It’s probably a crazy idea, but what if the SJS only used CalPreps ratings for their playoff structure? It would look something like this:
D1: Top 16 teams. No bye weeks. Week one of Playoffs: #16 at #1, #15 at #2, etc
D2: Next best 16 teams: #17 through #33.
D3: Next best 16 teams: #34 through #50.
D4: Next best 16 teams: #51 through #67.
D5: Next best 16 teams: #68 through #84.
D6: Next best 16 teams: #85 through 101.
Or: Same as above, except add an Open Division with Cal Prep's teams #1 through #4, and move Division 1 to teams #4 through #20, Division 2 to teams #21 through #37, and so on…
If two teams have the same CalPreps ratings, a coin flip would determine the higher seed, with the coin flip winner deciding if they prefer the higher seed or lower seed. If the same rating occured between #16 and #17, the coin flip winner would have the option of being the lowest seed in D1 or highest seed in D2. This would be a playoff system based only on competitive equity as determined by Cal Preps.
The other thing that would be interesting would be to put all 10 weeks’ scores for every high school in California or the USA for that matter that plays 11-man football and ask an AI engine like Chat GPT-4 to determine a ranking system. I’m sure it could be designed to even include player stats and if certain players were injured, etc.