NBA basketball travel


Board Regular
Nov 14, 2008
I know this topic is not forum-related, but I'm not sure who else with whom to discuss this.

The Bulls lost a FOUR-overtime game Friday night, and had a game in New York Saturday night. Bulls traveled to NY right after game, and arrived at their NY hotel at 4 am. Predictable results of game with the Knicks - a loss.

Would it not be better to
  • stay at home Friday night
  • sleep in one's own bed
  • have a good breakfast at home
  • travel Saturday morning
which would allow a rested team to arrive in NY, still with time to get in some shooting before the game?
The Warriors started doing this last year or the year before and many have credited their 'injury luck', at least in some part to this practice.
The Warriors started doing this last year or the year before and many have credited their 'injury luck', at least in some part to this practice.

However, I believe the Warriors traveled to Milwaukee right after their OT win in Boston, with same results that the Bulls encountered. So are Warriors generally traveling the day of the game?

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