG as well.
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Sorry Valley posters,

But does G61 aka 5150 hide when there is a logical debate on the board?

It seems that he has s smart phone access when there is nothing but jabs

I would think he would entertain both to promote Folsom????
And Folsom didn't have their 5* (going to Alabama) offensive and defensive lineman when they played DLS, so don't use that crap, it has no bearing on 2014.

Also, DLS's arguably best ever player, DJ Williams, didn't even come from DLS's area. He was recruited and would have went to Grant had they not given him a free ride and handed his mom a job in the area. Talk about a bunch of BS!
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When exactly was Folsom EVER in a game vs DLS... never. When did Folsom ever show they could compete with DLS in their two contests... never.

Paul, you and I agree on a lot of things and I always respect your opinion, but you're way off the rails on this one.

First, my examples may not have been letter perfect, but it does show your line of reasoning to be flawed. It doesn't matter that one of the games against Bosco was competitive. The point was that they are 0-2 against them. They are 0-1 against Aquinas with a bad blowout loss. You spin it as a close game "until the wheels came off", but one could easily say the same thing about Granite Bay v. DLS a few weeks back when it was only 7-0 with under 2 min to go in the half before the "wheels came off". In the end, they got blown out just as DLS did against Aquinas. You come off hypocritical when you have an excuse for DLS in the one situation, but would assuredly laugh off a GB fan if they said the same of the game played a few weeks ago.

Secondly, we're talking about 2 games here. Not a lifetime of failure like most the NCS has experienced. Pittsburg has taken it on the chin their fair share of times against the Green Machine (1-31 all-time), but somehow managed to beat DLS back in 1991 when they actually had a capable team.

Even though Folsom took it on the chin twice before, you are failing to acknowledge the possibility that, like Pittsburg, perhaps Folsom finally had a capable team when they didn't in recent matchups.

To further demonstrate how things could have been different, when Pittsburg beat DLS in 1991 -- they had lost to them earlier that same season as well as the 3 seasons prior.

Everybody has told you how much better the 2014 team was in comparison to the 2012 and 2013 teams, if you couldn't notice it with your own eyes (if so, you'd be one of the very few that didn't) so I'm not at all understanding why it is still so hard for you to accept as a possibility.

If you want a better example than Don Bosco, Aquinas and SJB (who did dominate that game despite the end score), then I raise you Clovis West and Bellevue.

When has DLS ever shown that they could compete with Bellevue (39-20) or CW (a shut out and a blowout loss)? I know, I know -- that only represents 3 games and a time when DLS was at their lowest yadda yadda yadda. But that's precisely the point. Those games don't have anything to do with what might have happened had the same teams met again the very next season.

I really am struggling to understand why you continue to cling to the other side of the argument. It's not a POV that is shared by very many.

Lastly, when has Folsom defeated a team of DLS physical style in the elite tier of HS football.

Although I believe the outcome would have been different had they been fully healthy, they did beat Grant Union in a rematch in 2010. That team was ranked in the top 25 Nationally and sent 6 players to D1 FBS programs. They had the size, speed and athleticism of an elite tier team. We can pick the win apart all we want, but it does satisfy the question even though it wouldn't prove anything one way or the other.

Meanwhile, DLS has scores of games whipping spread offenses- face it, DLS is a nightmare match up for a team like Folsom. Folsom is not used to a good D line with 11 players that can tackle in open space. Not to mention the fact that DLS ran the ball down Folsom's throat.

Wonderful. Still doesn't mean that Folsom's 2014 couldn't have risen up as Pittsburg did in 1991 or Clovis West did in 2004 and 2005.

How many "spread" teams has DLS whipped that ended the season in the top 10 Nationally as 2014 Folsom did? Centennial maybe? Anybody else??

You lumping last season's Folsom team as some run of the mill spread team suggests that you really didn't see them play all that much. I've been accused of being a Folsom hater on this board and even "I" can see and acknowledge the difference.

Folsom's offensive and defensive lines would have caused the Spartans some problems last season and they could run the ball. They were big, athletic and strong. That wasn't the case in 2012 and 2013. In fact, I think their current line would match up well, far better than 2012/13 anyway. They just don't have the same level of skill talent as last season.

Defensively, Folsom probably fielded their best ever. I believe it was Mark Tennis (or someone over at CalHi) that said they thought Folsom might have had the best defense they saw last season. While DLS tends to run it down the throat of most every team they play, there was a significant difference on that side of the ball too.
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"Those camps are called 'undue influence' in the SJS and are not allowed."

The camps that Troy Taylor and Bobby Fresques run are "undue" influence. It is my understanding that many very, very young men attend these....This type of contact is direct to potential players.

It was written by JD in the Bee many years ago that Taylor had to give up being the Cal announcer because coaching HS football was "undue" influence and violated NCAA regulation....
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TR- it sounds like this comes down to this:
-You are willing to ignore the previous two contests 100% in your prediction. I am not wiling to do that.
-We both would have DLS as favorites, with me having DLS with much higher odds than you

I am very comfortable with my position especially in when factoring in the memory of summer 2012 when I predicted Folsom would not score more than 17 points vs DLS and you laughed off that prediction.

Good debate.
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The camps that Troy Taylor and Bobby Fresques run are "undue" influence. It is my understanding that many very, very young men attend these....This type of contact is direct to potential players.

Such mis-information. I looked it up btw, you should feel free to do the same before posting nonsense. . . . .Apples and Oranges. A number of area coaches participate in the Passing Academy:

Undue Influence is defined as
"Undue influence is any act, gesture or communication (including accepting material or financial inducement to attend a CIF member school for the purpose of engaging in CIF competition regardless of the source) which is performed personally, or through another, which may be objectively seen as an inducement, or part of a process of inducing a student, or his or her parent(s)/guardian(s)/caregiver, by or on behalf of, a member school, to enroll in transfer to, or remain in, a particular school for athletic purposes. B. A student shall become ineligible for CIF competition and shall be penalized

This is what undue influence looks like:

The difference is that the coaches at the passing academy are running the camp to help train area athletes to improve their passing skills. Then send them back to their schools better trained. They do not recruit the kids at the academy. The passing academy has been going many years now . . . .all of the Folsom QB's have been from Folsom.
Relax Feed, I never said they were recruiting players. I merely responded to your comment on DLS recruiting. If you for one minute think coaching a kid in a camp for several years, from youth up is not influence....then your nuts. My comparison of what the NCAA did to Taylor. .Why would an organization like the NCAA not allow him to announce CAL games and be a HS coach.....Influence....simply put....That my friend is a fact and I don't see you disputing it?

BTW I do not see anywhere that DLS is recruiting anyone. Much like the passing academy they are providing instruction to the players to be the best they can be. It states there is no waiver of fee's to attend these camps and they are not only focused on football.
And Folsom didn't have their 5* (going to Alabama) offensive and defensive lineman when they played DLS, so don't use that crap, it has no bearing on 2014.

Also, DLS's arguably best ever player, DJ Williams, didn't even come from DLS's area. He was recruited and would have went to Grant had they not given him a free ride and handed his mom a job in the area. Talk about a bunch of BS!
So your saying when a school helps out a low income family with employment and a free education as well as increased recruiting exposure which can help player get a higher education it's "BS"????? I must say my friend that is the definition of ignorant. Smh
Such mis-information. I looked it up btw, you should feel free to do the same before posting nonsense. . . . .Apples and Oranges. A number of area coaches participate in the Passing Academy:

Undue Influence is defined as
"Undue influence is any act, gesture or communication (including accepting material or financial inducement to attend a CIF member school for the purpose of engaging in CIF competition regardless of the source) which is performed personally, or through another, which may be objectively seen as an inducement, or part of a process of inducing a student, or his or her parent(s)/guardian(s)/caregiver, by or on behalf of, a member school, to enroll in transfer to, or remain in, a particular school for athletic purposes. B. A student shall become ineligible for CIF competition and shall be penalized

This is what undue influence looks like:

The difference is that the coaches at the passing academy are running the camp to help train area athletes to improve their passing skills. Then send them back to their schools better trained. They do not recruit the kids at the academy. The passing academy has been going many years now . . . .all of the Folsom QB's have been from Folsom.
Feedback, Might want to dial back on the "all of the Folsom QB's have been from Folsom" Jake Browning was from Granite Bay and attended Troy Taylor's passing academy since he was 10... there is an adage about glass houses and stones that comes to mind...
Feedback, Might want to dial back on the "all of the Folsom QB's have been from Folsom" Jake Browning was from Granite Bay and attended Troy Taylor's passing academy since he was 10... there is an adage about glass houses and stones that comes to mind...

Jake was born in Granite Bay. Unfortunately, like a lot of kids, his youth wasn't like Ozzie & Harriet. As parents and step parents find their way, kids are impacted. Jake started playing football as a Jr. Bulldogs and finished as a Bulldog. No glass house, simply private family matters in a house with curtains that creepers want to peek through.
Next year SFL bye weeks change. Folsom should get Del Oro's week 8 spot. This is the spot Del Oro played DLS. Folsom can easily schedule that game. Leo Lopoz is waiting for your call. G61, maybe you should call Mr. Lopoz yourself.

Undue influence. Had to laugh when you pull into the Jr. Bulldog parking lot and they have the first spot reserved for Chris Richardson. Jr. Bulldogs do not play at Folsom High they play at a local park. I was involved with youth football for 5 years in the East Bay. The program was one of the closest feeder programs to DLS. Never once in 5 years did I see a De La Salle coach at a youth game. I know G61 is going say that Richardson's kids play for the Jr. program. Do all parents of the Jr. Bulldog program get a reserved parking spot at a public park?
I could rattle on about players not from Folsom over the years but it really doesnt matter. You first have to build a winner and then they come....recruiting not required.....and who in their right mind would turn down a 5 star player willing to make a move??? What bothers me is guys who deny it happens.....
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Jake was born in Granite Bay. Unfortunately, like a lot of kids, his youth wasn't like Ozzie & Harriet. As parents and step parents find their way, kids are impacted. Jake started playing football as a Jr. Bulldogs and finished as a Bulldog. No glass house, simply private family matters in a house with curtains that creepers want to peek through.
Wood, I have no problem with Browning's choice please do not assume otherwise. The kid started at Folsom as a 9th grader and by all accounts is a great kid. I respect any families choices and the success of the program from the Jr. Bulldogs up to the Folsom Bulldogs is something that should be admired. I just found the "all of the Folsom QB's have been from Folsom" to be a bit amusing. BTW he still lists his hometown as Granite Bay
Undue influence. Had to laugh when you pull into the Jr. Bulldog parking lot and they have the first spot reserved for Chris Richardson. Jr. Bulldogs do not play at Folsom High they play at a local park. I was involved with youth football for 5 years in the East Bay. The program was one of the closest feeder programs to DLS. Never once in 5 years did I see a De La Salle coach at a youth game. I know G61 is going say that Richardson's kids play for the Jr. program. Do all parents of the Jr. Bulldog program get a reserved parking spot at a public park?

If you attended a game, you know that parking is at a premium. That's why the VIP spaces are sold at silent auction as a fundraiser before the season, available to the highest bidder. You too are welcome to bid for a spot next year if you'd like to support the Jr. Bulldogs.

FYI, your VIP parking pass won't be valid this weekend as they play at the High School on Saturday. As Livermore Park, where they usually play, is a shared use facility with the Vista Jr. Eagles program who will be hosting playoffs for their league this week. I believe the Jr. Eagles have a similar VIP available too so you may want to donate there also?

P.S. It's Kris

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Wood, I have no problem with Browning's choice please do not assume otherwise. The kid started at Folsom as a 9th grader and by all accounts is a great kid. I respect any families choices and the success of the program from the Jr. Bulldogs up to the Folsom Bulldogs is something that should be admired. I just found the "all of the Folsom QB's have been from Folsom" to be a bit amusing. BTW he still lists his hometown as Granite Bay

The comment re: Folsom QB's being from Folsom was a call to discredit the statement. Like most things (since Folsom has been experiencing some success) it was intended to cast doubt. If accuracy is the ultimate goal, Grossart and Grave(s) were all born and raised in Folsom. Tanner Trosin moved from the Rosemont area to Folsom when he was in 3rd grade. Jake Jeffries has attended Folsom schools from K, but was not born in Folsom.

Jake started with the Jr. Bulldogs long before 9th grade (I believe this was after a Jr. Pee Wee Championship - the kid on the R went on to Jesuit) and yes he was born in Granite Bay so he lists it accurately as his hometown. My son plays in South Dakota and lists LaPorte, IN (where he was born) as his hometown, despite playing 4 years for Folsom HS and 2 yrs for the Jr Bulldogs.
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Wow. This thread has seriously derailed.

Unless a program or coach is known to openly recruit (not the case here that I am aware of) what does it matter where these kids were born or where they used to live? It doesn't.

Every school has had student athletes come to them from areas outside their borders. Every. Single. One.

Last I checked, this was a free country. If a student or their parents want to drive out of their way to send their children to a school they are more comfortable with -- for any reason -- I don't have a problem with it and don't believe anybody else should. IMO, the rules are already far too strict as it is. But they do exist. But they can also be circumvented. Again, I have no problem with it.

The only thing I do have an issue with, and I believe this to be the true for most, is coaches/boosters openly recruiting kids. That kind of behavior shouldn't and isn't tolerated. But if a kid and his family see a really good school with a successful program across town and want to go there -- they should be permitted to do so without criticism.

Circling back to Folsom, since they are the flavor and topic of the day, they aren't the only school to see this type of thing happen. Cordova, Grant, Del Oro, Granite Bay, Oak Ridge, Nevada Union .. the list goes on and on. When you are highly successful, there will always be a faction of kids that want to be a part of it. Like success, it's all cyclical.
The comment re: Folsom QB's being from Folsom was a call to discredit the statement. Like most things (since Folsom has been experiencing some success) it was intended to cast doubt. If accuracy is the ultimate goal, Grossart and Grave(s) were all born and raised in Folsom. Tanner Trosin moved from the Rosemont area to Folsom when he was in 3rd grade. Jake Jeffries has attended Folsom schools from K, but was not born in Folsom.

Jake started with the Jr. Bulldogs long before 9th grade (I believe this was after a Jr. Pee Wee Championship - the kid on the R went on to Jesuit) and yes he was born in Granite Bay so he lists it accurately as his hometown. My son plays in South Dakota and lists LaPorte, IN (where he was born) as his hometown, despite playing 4 years for Folsom HS and 2 yrs for the Jr Bulldogs.
Relax big boy. You are jumping to some big conclusions here. I will chalk it up to you having a bad day
My apology if the parking spot was purchased as a fundraiser. G61 can certainly bring out the worst in a lot of us. I guess I am a little surprised that a comment about a parking spot can get a response yet 2 years of G61 disrespecting coaches and programs ranging from SFL teams to DLS has never got one response from anyone at Folsom telling him to shut up. Folsom will get respect when they give respect. One thing De La Salle learned early on is to keep their house in order on the field and off the field. It is not uncommon to see the Spartan faithful tell a supporter that they are out of line and to stop speaking for the program. Last week vs Del Oro, DLS pulled starters in the third quarter. They were not out to put up 60+ points to quiet any critics with a crazy thought of Folsom deserving the Open bid. DLS did what was right and that is why they are respected. It would sure go a long way to occasionally see an ounce of respect coming out of the Folsom program.
My apology if the parking spot was purchased as a fundraiser. G61 can certainly bring out the worst in a lot of us. I guess I am a little surprised that a comment about a parking spot can get a response yet 2 years of G61 disrespecting coaches and programs ranging from SFL teams to DLS has never got one response from anyone at Folsom telling him to shut up. Folsom will get respect when they give respect. One thing De La Salle learned early on is to keep their house in order on the field and off the field. It is not uncommon to see the Spartan faithful tell a supporter that they are out of line and to stop speaking for the program. Last week vs Del Oro, DLS pulled starters in the third quarter. They were not out to put up 60+ points to quiet any critics with a crazy thought of Folsom deserving the Open bid. DLS did what was right and that is why they are respected. It would sure go a long way to occasionally see an ounce of respect coming out of the Folsom program.

It wasn't Kris responding, it was Tony Wood (me). Simply corrected the original spelling as a note. To the best of my knowledge, none of the coaching staff read or post on the board (I would assume most smart coaches don't)

I personally have done my best to not post for a couple of years. It was fun when Folsom was "improving", but I reached an epiphany somewhere along the way. I believe the younger kids summarize it best as "haters gonna hate".

I had, for years, watched as DLS was attacked for everything from quick snaps to recruiting and assumed it was just sour grapes from beaten opponents. It appeared that some DLS supporters would go to their grave in denial of any wrong doings, others were just kids spouting off. Either way the conversations weren't constructive in any way shape or form. Simply keyboard cowboys showing their machismo from the security of a fake name and a comfy keyboard.

Once Folsom started winning, I began to understand DLS's position a little better. Regardless of what you do, how much you win, how many great kids (not just football players) you turn out, people will find fault with it. And when you near the top, the shots from below just become more random, without provocation or a shred of truth. One of the keyboard cowboy's typed it, so it must be true.

I would love to find a forum full of posters that talked positively about their team. Told stories of their kid's successes and congratulated those competitors that played well, win or lose. After figuring out the "ignore" button for the worst of those posters, this forum is almost enjoyable to read. But I see a good volume of "ignored content" notes to know that the atmosphere hasn't changed, just that my rose colored glasses are working. Haters ARE gonna hate.

I don't know G61. And while I will leave it to the keyboard cowboys out there to debate and draw conclusions about and between the coaching staffs and programs, I am proud of every comparison (no matter how ridiculous) between Folsom and DLS.

There was once a time when, if DLS and Folsom were in the same sentence, it must have been a wrestling discussion! I have spent enough time around the program to know (and I have to assume the same is true of DLS based on what I see) that the kids and coaches work their tails off to have the successes that they have, playing with their neighbors and friends, whomever is put in front of them on the field. This is all new to Folsom and as the smart posters will point out, it changes every year. Folsom has built the program from the MMs through the high school and I hope that means that the trend continues for the foreseeable future but there are no guarantees.

DLS has maintained a level of excellence over a period of time that is unmatched. Like I said, it is an honor to be involved in the same discussions. They have earned that respect and unfortunately the scrutiny that comes with it. I'll leave the fault finding and criticism to others, because yes, haters ARE gonna hate.
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^^ Well done, Tony.

We may not always agree, but I wish more members of this site were like you. Civil. Articulate. To the point. No agenda. No trolling. Just giving a honest opinion and providing factual examples to explain your POV.

I agree with pretty much everything you outlined.
great post and I respect your opinion. There is no debating what Folsom has been able to accomplish. SJS teams should want Folsom to play and beat DLS. Unfortunately. that is not the case. DLS wins every year and teams are still calling them to schedule a game. I compare Folsoms approach more in line with Sanchez (UNLV, Bishop Gorman, Cal High) . Teams did not like scheduling his teams because the way he went about his business. Last year Folsom was leaving starters in and running up scores and that is not what high school athletics is or should be about. The Oceanside coach is one of the most respected coaches in the state. He was angry after the SBG for a reason. Folsom is going to win because they are loaded with tallent and have strong coaching. where I think they fall short is winning with class, character and sportsmanship. G61 certainly does not help them. Craziest thing is G61 knows football. He does not need to take the approach he does to contribute to these boards.
great post and I respect your opinion. There is no debating what Folsom has been able to accomplish. SJS teams should want Folsom to play and beat DLS. Unfortunately. that is not the case. DLS wins every year and teams are still calling them to schedule a game. I compare Folsoms approach more in line with Sanchez (UNLV, Bishop Gorman, Cal High) . Teams did not like scheduling his teams because the way he went about his business. Last year Folsom was leaving starters in and running up scores and that is not what high school athletics is or should be about. The Oceanside coach is one of the most respected coaches in the state. He was angry after the SBG for a reason. Folsom is going to win because they are loaded with tallent and have strong coaching. where I think they fall short is winning with class, character and sportsmanship. G61 certainly does not help them. Craziest thing is G61 knows football. He does not need to take the approach he does to contribute to these boards.
Thanks for the compliment decoydan.

The only thing I take issue with is when you say Folsom was leaving in starters all game and running up the score. Jake Browning hardly ever played into the 4th quarter. Imagine the stats and scores if he did. Did he play into the 4th quarter in the SBG? Yes, he did. I am not one of the coaches so I cannot speak on behalf of them. But, I will say they could have put 80 on that team if they really tried to. Many of their scores were on fluke, long yardage plays. They were not slinging the ball 50 yards in the air to run up the score. DLS regularly beats teams by 60 without their starters in the 4th quarter. It was no different for Folsom this year.

As for this year. We are playing on house money, as I have said before. There was a great article in the bee last week talking about how Folsom has been able to sustain success in one of the toughest leagues in all of Norcal, without almost all of the key players from last year. What they have done is nothing short of remarkable. Could they beat DLS? Maybe. The odds would be with DLS, that is for sure. I am just as sad as everyone else that we never got to see those two titans play last year when it truly needed to happen.

We could debate all day and all night. The fact is Folsom will be around for a while. They have built a program. DLS has obviously been around forever. They aren't going anywhere. I look forward too many years of amazing football in the Norcal!



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