Taylor and Richardson Never came close to beating DLS and Doherty has already done that Twice…
C’mon, OC89, I know you’re really not naive and ignorant enough to compare the DLS teams Taylor and Richardson faced to the more recent DLS teams. Be real.
The Spartans have lost to NorCal opponents 5 times the past 2 seasons after not having previously lost for nearly 30 years. It ain't the same team or program and you know it.
Folsom's teams from 2014, 2015, 2017, and 2018 were far superior to any of their teams under Doherty so far and would have beaten the Spartans 2021 and 2022 teams too -- just like St. Francis, Serra, and St. Mary's-Stockton all did.
Conversely, Folsom's last 2 teams wouldn't have had a snowballs chance in hell of beating any of the Spartans teams Taylor and Richardson faced. I know you really know that too.
Lastly, regarding "Taylor and Richardson never coming close to beating DLS", you clearly were absent for the 2018 game or just chose to block it out. It was scoreless at half, with the controversial Ngata knee down at the goal line call costing Folsom a game-changing lead.
You lose a lot of credibility with comments like the one above.
That equals 4 double digit losses…. 🤣🤣
In one season? I thought not.
Clearly you didn't understand what I was saying. Try harder.
Great recruiters for sure which is why they are successful at the College level….
Better x's and o's coaches, too, which is why they are also at the college level (with Taylor now leading Stanford).
Doherty is a good HC. He did quite well at Sac Hi and was marginal at Whitney. But he's doing nothing at Folsom that dozens of other HC's around the section couldn't also do if handed the same set of circumstances. But none of them could build what Taylor and Richardson built from scratch, otherwise they'd have done so.
And make no mistake, Folsom's decade of dominance was sparked by Taylor's offensive system and ability to coach up QB's. They were winning before the influx of transfers from around the region and Nevada. Their system and winning ways is what started the influx.
And now Doherty reaps the benefits of that influx just as Max Miller did at Cordova and Alumbaugh does at DLS. But none of them could start it themselves.
Stop with the crazy talk.